This is the land of my forefathers... once was a field of rice, where my forefathers till the ground. Now, is the land for planes and of aircrafts... yet I still call it my beloved homeland... Loakan.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
“I am righteous and holy” vs. “I’m a sinner saved by grace”
To a person who receives Christ as his personal Lord and Savior; one who has received and believed that Jesus Christ is truly the Savior, through the blood that was shed for sin; and Lord whom we ought to obey and follow; both statements are true but must be careful on how we use each statement. I’ll probably explain the reasons later while let me talk first about “Righteousness.”
From the things that I have learned about righteousness, there are two things that I’ve understood. Righteousness is of course understood or defined as “the good or right things we do.” Now, in Christianity, there is what we call “imputed righteousness of Christ.”
Consider these verses as an explanation to what the phrase means:
Romans 4:3-6 (KJV) "For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works"
Romans 4:22-24 “And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was IMPUTED to him; But for us also, to whom it shall be IMPUTED, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead.”
2 Corinthians 5:21 “For HE HATH MADE HIM TO BE SIN FOR US, WHO KNEW NO SIN; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
Now, the verses explain that “Christ’ Righteousness” was placed on those who believe on Him, because Christ was pictured or made to become a sinner; when in fact, He is not, since He lived a righteous life. And we, who are sinners and supposed to be condemned to hell, have now the chance to claim that righteousness, through “Faith in Jesus Christ of Nazareth.” And that’s how gracious our God is. This is how “imputed righteousness of Christ,” I believe is explained.
Now, there is also what we call “Righteous living” which is commonly referred to how a Christian lives. This however is not the same as the “imputed righteousness of Christ” but mainly talks of our personal life being lived rightly in the eyes of men. And of course, as Christian, we don’t have yet what we call “the glorified body” but we are still in our own flesh, the tangible body which is still prone of doing sin. The “glorified body” is expected to be acquired by Christians after the so called “rapture” happens or the “snatching of the church.” Nevertheless, Christ has also given provisions to conquer and be victorious over sin, by continuously and daily committing and surrendering oneself to Christ by Faith, not in order to be saved, but an effect or result of our Faith in Christ.
Consider these verses:
Galatians 2:20 (KJV) “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”
Romans 12:1-2 (KJV) “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:1-2 explains that as Christians, we ought to surrender our bodies as living sacrifice, for I believe this is where God starts transforming and molding us toward holiness and righteous living and in effect following and doing the acceptable and perfect will of God. Apostle Paul’s statement in Galatians 2:20 also declares and states his understanding that he too is still in the flesh, therefore, in order to live accordingly to what God wills, he must die unto himself, and let Christ live in him. In a sense that all his desires, ambitions, and even his own ‘will’ is to be neglected and therefore dead with Christ and letting Christ’ mind, thought, and ‘will’ be the one in full-control. Of course, it’s not like a robot, simply controlled by a program or something. It’s just simply knowing and putting his focus on what Christ or God wants him to do and obeying it accordingly. And all these are also done through faith in Christ. This is God’s provision in order for His own to fully do right and live righteously in accordance to His word and principles.
God also gave promises for His own to claim to further have the power to say “NO” to sin. These verses can come to remembrance when temptation draws nigh.
1 John 4:4 (KJV) “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”
1 Corinthians 10:13 (KJV) "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."
And if we still fail? God provides forgiveness for His’ own. And that’s how gracious God is.
John 1:9 (KJV)
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
But of course, this doesn’t mean that we are free to do sin, since God is forgiving. No, that’s not how it works, because as one who is transformed from darkness into light, we no longer serve sin (Rom. 6:1-6). Therefore if we continue doing sin without the conviction of the Holy Spirit, that may mean we are not truly believers or followers of Christ.
Now having discussed, on how a Christian should live. This is where righteous living is measured and if Christians fail living righteously, our fellowship with God is cut off, but not our relationship as His child.
Now, where were we? I hope the 2 kinds of Righteousness are clearly understood. If not, try reading other books about it.. hehe! Or better yet read the whole Bible. Hehe! Anyway, as I was saying earlier about the two statements that they are true for a Christian, but must be declared in the right way.
The first statement “I am righteous and holy” is true, if we truly are Christians and we can declare this before the Father, through Christ Name. But to men who know not Christ, this statement is nullified, worthless and meaningless. For they will see us as hypocrite and liars, for in truth? We still can sin in this world. And if we declare this statement to men, we then become liars (I John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.). But if I may, we could change the phrase to better it as “I am righteous and holy through Christ’ righteousness.” That could give more meaning and understanding.
(edited... December 26, 2011)
Now, the other phrase “I’m a sinner saved by grace,” is quite a subject matter to some. They negate and go against such phrase. And actually I’ve read a post rebuking of using this phrase. With what I understood, the focus was about the word “sinner”. True! as Christians, we are no longer sinner in God’s sight. But to men, we can be perceived still as sinner, one who does wrong things. Some commentators believe that such statement gives a thought and freedom for Christians to continue to do sin or to continue to be bound to sin and not under grace. As for me, I do not see that. But giving a second thought about the statement, I ask myself, “is it possible for one to be misled?” It is probably possible, if one truly have not understood the real meaning of “being saved by grace.” An unbeliever has no reason to say this statement, but at some point to an unbeliever hearing this word, may also give a reflective question to ask question what the statement means, giving opportunity for the gospel to be proclaimed and explained. This statement maybe damaging if the statement intensifies one to continue to do sin, but if it intensifies the meaning of grace in his life would it be something profitable? But anyway having been read another post about this matter.. I like the correction to it... by stating the phrase in this manner... "I WAS a sinner, saved by grace."
Monday, December 19, 2011
Loakan Baptist Church (LBC) 55th Anniversary and Christmas Cantata 2011
LBC Men presenting a skit with the goal of making people laugh... hahaha! Just to show they too can laugh... and laught hard indeed..... and also shows they too are approachable if you need guidance or help... PLEASE BE WARNED BEFORE WATCHING THIS... This is not to offend anyone but just for laughs... as they say.. Laughter is the best medicine...
The LBC Hallelujah Quartet singing "Keep on the Firing Line" before hearing God's Word...
"A Great and Mighty Wonder" LBC Choir
"The Wonder of the Promise" LBC Choir
I don't know the title of this song....
Videos of the Christmas Cantata 2011 from Anna & Jay-jay :
A Great and Mighty Wonder - Tom Fettke
The Wonder of Promise - Tom Fettke
The Wonder of the Incarnation - Tom Fettke
The Wonder of the Heavens - Tom Fettke (NOT RECORDED?)
The Wonder in a Manger - Tom Fettke
The Wonder of the Star - Tom Fettke
The Wonder of the Gift - Tom Fettke
The Wonder of It All - Tom Fettke
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming
From my searches, several videos I too have viewed are not of the same belief and interpretation as what the book or the site I've recommended. At some point they may be logical, but nevertheless, it may be a very deceiving one. So beware! That you might not be deceived. Of course, I do not impose what to believe, but let the Holy Spirit convict us and reveal to us what we ought to believe. Let God do the work not us.
Here's a video I've seen which I believe is not an accurate interpretation. But it's good to know, so one could really compare different interpretation. Before watching these, I ask that you pray first and ask for God's guidance and wisdom.
Now, having watched that movie, listen to this preaching of John MacArthur, which explains a great deal why as Christians, we believe that Rapture will happen first before the Tribulation Period.
Now, these are just a few things to learn from, but I hope much more than learning and understanding these things, we are more ready when time comes.
A Christian Life Struggle
So what now if we are in the spiritual battlefield? Chances are we Christians should expect then battles to face. One of the common pictures of spiritual battle would be, when we are tried and tested like the Lord Jesus Christ in the dessert. Most often, these trials and testing would include physical matters and probably the cares of this world (power, fame, possessions, etc… you name it, Satan has it). But all these physical things have its expiry date. For it all ends still, with God (Ecc. 12:14). Jesus too warns us about this dreadful matter:
Matthew 16:26 “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”
Jesus, makes a point that what matters most is where the soul goes? Is it in the hands of the Father and of the Son (John 10:28-29)? Or, in a place prepared for the Devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41)? Now of course, we should know that those who are of Christ are those who have a relationship with Him… those who know, believe and understand Christ as their Lord and Savior (John 10:27-28). There are more verses that explain how to know Christ or how man can be saved from sin. But unless man would not believe nor understand nor have faith, it’s nothing more but words to them who hear it. For even Christ himself acknowledges that there are those who have ears to hear and eyes that see but does not come to understanding (Matthew 13:14-15). But if they do understand with their heart, then Christ shall heal them or save them.
Now back to the cares of this world, these are the things which definitely make the Christian life a real struggle. The fact that physical and spiritual things are of different… say… “worlds” and most often spiritual things are not ruled by our physical senses, it easily destroys a Christian’s focus which is supposed to be Christ. I remember one phrase “Remember Lot’s wife.” from Luke 17:32. It indicates or teaches a very much practical view of the physical and spiritual struggle. Lot’s wife chose the physical things rather than the spiritual things. How sad I often observe amongst us Christians, including me, in this kind of struggle, especially now we are in a critical world or should I say, “Critical economy” (hehe!). Just a glimpse of my personal struggle would be our everyday needs. Sometimes I catch myself always worrying about providing the needs of my family, taking note as well that I’m still single (Haha!) Oh well, not sure if you could get yourself in my position or shoes but probably best if one experiences being the bread winner or provider of a family, maybe then real understanding of the situation I’m explaining will be revealed. But I think it’s easy to understand if you simply observe other people who work hard and try to provide their needs.
Of course as a Christian, I shouldn’t worry, since I have a big God. =) … And truthfully, even with my unfaithfulness and doubts, God proves to be Faithful, Great and Good God. True, we would at times go through testing and trials, but as Christian we should always know God is always there. And the truth about this kind of struggle? Our problem is most often found in discontentment… It’s really quite an observation, how that cellphone nowadays have become more of a need, when these things weren’t a need before… life will go on even without these! Just a real big lie that feeds and consumes our own mind. TVs, gadgets and everything… all these are just but a real want and not a need.
Sometimes I really want to picture myself having only food, shelter and clothes. I’m sure my monthly income would be far more abundant and overflowing. And, probably, help much in the ministry. But then again, here come cars, diesels and gasoline. Oh well…. Truthfully these are the things that bind us and make Christian Life a struggle. And, that’s just a part. Nevertheless, may it be that we could always Hope in God and have rest, knowing that God is with us!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
2011 Ministries
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Me? A Writer?
Friday, November 11, 2011
New videos... from AFC Talent's Night...
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
More videos... delayed nga lang.. =)
close-up view for the "Hallelujah Quartet!"
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Updates on ministries in photos and in videos =)
Below are photos and pictures showing every ministry being done and may the Good Lord Jesus Christ be praised! And may the gospel of Christ continue to be proclaimed and planted in the hearts of those who hear His Word.
The Loakan Baptist Church Choir had a mini-concert last Sept. 18, 2011. Only 4 songs are recorded but 8 songs were sung. (If per chance other could
Introducing the "Hallelujah Quartet" on the process of being molded for the music ministry of God... Praying that they would continue on and be used by God as He wills! =)
Below shows a seminar held at Guesset to share music and teach about music and God to the young people of Apalan-Guesset.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
A Narrative Testimony of Ptr. Melchor Pitas
After my conversion, my life has changed. I feel joy in my life and there is hope in my life. I am so excited of my new found life! I started to read my Bible and pray. I too started to attend Bible study at our Aunt Helen’s house, when Pastor Dawal was still alive. Pastor Dawal held Bible study at our aunt’s house twice a week, where my brothers attended as well. I am the last who got converted amongst my siblings. I was in High School then when I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as my Personal Lord and Savior.
But as the years go by, after my High School life, I started to work. In my work, I came to a low point of my Christian life. My friends and relatives laugh at me, trying their best to convince me to go with them. Since I am not yet matured in my Spiritual life and because of being busy at work, I neglected to read my Bible and pray. I was persuaded to go with my barkadas and wasn’t able to control myself anymore. It continued for many years to the point that I am already ashamed to go to church. My life became worse and problems came, until my life became miserable. Pain, anguish and regret came to my life until I came to realize that I am guilty before God. So I started to find another job where I can run away from my barkadas and start a revival for my spiritual life. I cried and prayed to God and ask for forgiveness and direction.
When I recovered from my weaknesses, I now prayed for God’s leading in my life. But every time I go to church, it seems something is lacking in my life. There is a burden that God has given in my heart. So again, I prayed to God and committed my life to Him. When I committed my life to God, I started to read my Bible morning and evening. I now had a burden to go to Bible School. I asked my brothers for prayers and support, and other Pastor’s advice for this matter.
After 2 years of praying, the Lord has answered my prayer. I resigned from my job and went to Bible School for training. I enjoyed my life in Bible School and grew in my spiritual life. There I discovered that God wants me to be His servant, His worker. And because of that, I now have peace in my heart.
Things are so different now! God has given me the passion and burden to teach His Word; the strength to stand in the midst of trials and temptation; the joy of doing the ministry; the hope of His calling; and, the desire to live a Christ-like Character. As a servant of God, I experience His blessings in my life that I can’t explain. The Lord has strengthened my faith and I am now happy for revealing His will to me. He has also developed in me the concern towards spiritual matters. Thank God for preserving my life and calling me in the ministry. I believe with all my heart that this is His plan in my life. May the Name of the Lord be praised!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
1 Corinthians 2:14 “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
Now, discipleship, as we Christians know, is a process of which one is trained, taught and shaped towards a goal, Who is Christ. As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, we ought to fix our eyes on Him no matter what (Hebrews 12:2), and whoever we teach and train ought to do the same. And the things that we have learned of Him, we pass it to other young believers of Christ: the knowledge and character of Christ (2 Timothy 2:2) by the teaching of the mouth and especially by exemplifying with our lives.
I may have previously discussed and shared this topic before; But on my current situation? This issue has been bugging me for quite a while. Perhaps I could share a little background as to why I’m bugged with this topic.
As far as I know, discipleship takes time and even for a lifetime; as I have observed and noticed the young people before me; And of course, as I see discipleship make an impact onto myself and towards the new generation of young people. Character building doesn’t happen overnight. And, that’s what I’ve been putting in my mind concerning the young people I’m teaching or discipling, especially towards the young people of Loakan Baptist Church. But as I handle new young people of Apalan & Guesset (a mission point of Loakan Baptist Church, where my father is a missionary), discipling them seem to be an urgent task that must be fulfilled in just a few period of time. Why? Because of the urgency to preach the gospel to other places as well.
My father has a vision of reaching to more places and planting churches or the body of Christ on other places, like Beckel or Cubabeng; Whereas, I’m at a slow pace teaching and training the young people of Apalan and Guesset due to the fact that the place is almost an hour far away from home and more other factors which contribute to it. Other than that, I still handle Young Professionals (or Young Profs to be or still young people actually) of Loakan. So a question has been bugging me for quite some time: “How does one teach, train, lead, and shape young people or anyone in just a few period of time? One of which can stand firm in the battles of the Christian life?”
Perhaps, I’m worrying too much or too blinded to see what is more important or valuable when it comes to discipling or training new believers of Christ. But by this cause, makes me to seek God’s Wisdom over the matter. With much prayer, I do believe God has pointed me in the life of Apostle Paul and in relation to the one whom he disciples, Timothy. I do believe Apostle Paul, even with his missionary work, he was still able to teach and encourage the young Timothy, mostly with letters, and (if I’m right) Apostle Paul didn’t spent most of the time of his life with young Timothy. But, Apostle Paul still became one of Timothy’s discipler. In fact, Timothy’s grandmother and mother, Lois and Eunice, also has a big part discipling young Timothy (2 Tim. 1:5). In other words, God has a way by which His child would grow in accordance to His will. And, as on our part as Christians, is the willingness and availability to reach out and help others to keep our eyes on the Author and Finisher of our Faith.
Further than these truths, is that of which I have been discussing earlier. The Holy Spirit’s part in teaching Christians of whatever Christ has taught His people.
John 14:26 “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”
We have the Holy Spirit and of course God’s Word, the testimony of Christ, to teach us and instruct us as we daily live as Christians. These are all gifts God has provided to enable us to continue growing in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Therefore, as for us who teach and preach the Word of God, let us do so continue to lead people to know Christ as their Master or Lord and Savior; Continue to teach them whatsoever Christ has commanded us and Lo His presence will never leave us even those that believe on Christ Jesus.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The start of a church
Having been asked by my father to write a covenant-like or a commitment form for the Apalan-Guesset believers, I sought to search and look for examples of such in the internet. And lo, I found some great examples. But more than a church covenant, included were churches’ bylaws or constitution. And it hit me; mostly we are not reminded of our church’s bylaws or constitution. I remember too, my father spoke of this thing before which is one of the important matters especially within a local church. For bylaws and church constitution is one of which a local church could be guided accordingly or to set things in order within the local church. I believe, for so many years the Baptist denomination has been practicing this kind of procedures for the sake of order and direction (1 Corinthians 14:33, 40). Whereas some denomination, simply depend on God’s Word. True that God’s Word contains God’s laws and precepts, but there are certain gray area that needs to be attended (e.g. drinking of wine or eating of meat with blood) or when believers does not agree on certain actions or circumstances, as well as the procedures of what we call “Church Discipline”. And these and more other reasons are why Church bylaws or constitution is needed within a local church. Anyway even inside a family such understandable, explicit and clear rules should be set to make things in order or else chaos will rule over it. But of course such constitution should still be based and founded in the Word of God.
Other than the church’s bylaws and constitution, I have been able to have some additional researches too on the church through the net. I tried to know more and as it may be good or bad, the internet is a risky place to acquire knowledge about the church. Why did I say that? Because every others or even scholar’s perspective, opinions, interpretaions and teachings about the church can be viewed / read just typing in the “church” word in the internet browser, which makes me very confused on understanding more of the church. I’m not a bible scholar but I’m a Christian who needs to learn more about the foundations of the Christian faith. But since I was more confused reading from internet websites and their definitions and everything, I think it would be best to stick to the Word of God, the Bible.
But perhaps I ought to explain further on why I’m a bit confused. I remember my father spoke about the church in Apalan & Guesset. The Church he explained was taken from the Greek word “Kuriakos”, which means, “The Lord’s” whereas others would define church from the Greek word “ecclesia” (or actually originated from Latin), which means “called out ones.” Whereas, others say the word “ecclesia” cannot be interpreted as “church” but should be interpreted as “assembly” or “congregation.” Totally confusing indeed for one has to go back to the original languages from which the Bible or the Word of God was written, to really know which is which. But nevertheless I do not desire to confuse you. For whether the church, assembly or congregation word is used, I think how it is defined or what does the Word of God really says about it is much more important.
So many years have passed already, and I don’t think I could have an easy access on the original manuscript of the Bible, the Scripture, or the Word of God and even if I had an access, interpreting it would be very difficult. But having Faith on the Lord Jesus Christ and with faith on the teaching of the Holy Spirit and holding unto Christ’ promise in Matthew 24:35 that His word shall not pass away, we know, Christ is the Head of the church, and the church is the body of Christ (I Cor. 12). The church is not the building but the people who have the same Faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, and of whom the Holy Spirit indwells. We assemble ourselves and fellowship amongst ourselves to edify (build) and exhort one another (Heb. 10:25). And fulfill two ordinances taught by Christ, which is Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper or Communion. But far more than these is the Great Commission given to us, which is to preach and teach the gospel of Christ, that men may repent and know Christ as the Only Way of Salvation (Matthew28:19-20).
The Book of Acts is a great book where we could find a great picture of what the church or assembly or congregation of Christians were before and what they were doing in the Name of Jesus Christ. And in those days were the days of the Roman Empire. Christians were oppressed, tried, ridiculed and mocked. The disciples put to death or hanged whereas believers were also tortured, burned and fed to lions for the sake of Christ. But these days? We rarely see that. In the Philippines, we are free to gather ourselves and worship our God and sing praise to the Lord Jesus Christ. The only problem though is that we are confused with so many tactics the enemy throws at us. Many teachings or philosophies of man have infiltrated the Christian Faith and beliefs that many are so deceived and confused to which is true. Even Christ Himself declared such things could happen, that even professing Christians could actually be false Christians (Matthew 7:21-23). And how do we know who are the true Christians? You know them by their fruit (Matthew 7:20)!
Christ declared Himself as Truth, as Life, and as the Way (John 14:6)! He is to be our Goal, our Price, therefore we ought to set our focus only on Him (Phil. 3:14). He is to be our Lord, our Master and Our Savior. Christ gives a definite answer, that those who does the will of the Father is an evidence of the true and genuine Christian (Matthew 7). Which even James explains further that “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:20). But take note, these verses doesn’t imply that in order to get saved means to do good works. It simply implies that a true Christian, who is saved by grace through faith, has a life which gives an evidence or proof of his faith. Your changed life is the evidence! And this is how you test and know who are truly Christians and even know the true Servants and Laborers of the Lord.
All these pictures what a church or congregation of Christ should be. The problem is “Are we doing what we are supposed to do as a church? Or, as a body of Christ?” I believe or most often, we Christians tend to forget our goal as a church. And so contented on the kind of church we are. The trend of professing Christians today is that they come to church, hoping to be blessed and receive God’s bountiful grace, mercy and love. Then, go home and do the usual life we live. Nay, that’s not the real reason why Christ died. He came to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10) and gave to the church the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Christ did not save Christians just to be blessed but also to be made to be by His side, against the enemy within a spiritual battle (Eph. 6:12). We are saved to make war against the kingdom of Satan (Matthew 16:18) and to bring people to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. These are the reasons why the church exists and Christ’s promises and blessings will follow.
As the Day of the Lord draweth nigh, genuine Christians ought to wake up! As God’s Word and the Book of Revelations, little by little being fulfilled, Christians ought to watch, pray and do the will of the Father. There are so many groaning individuals out there, crying and desiring to know the Only Way, Jesus Christ and we are His messengers sent by Christ (John 20:21). And, the question remains, “What are we doing?"
Monday, June 13, 2011
Wow! Something New to me =)
Most often we are not educated nor have been reminded always of these things as part of the Church....
Monday, May 30, 2011
My Failure…
Being part of my Father in heaven and my father’s ministry, seeking the lost and leading them to Christ has truly made a big impact in my heart. My heart is stirred by the great need to share the gospel and to make clear of the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, which nowadays are given much less meaning or importance. Although I still have the desire of discipling and teaching young people, I have failed to give notice that discipleship starts with bringing first one to Christ and making sure one have truly made a decision to fully surrender everything to Him, making Christ His Lord, His Master and His Savior. I have also failed to realize or to understand that discipleship is much effective when the Holy Spirit works in the life of the one who is truly saved and sanctified. Yes, teaching and discipling is one of the important issues on Christian life, but to fail to realize that God works and is the one who truly molds and completes one person through the working of the Holy Spirit, we are consumed by all effort we do just to disciple a single person (Philippians 1:6).
I’m not sure if I’m making my point here clearly understood, but the bottom line that I wish for Christian disciplers to understand is that, it is God Who completes the work of discipling and not us. God uses us as instruments to teach and make a big impact in the lives of men and women, but God is the one Who works in the heart of men, for in the heart dwells the will of man that no one can change but God alone. As for us Christians, we ought to preach and teach the Whole Principles of God, with the Word of God and earnestly praying for them whom we disciple that the Holy Spirit may work in their hearts. But the most important thing before these things happen is that we ought to make sure that the Holy Spirit indwells them whom we disciple, of course by leading them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. For its useless to disciple when we are discipling people not of God but still a children of the enemy, Satan.
Truly it is a great battle when it comes to the souls of men. Probably explains why it’s so hard to reach and share the gospel of Christ. But of course this shouldn’t be an excuse for us to retreat. It’s not an excuse for me to stop hoping, pursuing and desiring to share the gospel of Christ to all those that surrounds us. It won’t be truly easy as the Lord says in John 15:20 “Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.” But Christ’s words also promises that with our effort to share the gospel and His Word, there will be fruits and there will be those who will hear and keep Christ’s sayings.
Oh may it be that our failures not blind us nor bind us from pursuing what is most important we could ever pursue as Christians. That is seeking the lost and sharing to them the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Missin’ the Old Folks
With our visit at Minac, memories seem to be remembered. Not only mine but mostly of those who came and celebrated the anniversary of Minac Biblical Baptist Church. I have no real full recollection of the church there, but the people who helped, ministered, sacrificed and gave their life for that church to be established were remembered, honored as well as recognized. My father was one of them as well as Ma’am Rebecca and Ptr. Pat Eslao. There were others as well who helped, like Ma’am Jona Cosil (not sure the name spelling..=) ) but through their ups and downs, their hardships, their stories were told. One of those remembered were Ptr. Nick Cawaon and Auntie Anita, who are now with the Creator in heaven. Ptr. Dawal was also mentioned and many more… Most of them, my father worked with, hand-in-hand, especially with Ptr. Nick Cawaon, as where my father ministered to, his handiwork can also be seen. And most of them of whom my father worked with are now with the Lord. Definitely a time of remembering and missing them as well.
Just hearing their stories, as well as the stories of whom they ministered to, it was a blessing. It was heart-warming hearing ma’am beck share her story of going not only in Minac but also in Bisal with ma'am Jona, walking for hours on a steep and dangerous pathway, just to teach a lot of kids, eagerly waiting to hear stories of the Bible and get to know Christ. I've heard also the stories of my father, how he ministered in that place, at a young age (perhaps 20s), traveling along with other young people of Loakan, going through rocky and dusty road and going home late at night. It was indeed precious memories, for blood, tears, and sacrifices were made just for the sake of the gospel of Christ.
Sadly noted, that these days, the workers or laborers of Christ (not all of course), seem to seek more of convenience and comfort in the ministry of God; So few seem to lay their life just for the sake of preaching the gospel of Christ. I know at some point i feel awkward saying this for my father almost sacrificed us his family, forsaking us, just for the sake of the ministry. But I understand and know why. I understand that because of it, it was my mother who became the bread winner of our family and has been the bridge for us, their children, to finish our studies. I know, it may have made me bitter over my father, but nevertheless, I first have known Christ as my Lord and my Savior, the reason why I understand why things had to be done. But I'm probably sure that if I have not known Christ, it would be so different. And so having Christ as my Lord and Savior, even at our darkest moments, I had to trust in God no matter what. It may seem as foolishness to men, but trusting God is the only place where I could truly find rest, solace and peace; and doing the Will of God and obeying Him no matter the cost is the sole purpose of why we Christians are still here. And the greatest motivation why we do this, is because of the Love of God dwelling within us. (I John 4:7-8)
And now, as I help with the ministry my father has, a question troubles me. What is indeed the will of my Father in heaven for me? Seeing my father, growing old and that his strength no longer matches his strength when he was young, I look to myself and ask "Am I going to succeed my father?” All along I know my God has led me to be His servant, by means of helping in the ministry and not through being a pastor or full-time worker. People seem to expect that I would succeed him on what he does, as an evangelist. But surely I cannot see that in me. I see myself more of a discipler and a teacher of the Word of God. And that through my life, living as a true & genuine Christian, I can portray and declare the Word of God, not because of my own strength or my own will or anything that I possess, but through the grace of God, He has given upon me. All my life, I’m pointing to Christ (just ain't sure if it's working though). Showing that Christianity is about following Him and His will, truths that seem to be twisted or neglected. The Christian name seems to be only a name and not a life lived and declared. Christianity before is far from the Christianity now. As now, it has become only about rituals, habits, activities, methods, outward appearances and nothing involved about the life-changing, life-enabling, life-empowering, life-molding toward the Lord Jesus Christ. This has been my sole purpose of living, to declare Christ through my life and if it be, to bring back what Christianity is all about. But as far as being a full-time worker or pastorate is concerned, I don't know. But if God leads me, so shall I obey. All I know is God is at work in me. For the challenge for me to take is to disciple and teach young people in Apalan-Guesset. Leading them towards Christ. And not only about Spiritual matters but also physical matters must I face. Like learning the language which I should've learned from the very start, the Ibaloi tongue. As well as learning different skills, I must learn. There are a lot of things to face: things I need to learn, trust to earn, and lives to make an impact and to direct towards the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s all new for me and I know I’m no longer on my comfort zone. And surely, it will truly be a long spiritual struggle or battle but it will also be an avenue once again for God to work in me and my family. And for this may all glory be His!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Post-Cantata at DMMMSU, Bacnotan, La Union
Here are the videos taken. =)
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Only few listened to the songs and the preaching of the Word but hopefully God has indeed planted a seed that will make a great impact on those who has heard it. All Glory belongs to Him alone!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
My first in the Land of Promise in the Philippines
But far than my appreciation and delight of the place are the lessons I’ve learned and experiences I probably won’t forget. One of the experiences I won’t ever forget was my first flight. At first the plane flew up and up and up, I truly felt the change of height. It was just like riding an elevator going up. And then in a few minutes the pilot announced that the plane would experience turbulence within a few minutes. Experiencing the turbulence was kind’a bothering at first, for it felt like the plane is nearly falling apart. Nevertheless, I placed my full trust in my God, that whatever His will is, so be it. I was ready for whatever would happen. Suddenly I heard whispers around me. I couldn’t understand the whispers but it can be heard. And then, I felt some kind of a migraine or a bad headache. It felt like my nerves in my head were growing bigger or something. It felt like my head was gon’na explode. I took hold of my head trying to deal with it. But while experiencing the pain, the agonizing headache, I suddenly noticed the turbulence seems to be not stopping; my companions closed their eyes, not even bothered to notice me having a headache. In addition, the whispers grew stronger, and can be clearly heard. They were praying! They were calling the name of Mary, the mother of Jesus! They were probably praying the rosary. It was a sign, people were panicking, whereas, I was more concerned on the pain I’m experiencing. We even felt the plane falling, then up again, as if the plane was going to crash. And the prayers continue to grow stronger. They were chanting, “Mary… mother of god… pray for us… Jesus….” and I could hear it clearly. At some point, I’m reminded of a verse or a song by Steve Green… saying “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the Name of the Lord our God,” which could be found in Psalm 20:7. This is just a reminder that people trust in many things but as Christians we should only put our trust in God, knowing as well that if God has a plan for us, He will put us to safety. It’s a sad note though, that people who knew not Christ are living in fear and taking their refuge in a sand castle.
For almost 15 – 20 minutes of turbulence, the pilot then announced that the plane will now go back to NAIA, due to a technical problem on the plane. Hearing that announcement, I saw my sister Kristine open her eyes, then, followed by the others, which then allowed Ptr. Lemuel to notice me having a headache. He gave me a pain killer after that. That was one unforgettable ride.
As for the lesson I’ve learned, I’ve learned that in every relationship, not only in a man-woman relationship, but in every kind of relationship, like friendship, communication is a very much substantial factor to make relationships work. I may have not to be detailed on this lesson I’ve learned, but perhaps it’s just part of reality that happens in every circumstances. It’s been long that I have been with my friends. And I know them, their weaknesses and their strengths; but of course not everything. But with my friend Joffer’s wedding, somehow things went not as what we’ve always expected. If I may give a little glimpse, we are so used in organizing, moving or doing things in our own perspectives, especially when it comes to special event. Now, Joffer’s wedding is truly a special and big event, we hope not to mess up and we would like to do all our best to make it a wonderful event. But the case is that, we are not tasked to do the task of preparing and organizing it. Because of this, we made our own ways in helping brother Joffer. The bad thing about what happened is that we went our own ways and the network of Globe Telecom had a frustrating problem, we weren’t able to communicate well with others. Night before Joffer’s wedding, we were seeing, like nothing was happening and that, what we were expected to do, we failed to do. We soon started blaming one another and our weaknesses have been unfolded becoming offensive to others. It felt so bad I could not picture what would happen on my friend’s wedding day. Nevertheless I took time to pray and ask God for His leading. Nearly midnight came, I had to talk to my friends and talk them out as to what to do. We made plans and set our minds to help in any way we could. After this, we asked Ptr. Joshua to pray. And as soon as we woke up, we did as we had to do. And as the wedding started and finished, still God blessed it as I see it. It was definitely a special day for my friend who was married that day, an interesting event indeed. I couldn’t imagine what God was thinking or was planning, but surely I know God wanted me to learn something, and I hope my friends also learned something.
After that day, a question bothered me. “What if I choose not to have friends?” It was a mere question as I am angered by my friends’ actions and attitudes. The truth? I am capable of being alone, with God alone as my friend. But is it still worth having friends when we dislike people’s character, personality or attitude? And if I may ask you who reads this note, “What will your response be?” As far as human nature is concerned, it is easy to conform to the thought that “if you don’t like it, then leave it!” kind of thought. But, if I would think of Christ, He always reminds of His sacrifice, His love, His compassion and His laid-down life for His friends; such unconditional love indeed. And because of this, as one of His own, it’s still worth having friends even with their weaknesses and flaws, simply because Christ Himself has done the same thing toward me. But of course this doesn’t mean when a friend sin, we simply forget, but it’s a challenge to put them back in the right road as they are supposed to be.
Friendship, such a precious relationship! If you choose to have it, make sure you have these factors to make it work: Love, Forgiveness, Communication and Humility. I may not say it all, nevertheless, look to Christ. He’s the best example of portraying the kind of Friendship we could ever have.