Thursday, May 30, 2013

Blessed to be a blessing!

One of the songs reminds me of this, and the song goes like this... "We've been blessed to be a blessing; we've been loved to give His love..." It's a simple reminder for those of us who are called His own, God's own. Even God's Words remind and challenge us of this very thing. 

Genesis 12:2 "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:"
2 Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:"

God has indeed designed and planned us, who is His, to be a blessing not just to enjoy the blessing He bestows. But before we go further, it might be best for us to understand what "blessing" really means. For others, it means a simple prayer or like giving permission to others esp. when one marries. But looking at the dictionary and basing it from what God's Word intended it to be is this: "A favor or gift (physical and/or spiritual) bestowed by God, thereby bringing joy and happiness." Usually, our perspective of a blessing is limited to physical or material aspects, when in fact, it's more than that. Our good relationship with other people, prayers answered by God, His provisions, His protection, etc. could be a form of blessings and worthy of enjoying and also shared. How? simply by showing that God is the source of it, pointing to Him as our source of abundant blessings and grace. Of course, physical or material things are the ones easily shared, but not, if we have a bitter and unforgiving heart.  

If one would understand the blessing that comes from God, we should also understand that a blessing or a "divine favor" is a gift. Not something that we worked for or even earned. Notice the two verses given and carefully studying it, we find that God gives blessing not because we worked for it, not because Abraham did something for the Lord. But one thing is certain, we should have a relationship with God, likened to a God to His people, Creator to His creation, or Father to His son. There should be a relationship toward God to further enjoy His blessings! Actually, even if we don't have a close relationship to the God Who created the universe, we could still enjoy His blessings but surely it is limited. Consider this verse, Matthew 5:45 "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." He even sends rain to the good and the evil, therefore allowing even those that are against Him enjoy His blessings. Nevertheless, we know that greater blessing is he/she that have a relationship with Him.

Furthermore, blessing is intended to really be shared. Remember, God loveth a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). One of God's nature is to give, to bestow blessings to His own, because God is Love  (I John 4:8). And, one description of God's Love is giving. But one thing to take note, not every giving can be an act of Love. There is a saying which goes like this, "You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving." The main point of giving or main point of sharing is actually love. True, divine and genuine Love surely will give, will share; For it does not think of himself (I Cor. 13:5). So, to us who have been loved and who have been given, are we not supposed to do the same to others?  Consider another story Jesus spoke of in Matt. 18:23-35, where the Master forgave a servant, yet this forgiven servant have not done the same to his own fellow debtors. Having heard what was done, the Master was angry at the servant, asking him the very same question "Have you not been forgiven, why can't you forgive?" Because of this the Master took him to prison again for he did not show the same compassion as his Master did unto him. Indeed, may we not do the same! 

A blessing is a gift and surely it is designed to be shared to others. Let us not be likened unto others simply enjoying the blessings we receive from God and yet don't share it to others; For we indeed are "blessed to be a blessing!"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The VBS Ministry 2013: "BugZone"

For so long years, alas! I got to experience or take part of the VBS ministry again.... I couldn't actually remember my last time of taking part on the VBS ministry... Although, I actually haven't fully been immersed into it, as I only was an Overseer of the VBS ministry that was held on three places (Apalan-Bingo-Guisset, Beckel & Gumatdang), where my father has been reaching out or church pioneering. But as I've said, I didn't get into the real battle or on the heat of the battle. Nevertheless, it's an awesome awestruck challenging with matching shocking disappointing but grateful still experience... Can't really define or describe what experience we had to go through... The whole three VBS was all-in-all AN EXPERIENCE.... and I can't fathom what I really feel right now... It's a mixture of many emotions, positive and negative...

Well, at first.... I hardly can imagine what should or would happen on a VBS event.. although I got the picture of what VBS is all about, the INs and OUTs was quite a mystery to me. Thank God, there are those people who has experiences into it. There was one who had experience but can't be in the field of it, instead, simply helped in planning and in decision making. That was Janice! and chose to pass on the responsible of being the director to new breed of young people (hehe!) namely, Rynelle and Liberty. The important thing was, they were willing to take the challenge and I was simply still in the figuring out stage.... 

Teachers and finances was the next stage of problem, therefore, we solicited and asked for available people. And, praise God there were those who responded to help! But we had to really also balance our personnel and financial status. To handle three (3) VBS was quite a big mountain for us! But we had to take the challenge and to start walking by Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, believing and trusting Him that He would lead us and provide our needs. We set our target number of kids for every place... Having previous VBS in Apalan-Guisset, we set our number from 40-50 kids, and having our first time of VBS in Beckel and Gumatdang, we set 30-40 and 20-30 kids respectively. 

Finances perhaps was the biggest worry, as our days were numbered. But thank God, He indeed provided as timely as He could be. Through His people and His church, He provided everything that was needed. With much gratefulness as well to those who were willing to take part through giving financial support, may God bless them continuously! 

The first VBS held in Guisset proved to be exciting, amazing and challenging seeing kids coming from distant places such as Apalan and Bingo, having probably 45 minutes to 1 hour of walking for kids.. such is a great reminder and challenge for the teachers... Young people from Guisset helped along with the young people from Loakan to take the challenge of teaching the kids in the area. The weather too was quite challenging, as the heat of the sun may have scorched us. Distance proved to be really challenging as the teachers visited the kids in the most farthest, Bingo and Apalan. There were about 37 kids as highest attendance and had 35 kids to end with.

VBS in Beckel was next, just after the three days (morning and afternoon) Guisset VBS. The challenge for the teachers was sickness and tiredness. As we had our Wednesday Prayer meeting in Beckel along with the teachers from Loakan, I sensed their tired body and also most of them got sick suddenly. Strangely enough, there were no nurse amongst us! Perhaps the days of nurses are gone or have passed away, soon to rise again... hehe! But again, Praise God as He sustained us all through out! Far more than this, God allowed us to reach about 43 kids as to be our highest number and ended with about 33-35 kids. After such a week of VBS, we had a break for a week before the next VBS in Gumatdang.

Then came, start of Gumatdang! Thank God, He allowed again to provide financial help for this VBS in Gumatdang. It felt like there was no funds to be used, but alas, still He touched people to give and to help. Rynelle wasn't able to come with us for this VBS, so Liberty had to take charge and additional help came, in person of Ruth and Feby. We had only 27 kids at first, but the very youngest prove to be exhausting and energy drainers... hehe! we had 11-12 3-5 year old kids having different kinds of personalities and interests. Most of them were very active ones. Furthermore, as God works in the area, so does the enemy strikes against us. It's really quite hard to be in the battle field of Christian life. But still, again, Praise God as He led us through finishing the VBS in Gumatdang.

All throughout the three VBS, I had some quite an experience. Though I personally did not teach or something, I had the opportunity to remind, challenge, rebuke and even encourage the teachers through our daily morning devotions. And, praying that indeed every word I've shared through God's Word are indeed a heart-changing or heart-breaking one for the Lord. 

Such indeed were the experiences... leaving such a trail to be seen and followed by younger ones and  leading to more challenges and bigger ones. And yet I know, God will always lead us through. 

Add'l info:

Guisset Teachers & Staff - (from Loakan) Lyndon, Rou Jay, Jericho, Shaira, Aljon, Donna, Liberty, Rynelle, Diana, Jeremiah, Roldan. (from Guisset & Boneco) Hazel, EJ Marie, Faith Ann, Hannah Mae, Kim, Georgie Yvette, Jhunalie and Raffellyne 

Beckel Teachers & Staff - (from Loakan) Rou Jay, Shaira, Donna, Liberty, Rynelle, Diana, Jeremiah, Roldan. (from Beckel) Rizal & Renneth
Gumatdang Teachers & Staff - (from Loakan) Rou Jay, Shaira, Donna, Liberty, Diana, Jeremiah, Ruth, Feby, Jericho, Roldan. (from Beckel) Rizal & Renneth. (Lyndon, Aljon & Rynelle came for the 3rd day)

Overseer: Roldan
Directors: Rynelle and Liberty
Secretary: Diana
For those who gave time, effort, finances, prayers, and any support not mentioned: Thank you very much! and May God continually bless you as you continue to be part or take part of His ministry! Glory be to God the Almighty! =)