Saturday, December 28, 2013

Being a Christian Example

These days, it seems such Christian examples are rare... so few and numbered. Sometimes I've a gut feeling they would be extinct in the near future... What am I talking about? What kind of Christian examples? I'm talking about mature Christians who knows and does the will of the Father... Although some would probably point to me pastors, bible woman, etc. They are not what I'm actually looking for or actuality who I'm really talking about. But of course they are possibly great examples, for that is one of their duties or responsibilities as being leaders of the church, but I'm looking for merely normal adults who simply are living the Christian life. Now don't get me wrong 'coz my perspective on someone who lives their Christian life are those who possesses not just a quality but a character and person worth following or making as such an example. I know we have Jesus as our greatest example and it is a dangerous thing to look at people as example due to the frailty of man and because of the curse of the flesh, nevertheless Christians are also called to be an example, I believe; Not only the leaders of the church. Anyway, all Christians are also called to be God's servant, not only pastors or teachers. Therefore, being an example is also a responsibility of all Christians.

1 Timothy 4:12
Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Furthermore, if you are a Christian, is it but natural that we seek someone to look at as examples? The Word of God gives us so many people who became great examples to learn from whether from bad examples or good examples... Of course we follow the good, the bad we do not but stay away from it. And when we tend to look for examples, too often we'd look for people who have the same situations or circumstances they've gone through as the same to ours. We don't look for examples that are totally far different circumstance from ours...

Now, here comes a big dilemma for Christians. Who amongst the Christians wants to be an example? Most likely the reaction would be "Oh, no no no no no no!" True that  we are indeed frail and most likely easy to falter esp. as new or beginning Christians. But if we've grown matured or learned to know and obey God's will, shouldn't we set as examples for the younger ones, the new generation?

We should! As apostle Paul encourages Timothy to be one, even at his young age. For a truth, the character of a person counts much! The worthiness of a person is very valuable. But if such character is marred and tainted, it loses its value. BUT, I also do believe in God's amazing Grace and Love, for He is the source of Grace and Mercy... How that even as sinful as David, still He called him to be a man after His own heart! It's a great reminder for us Christians that really, it's not about us, but it's ALL about God! It is He that enables us, it is He that perfects us, it is He that makes us worthy even if we failed Him so many times. If God chooses to use us in His ways, so shall it be done. If He wills, it shall come to pass.

But as I have said earlier, it seems in these times, such examples are few. Personally? I do find some people that I know, people of different status in life and circumstance, they become my examples of such a matured Christian, whether they serve in teaching or they serve in giving, they inspire me and give such a good example. Entails me to become a good example as well. But I know, I have lots of things to learn. But pressures and how the world works seem to be my biggest hindrance and challenge. Makes me wonder, how did these people got through? or how do they really deal with these things... And so it's hard to know, but then again we should seek the Lord and wait patiently for His revelation and leading.

Being an example... is it worth it? I do believe it is... but why too few Christians pursue it? Self tends to be the boss more than obeying the Father's will? It's hard? My sister shared the view of those she has been sharing with and most of them view it as a hard rough and difficult life. And to be honest, I think yes, they are right! To follow Christ is really hard, that even Christ Himself has stated it (John 15:20). But if we Christians should think about it, why then call ourselves Christians? Is it just for the sake of being saved? Truth is, if we really say we are Christians, a follower of Christ and yet do not do the Father's will, are we not just fooling ourselves? or making the "Christian" name just a name and not a reality? Or aren't we worthy to be called a "false Christian" if we do so? I do not wish to accuse, but I wish that we put in place our perspective on what Christianity is really all about.

True, we have the flesh still upon us which really hardens the life that we ought to live... but God has also given us the Spirit! He has given Himself! and it greatly gives me a question, how that we continue to still depend on the flesh more than the Spirit? Well, maybe because there is too few examples of people to look at and know that living or walking with the Spirit IS possible. Well? That's one of my thought or idea 'cause really I too greatly struggle walking by faith or walking with the Spirit. There is far greater number of Christians exemplifying the life controlled or directed on how the world works. I tend to see the principle of "The strong survives", "survival of the fittest" being much more evident even in the lives of Christians... and the principle of "living by faith"? I rarely see it... But oh when I see it, it greatly amazes me and ask myself "why can't I do it?" or "How come I struggle on having that kind of faith?"

Well, this challenge is not only for those who read this but also a challenge for me. It's a great challenge as I continue to seek in knowing and following His will. May we indeed learn to live by faith and be an example to the believers...

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Is This God's Will for Me?

Many times I was asked, "Is this God's Will for me?" Even I ask this question a thousand times. Too often seeking and doing the will of God has been sought by many especially we Christians. But I ask, "Are we on the right track of seeking and doing His Will?"

I've been sharing my previous experiences especially on the "Experiencing God" era, which is actually a time of which we learned processes of knowing and doing the Will of God. And from any stand point of preachers and teachers, I suppose they would always point to God's Word and Prayer. You see, God's Will is already revealed in His Word, and it is the Holy Spirit Who directs us and enables us into doing it.

But often, we (I) always sought to seek my personal direction in accordance to His will. Specially when we are in the midst of waiting stage, we often grow weary and anxious and impatient of knowing what should we do? Added to it are the pressures and stress of life made upon us according to their expectations. We tend to be impatient and continue to ask, "Lord, is this Your will?" pertaining or thinking of the already made-up plans we've made... Well I'm not saying, we shouldn't plan anymore or planning is an evil thing. Planning is a very good thing! It's just at times, our plans are compromised and that we know part or whole of it is not according to His Will and yet we would like to insist. Probably great example would be Jonah going to Nineveh. When God has revealed to us His Will and we don't like it, we make our own plan and insist, this is God's plan.

There are also times, when truly we are clouded and confused and seem to not know any more what we should do. I could remember prophet Elijah, when Queen Jezebel, just after her priests were killed, she ordered for the death of the prophet Elijah. Having known this, Elijah fled for his life, just as after he had seen the glory of God. At times we are like Elijah, blinded when we're supposed to go to God always.

But "How do we really know God's Will and do it in a personal basis?" Truthfully I am nobody to be able to answer that question. Nevertheless, I'd like to share my own insight because I too am still a learner of the Lord Jesus Christ. Previously as I continue to be part of God's Mission Field, I've encountered this verse:

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: (Hebrews 8:10)

or actually the phrase "I will put (or write) my laws (which could also probably mean principles) into their hearts". This phrase, could also be found in Old Testament (I think Deuteronomy) and of course New Testament. This somehow has blown me away, though it probably is very evident or very obvious of what God has been doing in our lives as a Christian, but have we been very attentive to it? I mean, are we sure we are allowing God to do that in our lives? 'Cause I believe, I think this is His way or process of revealing His Will to us on the personal basis. Revealing His Will to you, personally, by writing it in your own heart and mind. I believe God is very, very interested in our hearts. Because there I believe resides our will as well.

From this view, I actually believe that, knowing His Will is actually knowing Him. Or I mean, it's really a relationship that you unfold or is revealed. Now typically to a couple who just probably met, most of the time, they would really like to know more of the other person. I believe that is so with us toward God, should be... But that poses a big question  to us Christians, do we really sought to know God more? I remember apostle Paul when he said "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;" (Phil. 3:10)... Do we really sought to know Him more?

The series of video clips "The Truth Project", somehow speaks of this too, although not sure, but what I get is that the series of videos' goal were to "see or gaze upon the face of God"... To know Him, His Character, His Nature... and in effect, how should we respond to it?... Isaiah responded, "Woe is me! For I am undone! For I live in the midst of unclean lips!" Isaiah saw how sinful and unworthy he is in front of the God Almighty. When we gaze upon His face, how will we respond? That has been the challenge left out to them who listened and watched those videos and that includes me.

You see, knowing who He is, makes us or should compel us to conform to His ways and not our ways. Our ways are cursed and conformed to the evil ways, to the worldly ways because of our flesh. One example or illustration I've learned is that of our relationship to our earthly fathers. Not all probably, but I'm sure our fathers has been teaching us something, because they themselves does it. It's rarely one could teach something that they themselves aren't doing it or a good example by it. Most often, one who greatly teaches something is the one who themselves apply it in their lives. So when we see our parents or our father, teaching what they do, we learn. Therefore we know what our father wants us to do, even if they aren't there. That's the same thing with us Christians, being children of God. God wants to teach us, print His ways into our hearts, so that we could never forget and be able to do it.

Frankly, this principle may have not answered directly our daily question "Is This God's Will for Me?" But I think it would be enough. Just as the lecturer said in the "The Truth Project" answering the question "What should I do?"... He said, "I don't have a clue!" But he adds, "but I know Who does!" He still points to God. Same principle of what I was talking about. It's about knowing Him... and by knowing Him, we know His ways, His nature, His character... By which we ought to conform as His children in obeying and doing. More than these God has given us His promises worth clinging to, hoping for and standing firm.

"...For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." (Heb. 13:5)

Monday, December 23, 2013


Every moment of our life as a Christian, this phrase is a constant reminder and a challenge... I for one like to really share my thoughts and struggles on this matter.

I say struggles, cause indeed life is constantly happening, constantly enduring and continuous to go on as long as there is breath in my nostrils. This, of course is the life we live here on earth. I've been watching a series video entitled "The Truth Project" it has really made some great reminders and challenges in my life being a so called "Christian." And the question really strikes me most is the question "Do we really believe what we believe is really, really real?" It simply talks about our faith as seen in our Christian lives.

It poses a great challenge as we indeed live in this cursed earthly domain controlled by our enemy, Satan, who sends out fiery darts of lies and deceit. And saddest thing, we Christians even are trapped with these lies... Philosophies, knowledge, wisdom of men, tend to be part of that deceit, covering almost the Truth that we Christians should be placing our Faith and Trust.

But truthfully it is not a really easy task to continue living by faith. For even the Word of God declares, we are in a race... Everybody knows, a race is not an easy task. It requires endurance, patience, strength and all other else.

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." (Heb. 12:1)

I think one of the greatest struggle a Christian usually has in terms of believing or trusting the Lord, esp. on these times is on how God provides, Jehovah Jireh (YHWH will provide).  Well, that is because I struggle too in that area, and seeing other Christians too seem to struggle as well at this point. Yet, I wonder why we so easily struggle and that it seems we tend to never learn. Since I know that even at this moment, we continue to still live, breathing the free air that we breath, having able to also eat food and drink water, still the anxieties and worries often lurk in our minds. Why? Well, probably because we think much of our future, of what's next? Having not the power to control nor the ability to deal with future events of our lives. Probably also we desire things for our lives, have our own comfortable lives, less worries, enjoying the pleasure of having our families and being able to provide individual and family needs. These thoughts tend to be placed as our goal in life. I think it's simply the goal of being comfortable and satisfied in the earthly life that we live.

But if we tend to look at God's perspective and His goals for us, esp. as a Christian, we see a different view; A different perspective and too often we see a very narrow way, a way which we are scared of pursuing and taking... It's a place of discomfort, suffering, pain, enduring, etc... We often see the negative side, rarely do we see the positive side; the joy and complete satisfaction as being part of God's family; More than these are the promises of God that we hope for. Here requires or enters what we call "Faith".

From my standing point, esp. now that I have no means of income, I mean, I currently have no work and yet I continue to be mindful of the ministry and with all my own personal desires or plans, my Faith in the Lord often diminish. These are the times I have to seek God's Face and go to His Word. And Hebrews chapter 11 becomes my reminder and my rebuke.

Well, to give a better understanding and detail as to my situation, as I have said, I have currently no means of livelihood or job for earning money and saving for future plans. I actually quit my previous job, well? with many reasons, but perhaps the greatest reason was that I wanted to give more time in  helping my father in his missions work. He is a local missionary and he has just turned 60. Even with his old and "evil days" state, I have seen how God has been using him greatly reaching out esp. to our fellow native people, the Ibalois and the Igorots, sharing them the gospel of Jesus Christ. And I want to greatly  be part of that not just in finances. But it seems greater sacrifices have to be made for such a simple desire to be fulfilled. Makes me to the point of asking, "Am I really doing God's Will for my life?" With what I'm doing, people tend to see me pursuing the position or the call of being a pastor. And I ask indeed, "Am I?" I do not know for sure the answer to that, all I know is that I have the desire to serve my Lord Jesus Christ being called a "Christian". That of which I understand why we are called one, "following after Christ and/or the will of the Father". Like Jesus said when Mary and Joseph was looking for Jesus when He was still a young boy:

"And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" (Luke 2:49)

I believe that phrase Jesus said to His parents, gives me a realization that, that is also what we Christians should do, being adopted as sons and daughters in God's family. Sometimes I think the Christian perspective has been completely twisted and destroyed by the enemy. As I have been reminded by the videos I watched from the "The Truth Project." What do we really believe as Christians? and are we fulfilling that belief or faith? I believe that such twisted perspective is by reason that we are indeed living still under the system and the world of the enemy. We are behind enemy lines trying to figure what are our goals and directions in life, when from the very start the moment we received Jesus Christ our goal has already been set. But pressures and world views seem to diminish and fog that perspective. The cares of this life, the comfort and the pleasures, the "survival" kind of perspective... All these thinking has clogged our minds. How then indeed can we live in this world as Christians? If we pursue the things more than we pursue Christ, what's the point of being called a "Christian?" These are the questions that makes us struggle; what makes me struggle.

With all these things, God's Word becomes my refuge and my foothold. Reading through Hebrews 11 makes me understand and see how that even the great Bible Heroes of Faith continued to pursue and obey the Lord, knowing and keeping on the faith that there is far greater city, far greater promise to uphold and to hope for, even if it means not seeing the promise fulfilled in their life time. But fulfilled in God's time.

"These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city." (Hebrews 11:13-16)

I do not know if I'm clear to what I'm saying or sharing in this post. But perhaps here is the deal. If we are called a Christian, our path indeed will be narrow and that "Faith in Christ" will always be our shield from the fiery darts of the enemy. We may be hit by the enemy, but our faith will endure to the end. For we know God's promises still is better than anything else. If we think, God's promise is lesser than our  previous state (the unbelieving state), then surely such faith in Christ does not exist in our hearts. If we think God's promises are greater, then we ought to pursue Christ. Personally wise I know my struggles will not end, it will be a continues struggle at the last breath I have. But I have to continuing believing in God, placing my Trust in Him who has saved me from the eternal punishment of sin. Believing that my life is in His hand. Faith! The just shall live by Faith!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Loakan Baptist Church 57th Anniversary and Christmas Cantata Videos

Ok, for our brethren here and abroad who weren't able to watch these events, here are glimpse or videos taken. Thanks to Jericho Bendaen and Rynelle Sanoy for the videos =D...

************************ version (for places where youtube is banned try down below)**************

Hallelujah Quartet presents one of the Theme Song for  the Church Anniversary...
(Aljon Chiday, Charlie Dagusen, Rowelito Tawalan, Elmer Berbano)

Loakan Baptist Church Choir presents two of the songs from the Christmas Cantata "God Is With Us" by Tom Fettke... Sang in the morning Church Anniversary

A glimpse of the Speaker in the evening before the Cantata... (glimpse lang talaga)... but the speaker is the son of the speaker of the church anniversary Ptr. Guinmapang. This is  Zion? (i think =D..)

The Cantata prsentation... watch and hope you'll be blessed

************************ (Video website) version  **************

Hallelujah Quartet presents one of the Theme Song for  the Church Anniversary...
(Aljon Chiday, Charlie Dagusen, Rowelito Tawalan, Elmer Berbano)

Loakan Baptist Church Choir presents two of the songs from the Christmas Cantata "God Is With Us" by Tom Fettke... Sang in the morning Church Anniversary

A glimpse of the Speaker in the evening before the Cantata... (glimpse lang talaga)... but the speaker is the son of the speaker of the church anniversary Ptr. Guinmapang. This is  Zion? (i think =D..)

The Cantata prsentation... watch and hope you'll be blessed

*************** Jammie Eslao's videos *********************

*************** Bloopers and the making

Monday, December 9, 2013

Overseer: The need of overseeing...

How often do we take thought of this principle? To many I believe this is an important matter or role of a person within a unit or a group, esp. of the family. God also declares this importance for them who are called into the ministry, overseeing the church or the flock. To some, it may be of not much of a matter but let us consider these verses to ponder on:

"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood." (Acts 20:28)

"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest." (Proverbs 6:6-8)

"One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;  (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)" (1 Timothy 3:4-5)

Oversee, it means to supervise, look after, be responsible, administer, organize, manage. If I may, I wish to share my thoughts on this matter. Overseeing as a need for a unit like the family or the church. I would like to start pondering on the third verse, the word overseer or oversee is not seen in the verse, but I believe the principle of it is seen under the word "rule". When one rules, surely it takes up responsibilities. Typically the world view of being a ruler is the "boss"-type kind of ruler, where the boss or ruler simply assigns or dictates his subjects to do things, etc. But I believe, the Biblical view of a ruler is of the opposite. The ruler, as exemplified by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is a servant, a humble servant! Remember the washing of the disciples' feet? Jesus portrayed such humility, rarely seen these days. I and even I have tried to experience such an "activity" or act, and it never is easy. Though I could probably simply do it, but the inner most part of who I am, tends to have a different heart. It tends to bring the heart of pride and if such heart can not be surrendered to God, doing it is not done whole heartedly and completely vain or worthless.

Let's take it to the extreme, just simply washing the feet of those possibly who look down on you or ridicule you, since we know not the heart of man, only God does. One could probably wash the feet of someone's dirty and filthy feet than yours, but what if that someone has a grudge or something that is against you, can you wash their feet? It's humanly impossible... BUT it's Godly possible! In other words, if you have God's Love, you can! How? Look to the CROSS! We are the ones who sinned, we are the ones who are worthy of being crucified, we are all sinners and worthy to be judged by God, separated from Him forever... YET, He still chose to make a way for us to be redeemed, to be brought back to Him. What an amazing awe-striking kind of Love! Well? these are the principles and characters a great ruler should have. And that's the biblical view point. Being the overseer, you can't simply have no heart for those that you oversee, as the Lord has exemplified. He had to meet and be sensible enough to know their needs, the disciples' needs, the people's needs. And that's something that needs to be understood in being an overseer or a ruler. Willing to go down even in the lowest part of who they are and understanding their need and being part of the solution of that need. That's overseeing!

The second verse, if read, seem to indicate there is no need for an overseer or a ruler... But think again or read again, ponder upon it. The ant is used as a subject of the context. And the verse describes the ant as WISE. And the verse is actually a rebuke to the sluggard, the lazy one or the fool. The verse is simply implying, that if you are wise, then you don't need an overseer or a ruler or a guide. You see, a function of an overseer is also to guide, to point to directions on what must be done in order to benefit oneself or the group (e.g. the family or the church). If and only if, each member like in a family or the church ALL knows their functions or responsibilities and DOES IT,  then probably there is no need for an overseer. But the reality of it? there is no such family, or a church.  There are those that knows their responsibility and does it, but mostly they act individually. As far as I know, I have never seen such a group, whether a family or a church that everybody in it knows what they should do and does it.

Therefore, these are the reasons why people had to meet up, gather and talk about things or matters need to be dealt with, people brainstorming on what must be done. Added to this point, everybody is unique, having their own different abilities, skills, talents and ideas or thought and nobody has ALL the knowledge and wisdom that they can simply dictate or instruct others to do what must be done. If someone have ALL the knowledge and wisdom on any matters to deal with, then he is  probably God, but no. As Jesus Christ has established the church, giving different and varieties of gifts to be used by the church, each members has to be united and have one mind, that is the mind of Jesus Christ. What does the Lord Jesus Christ wants us to do? Don't ask what does the pastor or deacons or whoever wants us to do. I am not saying that nobody will talk and give their ideas and just wait for God to talk in a divinely intervention or something, but hey, let us always consider the mind and heart of Christ Jesus. Why? Because He is the Head of the church. How? His Word, is a great guide for us to focus on what are our goals, our direction, our guide. Then, the church or each individual can share their own insights on fulfilling or accomplishing the goal as per led by the Holy Spirit. Do also remember, the Holy Spirit is always the One who guides and teaches us all things! So let us be dependent on the God through the Holy Spirit.

The first verse, is the instruction of apostle Paul to the leaders, elders of the church, as his days are numbered. It is also then an instruction given to the leaders, rulers, pastors, elders of this time. One has to really put in mind that those of whom leaders ruler over, the members, family members or church members are very important to God, and should be handled carefully, tenderly, responsibly. And as part of the role of an overseer, is to protect those that they oversee. To protect them no matter the cost, likened to a Shepherd who protects his flock from wolves or dangers and by protecting, means the risk of one's life. The Lord Jesus Christ still is the greatest example as the Great Shepherd, for He Himself has laid down His life for the sheep. What an awesome example!

Overseer, it is a need as we continue to be here on earth ministering and serving our Lord Jesus Christ as we also serve others and fulfilling Jesus' Great Commission and Commandments. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Creation / Bible vs. Evolution

For so many times this has been a heated debate and probably has taken centuries... But as a common person, I too have gone through this struggle of belief. And I could probably re-term or re-define this struggle to "Faith vs. Logic/Reasoning". But as I have struggled, I too have grown... grown in the sense of or in the matter of faith.

In these so many debates, arguments are used so to speak in winning.. But then again logical arguments may not be enough..

If I'm right, all these heated debate started at the time when Adam sinned. But probably humanly speaking, this has started when Charles Darwin started to propose theories.... With just a simply theory, many were affected as seen in our time. Atheism I believe is one result, another is the writing of Dan Brown and so many other that goes against the Christian Faith... This has not only affected the "secular" but also that of the spiritual.. Churches or "Christians" even have changed perspectives on their faith which soon has destroyed people's belief or faith in the written Word of God...

Because of these things and for many years now, the world has soooooooo many voices... Voices no longer knowing, who amongst them are truth or are true! Nevertheless, there are also people who've stood up, and I believe used by God to continue to declare the Truth, Truth that is in Jesus Christ. And, even I have learned things according to God's own leading. And, I wish to share my own insights and thoughts that others may already have thought of so here are my thoughts and questions that needs to be pondered very insightfully.

Charles Darwin's & other's theory right now is being accepted as facts, yet hard-proof of it is still vaguely to be considered. They say the earth is very old and yet there are those that say it is very young... it is funny how that is true.. Just looking at the sun, who would say the sun is very old? it's freakishly absurd? When I think the whole vastness of the universe, how can one person say how old the universe is when they themselves weren't there at the first time around? Machines have been made, saying it could compute how old is an object or a matter. Really? What's the basis and is it 100% sure it will? I don't think so. As time is uncontrollable and since man hasn't made a time machine yet, I doubt that such a 100% a machine can read how old is an object or matter is. It probably can guess based from an Artificial Intelligence having recorded and tallied data and information, but these are mere guesses likened to machines / people that guesses where Typhoons would take as a route or proceed.

One thing I really like to ask, that is if Evolution is true, "Shouldn't be there be other species or kinds that is like us who are able to think very intelligently, who can communicate, who can feel, who can know what is right and what is wrong? Shouldn't there be also NUMEROUS animals or beings having three hands or arms , having two noses or even one eye?" You see, evolution if it is true, shouldn't there be already other kinds who can also think like humans do?

Another point is the simple idea or knowledge, as I have also confirmed from others, "How do we know what is right and what is wrong?" I believe, C.S. Lewis have also made this point in his books. You see, we kind of sense or know what is right and what is wrong that doesn't have to be thought. How can we think that killing is wrong? Look at the spiders, they kill spiders of their own, that even their own children is killed by their mother. What stops us humans from doing so? it's irrational? it's immoral? Where did we get those definitions or ideas? Did we simply invented it out of nowhere?

Let's go to emotions. Simply why do we love? is love something that is necessary as human existence? or even joy or happiness, why do we need to be happy or joyful if such that we just came from apes or monkeys or whatsoever?

Another question I would ask is, "Why do we need clothes?" I thought, evolution is a process so that we could adapt better or improve our race as time goes bye? The simple feeling of shame when naked is another mystery and question to me if we think evolution is true.... if such a person does do that, what do we often say or judge them of? they are "nuts" or a "nut-case" or "mentally retarded"!

Such are the questions and many more unending questions when we believe evolution is true... Whereas the Word of God, the Bible continues to stand firm. Though there are many deceptions, twisted beliefs, twisted teachings from the Word of God, still the pure teachings and principles written in the Word of God stands true and faithful! People say it is simply written by men, but to a person who truly understands and believe what the Word of God declares, it is not.. but it is a power that can even reach the most evil-hearted men and transform them to become a light, shining and reflecting the light that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Faith vs. Fear

Faith! Now, when I talk of Faith, I'm talking about Faith in Christ. Faith of which the object of our faith is Jesus Christ. 'Cause it's possible we have faith but not in Christ (e.g. heathen / pagan faith).

In my own personal belief, Faith opposites Fear, but in terms of definition it is not, since I think the opposite of faith would be disbelief or doubt, or probably matters that deals with Facts. Nevertheless, in our Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, too often that it goes against is Fear. Fear of many things that might come when we believe. When we fear, then it will produce disbelief and doubt.

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a conference themed on missions, the mission pertained to the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One particular discussion or topic emphasized and taught was called the "Faith Promise." Now, the lecturers defined (as what I understood) "Faith Promise" as the giving of any object (mostly monetary) for the Lord's Ministry esp. on Missions, exceeding / excluding the tithes and offerings a Christian believer gives. From the words of it, it's a gift we promise to give to the Lord without having the normal capacity to give as what the Lord has given the believer the heart to give. It is basically not a demand but purely giving from the heart as what the believer believes God has placed in his/her heart. (Ref.: I Cor. 16:1-3) The Macedonian church has been an example of this giving. For indeed, even in their poverty, they gave (2 Corinthians 8:1-3). 

It's quite a new principle for me. But through the lecturer's own experiences and sharing, it is indeed inspiring and definitely VERY challenging. It is VERY challenging because I (to be honest) even is not faithful in fulfilling or obeying God's command in giving my tithes and offering. Well, I am ashamed of that. Nevertheless, I believe that all that I am and all that I have is His. Therefore in all my decisions esp. on money, I have to ask God whether it is for His glory or not whenever I use it. For a truth, there is a big chance or possibility that I'll deceive myself esp. when it becomes a want. But I have to trust God with it. Now, I'm not saying giving your tithes is evil or wrong... But what I am saying is that, the heart matters more than our action.. From the time I committed myself into assisting my father in the ministry, esp. in the missions, I use some or most of my personal  money in the ministry, acknowledging that my money is His... of course, I too had to learn to be a good steward. In other words, money should be planned and everything. It doesn't mean when I have money, I would give everything for the ministry. It has also to be managed for personal needs, family needs and ministry needs, etc. and identifying what is a want and what is a need. Sometimes, defining the need becomes a struggle to people who are into material things, but if only we surrender everything to God DAILY, I believe God will give us wisdom on how to manage our money or to be a good steward and identifying what is a need or want.

But still even with my conviction that "all that I have is His"... I still believe, I also have to give my tithes and offerings... it's just rarely do I do that now, esp. that I actually have no job or work to earn for a living. Now I simply trust God that He will provide our needs. But to be honest, this continues to be a struggle as the feeling of uselessness and insignificance creeps in... Well, I just have to really simply wait and trust on what His plans are for me and must be sensible enough where does God want me to be.

Now back to faith promise, I honestly can not fathom the experience of such thing. I know it's not a command and I also know that giving has to be from the heart, or else our giving will be useless. I believe even tithes, which is commanded, must be given out of a cheerful heart. Why? Because first and foremost, we can not out give God... What we have and receive, all these things comes from Him, how then can we give to God? Therefore it is just right that we give back what is His and doing it out of a thankful heart! So, the lecturers continue to challenge us and say "Challenge God! He loves challenges!" I've heard these phrase many times and indeed I would like to continue to challenge God through my life. Though I know it's a hard-kind road of life to challenge God, for indeed my faith will be tested. Even with my current situation, I am challenging God to use my life for a greater purpose. May I indeed be of purpose to His courts or His plans. And, He has been faithfully leading me even though at times I feel left out or alone or useless. I simply praise and thank God for His provisions in my family or to my parents. And, as I still continue to breathe, well and alive. Perhaps my wants only are the things not met. But that, I leave to God, and praying still for His abundant blessing. If you know me well, you'd know what would that want be.. (hehe!) But anyway, I continue to see God giving me opportunities in serving Him, and those are the things I would also cherish and continue to give me significance and purposeful satisfaction.

Faith... indeed, the just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17)... That is the Christian life... without faith in Christ, in God, our living as a Christian is futile. Those that does not believe simply live... simply exist and after? They don't know. But we Christians know what's next after death. In our daily Christian life, faith will always be necessary for us to go through life, whether in great times, much more in difficult times. For if we have no faith, then fear will take its toll. Questions will linger, and doubt shall be the fruit. May we continue to live by faith!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Waiting Period again....

For quite some time, I've been out of work... reason? 'cause I resigned... Well, I had my reasons and definitely lot of reasons and factors I had to consider... More than that, I've prayed for it and God has led me to it... Thing is, I get a lot of different reactions and feedback about my decision. I never expected those feedbacks, all I know, God led me to it with surety and conviction. Perhaps, the only thing that has troubled me was that my latter expectations were not met as I have planned. But there were also unexpected events I may not have planned but much that I cherish and has brought me priceless satisfaction and joy, that is of course concerning being able to minister and serve the Lord as He leads. 

At first, it is such a blessing being able to do things I never was able to do when I was at work. That's the reality of life. And as a Christian, there are realities of joy and gladness of the heart nothing that can be compared to. Much more when we are able to invest part of our lives in building others' Christian lives. 

But as we know, Christian life IS a battle ground. There comes a time when we feel we are at a spiritual wilderness in our lives. As if we're lost and that God becomes silent (or just simply when the "I" starts kicking again). As often as it maybe, struggles of the Christian life continues on... it never ends.. But it does end only when we face the Creator of the universe. In other words, it ends when we die. 

As the year near its' end, I ponder... I re-evaluate... I remember the days passed bye. Last 2011, I decided to help in my father's ministry in missions or where he's at. All the more that desire of helping grew as I see the ministry flourish and grow big... and to my knowledge, my father can't do the work alone. I'm glad and thankful, God has been helping us through individuals and the church who has commissioned my father as a missionary, but still I sense the greatness and the vastness of God's or the Lord's Harvest field.... Jesus' words are still true even until this moment... "The harvest is plenteous, but the labourers are few."

Now, I know what you're thinking!! You're telling to yourself probably... "mag-papastor talaga to!" Haha! Well, the truth is, I still don't know... I've heard the same comments or feedback, one way or another.. but the truth is I really don't feel the urgency of being called one. Thing is, I believe if God has called me to be one, He should lead me to be one. That has been my prayer, but as of now? God has been leading me to become what I am now... more of a Teacher of God's Word. Someone asked me before, what's the difference of a pastor from a teacher anyway? well? I'm not sure... all I know, a Pastor tends the flock... the Teacher teaches! Uhmmm? anyway I'm not really sure if there is such things to argue about those but all I know, God has been using me in some different ways or even unique ways, far different as to how God uses my father in other ways... Truly God's ways are not our ways. A truth I sense too often Christians forget.... They know the principle, but too often I find Christians limiting it to a certain circumstance only. Circumstances that they themselves can't understand. But when it comes to typical and normal situations or circumstances, as if Christians already have the answers and tend to point automatically to a direction one has to go through, not even consulting what does God say.... I've got a feeling, Christian principles have so many twisted principles, dictated by the world's systems and traditions. But that's just me... but when I look at principles I've learned from His Word... I question, I ask.. Why? What has happened to what the Word of God teaches? has God changed His principles? Now, maybe I like to give an example from God's Word, talking about my understanding on how God reveals His will on a personal basis....

Read this verses:
"Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me. Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me. Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?" (John 21:18-23)

Well, you see, this story says that Jesus told Peter how he would die. Not sure if Peter understood, but his response was that of a question and asking the future of John. "What will he do?" Jesus responded, "If you know, what is that to thee?" Jesus' response, gives me an impression, so what if you'll know his future? What Jesus was looking for is Peter's response to the call of obedience.. I don't know if you see it but the point is, if God will deal with us personally, He will deal with us personally. Or if He has an instruction for us to do, that will He disclose it personally and we who receive it, ought to do it. But hey, I'm not saying God is limited into doing that... But the principle of "God having His own way, is not our way" is what I'm trying to emphasize. 'Cause too often, Christians tend to generalize situations and go on concluding knowing what's next (Isaiah 55:8-9). Nevertheless, God does not always disclose the future of others to others. As I have said, God has His own ways and often it is special and unique. 

Christianity... What indeed is Christianity? The world is filled with so many definitions, explanations, etc... but all I know is that Christianity is what is defined and described in God's Word, the Bible. Typical definition? a follower of Jesus Christ! But the questions goes on.... Why does Christians seem to follow a different Jesus Christ? Is it because of time? and changes? Probably methods and programs change, but principles! Principles of God, does not change.... 

There is one verse I like:
Hebrews 10:16
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;

Now this verse have two other verses (I presume) having the same content or the same phrase as exaggerated with  bold letters. And if I'm right, "laws" there can be translated or mean "principles"... talking about the principles of God. Now, principles are mostly or really unchanging and somewhat pillars or foundation of other matters pertaining to God. And that's something that cannot change through time and it will always be true. Well, that's God's principles to you and to me. 

So where was I??? the Waiting Period!!! aha! well, right now? I believe God wants me to wait further... I don't know how long, but that has been His leading to me. and while waiting, I tend to be busy with His Harvest Field, more of taking care of the field... watching... waiting... hopefully by God's grace, He will give me more patience and endurance being able to simply WAIT....

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Let’s Talk About Jesus (Medley song)

Let’s Talk About Jesus (Medley song) 
(This song is known to be a missionary medley song.)
Let’s talk about Jesus,
The King of King is He
The Lord of lords supreme
Throughout eternity
The great I AM, The Way,
The Truth, The Life, The Door
Let’s talk about Jesus more and more…

Isn’t He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful
Isn’t Jesus my Lord wonderful,
Eyes have seen, ears have heard,
It’s recorded in God’s Word
Isn’t Jesus my Lord wonderful

Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me
Counselor, Prince of Peace,
Mighty God is He, Saving me, Keeping me,
From my Sin and Shame
Wonderful is my Redeemer,
Praise His Name

His Name is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
   (Jesus in my heart)
Sweetest Name I know (Oh, yes I know)
Fills my every longing (Longing in my heart)
Keeps me singing as I go.

Go tell it to the mountain,
Over the hill, and everywhere
Go tell it to the mountain,

That Jesus Christ is Lord.

He is Lord, He is Lord
He has risen from the dead
And He is Lord
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dolphy Jr.'s Sharing of Testimony being a born-again Christian

Interesting and a great testimony of how God can change a man...
Here is a video I just watched and hopefully the one who posted this video in his youtube account will not sue me or something by sharing this within my Blogsite....

anyway, the one who is speaking is the son of the late Dolphy, so this guy is actually Dolphy Jr.
Someone shared to me about this guy, being a Christian and saw his video before but didn't bother watching the whole of it... but just after watching the whole of it recently, I was blessed by the life that he shared. I believe he's been sharing his testimony on different places... and that's already a great message. Something Christians often forget, nevertheless may we learn something from him. Feel free viewing the whole videos, I recommend it watching the 5 whole vids..

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Beckel Prayer Meeting Bible Study

Here's more of my videos of my father... now having our bible study for our prayer meeting in Beckel

Video 1 of 3

Video 2 of 3

Video 3 of 3

Saturday, July 13, 2013

More preaching... sa Guisset naman.....

Preaching 1 of 4

Preaching 2 of 4

Preaching 3 of 4

Preaching 4 of 4

Here is a chorus I've learned.... or perhaps learning from my pops.. =D
And.... pasensya nalang sa boses po! nag-tatansa palang at inaaral palang =D
(Sorry for my voice.... it sounds baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! XD... but enjoy! )

Below is the lyrics of the song... =D

Nothing is Impossible!
    Nothing is impossible when you put your trust in God;
    Nothing is impossible when you're trusting in His Word.
    Hearken to the voice of God to thee;
    "Is there anything too hard to Me?"
    Then put your trust in God alone and rest upon His Word;
    For ev'rything, O, ev'rything, yes ev'rything is possible with God.

Or.... I think this is the version we were singing....

Nothing is Impossible
I read in the Bible the promise of God
That nothing to Him is too hard
Impossible things He has promised to do
If we faithfully trust in His word
Nothing is impossible when you put your trust in God
Nothing is impossible when you’re trusting in His Word
Hearken to the voice of God to thee
“Is there anything too hard for me?”
Then put your trust in God alone and trust in His word
For everything , yes everything
Yes everything is possible with God.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Father preaching in the native language: Ibaloi & Ilokano...

Here is my father's preaching in Gumatdang.. My sister asked me to video it and send it to her so... decided to share to others as well who might want to listen to the preaching.. =)

sorry though... putol-putol (chopped in small clips)

1 of 9 videos

2 of 9 videos

3 of 9 videos

4 of 9 videos

5 of 9 videos

6 of 9 videos

7 of 9 videos

8 of 9 videos

9 of 9 videos

Mangeg yo ba? hehe! =D Please comment nu mangeg yo if possible =D

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

When Visions come to Naught!

Visions! Many of us may have visions and may have had great visions. Visions that not only help us but also may help others as well... But sadly these visions too often come to naught. Visions as we know are dreams we'd like to attain. And truthfully, there are lot of books written about how to fulfill our dreams. And I believe every book or author agrees on one thing required in fulfilling our dreams, that is "perseverance". Others would term it as endurance, or rephrase it to as "working hard." Not just working but hardworking. And I believe, they are true about it.

But in a time of idle moments when we think about our visions and dreams there are so many hindrances that lead us to not pursue our dreams and visions. And I would probably think, authors and books have already written about these things. I just would probably want to discuss and talk about these things too. (*Laughing*) That's probably because it often happens to me. But nevertheless, it's a good discussion and check the reality we are in.

One reason why our visions or dreams come to nothing is probably the factor of faith, on what we believe in. Although I must say, in my idea or my belief, it shouldn't. I'm a Christian and my faith rest on Christ Jesus. And I believe faith shouldn't be a factor of hindering us to fulfill our dreams or visions. But nevertheless, in view of the world or how the system works, too often it becomes a hindrance. Now, let me give a clear understanding to this. And sorry for making an example of my faith. But as a person, or human as we are, we are prone of dreaming for ourselves. We have much ambitions and usually it's for personal gain, nothing more. The thing is, Christianity teaches not about selfishness but about thinking of others more than oneself. And Christianity points more of God's will more than one's personal will. Now that's where the world view makes faith a hindrance. But as for me as a Christian, I would stand to disagree. Even if I have made an argument of such. Because I believe that God's will is always better than one's personal will. Yes we have dreams and visions and God has too. Now, if we are not to parallel our visions and dreams in accordance to the direction of God's will, won't we be just kicking against the pricks?

Second factor that hinders us from attaining our dreams are circumstances. Too often our circumstances does have a big factor in hindering us to fulfill our goals and dreams. But does not totally hinders us.  And an often example would be, when one is a poor fellow and does not have such income to do what he desires to do. It's a simple analogy of the circumstances a person has.

Third factor maybe the kind of government we have. Here in the Philippines? It is one of the greatest factor why too often, the weak, the poor and without reputation, can't pursue their dreams and visions in life. Corruption in the government is usually the  biggest reason, as corruption is acted upon by greed and selfishness. And as always selfishness pulls down others while wanting oneself be the first.

Another and probably the last reason of hindrance towards fulfilling one's goal and vision is people. And perhaps, it is the very main reason and summarizes all other reasons why goals, dreams and vision come to nothing. People! That is because man is corrupt as the Word of God declares. Examples are already portrayed on my discussions. Others example would be as simple as the factor of encouraging. Instead of encouraging, people would rather discourage others. There are more people who would discourage you more than encourage you. And the saddest would be when our love ones become the discourager instead of the supporter or encourager. Well for a truth, we are very prone of doing so... to discourage. Why? as what the Word of God says is... man is corrupted by sin (Romans 3:9-12). 

Nevertheless, even as we have discussed such things, this would indeed point out that pursuing excellence or success requires perseverance or endurance or working hard... And that even with these many hindrances, one needs to learn to continue and pursue. And that's what we call perseverance or endurance. It is actually not a guarantee that we'd gain success or fulfillment on our goals but perhaps, it's better tried than never at all. But one thing I'd really wish we could learn from these things is not about ourselves pursuing our dreams or visions, but to be sensitive enough and to learn that we should be more of encouragers more than discouragers, think of others more than ourselves, and to be selfless, not to attain selfishness.

Good day and God bless!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Heartbreaking Reality of Christianity
(Acts 20:18-38)

"And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace,
which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
I have coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel.

Yea, ye yourselves know, that these hands have ministered unto my necessities,
 and to them that were with me. I have shewed you all things,
how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus,
how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.
And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down, and prayed with them all."
-- Excerpt from the Scripture Reference

These days are the last days! Not that I know of, when would be the Lord Jesus Christ's return, but as revealed unto His Word, "these times are the last days". But herein, daily or weekly, having seen and heard of many things of the church, grieves me greatly. How that the picture and kind of Christianity or the church of God, purchased by His own blood (v. 28), at the time of the Apostles have greatly diminished and have now become vain or worthless. I do not say that Christianity or the true church of the Lord Jesus Christ is gone, it's just that, it is a rare thing to find the kind of believers of the Lord Jesus Christ from which they are likened to a star that shines even in the midst of darkness, where everyone sees the light, whether Jews or Gentiles, or whether they believe in Christ or not.

These are the heartbreaking reality of Christianity... And the truth is? Christians can't do anything about it! Why? Because it's written already in His Word. How that even in the midst of the church or His people, wolves wearing sheep's clothing or deceivers or false teachers shall come driving others away from Christ and drawing the people towards themselves... Many hunger of power, position and possession will come to stand in the midst of the congregation drawing others towards their own selfish ambitions (v. 30). And the sad thing is, they continue to prosper here on earth, while many continue to suffer and die not knowing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Having been with my father in the ministry for almost 3 years now, I've seen and heard realities of the what the Word of God continues to declare and teach. One of which greatly amazes me but pricks my heart, is the reality of what Jesus have taught with the 4 kinds of soil or ground, which depicts the true status of man's heart (Mark 4, Matt. 13). The saddest reality of it is that, there would be so called professing followers of Christ, yet they are not. Matthew 7:21-23 affirms it! True, I cannot judge the heart of man whether they are true believers of Christ or not, but the evidences of Faith in Christ is of which we could see (Matt. 7:20). And usually, "churches" these days having this kind of heart, "deceived heart", becomes a great hindrance for the church to grow. Let us just look in a simple illustration of the plants we sow, if a weed grows nearby the plants we sowed, would the plant grow? I don't think so. If we are the farmer, we would be taking out the weeds. But that is not the work of the Christian! That is the work of our Lord, for He is the Farmer. Nevertheless, we should continue to pray hard and indeed pray hard and plead to the Master.

Other heartbreaking realities of today, is the lack of passion for the lost souls. Sometimes I wonder, who amongst our leaders or pastors of today have the kind of character that of the Apostle Paul? What I'm sure of, they are not many. They are rare, few and numbered. If it were countless, I'm sure Christianity will not be as dull or as likened today as "routine" Christianity. Though of course, I do not say that this pictures the general status or condition of the whole world, because I cannot say such over the kinds of the reality which we could see in places of which Christians are oppressed, killed or murdered, just for the sake of their Faith in Christ. Theirs are such a heartbreaking truth and should be eye-opener to those of us who freely roam and declare "we are Christians!"

Too often my heart breaks hearing or seeing the kind of situations of Christians on other places where Christianity is not open. Yet in places where we are free, how is it that we don't have so much initiation or passion to do our best in doing ministry or service for our Lord and Master? True, this question is not just for those who read but also a question towards me. It's a question we all need to answer. As for me, I greatly rejoice for every opportunity given, in taking part of sharing His Word and the gospel of Christ Jesus. I may not be like my father who's gift is to evangelize, but I can always assist in every help I could give, such are opportunities no enough money or riches could equate to. Of course, I do not say that giving in terms of finances is not good. I'm simply saying that opportunities given to serve in terms of laying your life for God is such an honor and worth taking for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Such is what apostle Paul has been mentioning as well in his farewell speech.

But the discouraging realities of today, so few leaders, teachers, pastors seem to have the kind of heart. So few! How that selfishness runs so easily. Apostle Paul's advantage perhaps was that he had nothing to lose. He gave everything, he gave his whole life. Whereas, we? We are so connected, bound in this physical life. We have a family, friends and people to mind. We have to work for our financial needs and others. This is the picture of this era. Where God seem to have no more place. And when we make time and place for Him, usually it's a dragging picture. The heart for it is gone.

Yet still, many are lost! Many have not heard the gospel of Christ, His Word! One of which we reach out is the place we call "Cubabeng". It's a 2-hour drive away from home. And my father goes there only once a month. It's a great encouragement and joy hearing that the people in that place, even kids, are very eager to learn of the Word of God... Very eager... and that's one sad thing about it. How that we can't fully take advantage of that? Because we simply depend on the few? Where are those helping hand? For a truth, these are attacking questions, but I think it's one thing needed these days to wake up the church, the Christians. What are we indeed living for? for ourselves? for our love ones? We Christians are bought with a price! And that price was through the blood of Christ! We are no longer of our own. This understanding or thought or principle seem to have been lost in the minds and heart of those called Christians. At some point, many may be angry at me writing these things, nevertheless, I place myself on the side of which these questions are also given. These questions, even in the changes of time shouldn't change just because many things change. Because Christ's suffering & death and the reason of being through it never changed. He came to seek and to save that which was lost! That reason never changed. Therefore if we lose focus, lose ground of these things on which we're supposed to stand for, "What profits or reason for us being so called Christians?" Why  call ourselves the followers of Christ, when we do not follow Him?

There are many heartbreaking realities of Christianity today, but may this simple reminders challenge us or even wake us up if we are "sleeping Christians" in doing the will of our Father in Heaven.

"And they all wept sore, and fell on Paul's neck, and kissed him, sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake, that they should see his face no more. And they accompanied him unto the ship."
-- Excerpt from the Scripture Reference

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Blessed to be a blessing!

One of the songs reminds me of this, and the song goes like this... "We've been blessed to be a blessing; we've been loved to give His love..." It's a simple reminder for those of us who are called His own, God's own. Even God's Words remind and challenge us of this very thing. 

Genesis 12:2 "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:"
2 Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:"

God has indeed designed and planned us, who is His, to be a blessing not just to enjoy the blessing He bestows. But before we go further, it might be best for us to understand what "blessing" really means. For others, it means a simple prayer or like giving permission to others esp. when one marries. But looking at the dictionary and basing it from what God's Word intended it to be is this: "A favor or gift (physical and/or spiritual) bestowed by God, thereby bringing joy and happiness." Usually, our perspective of a blessing is limited to physical or material aspects, when in fact, it's more than that. Our good relationship with other people, prayers answered by God, His provisions, His protection, etc. could be a form of blessings and worthy of enjoying and also shared. How? simply by showing that God is the source of it, pointing to Him as our source of abundant blessings and grace. Of course, physical or material things are the ones easily shared, but not, if we have a bitter and unforgiving heart.  

If one would understand the blessing that comes from God, we should also understand that a blessing or a "divine favor" is a gift. Not something that we worked for or even earned. Notice the two verses given and carefully studying it, we find that God gives blessing not because we worked for it, not because Abraham did something for the Lord. But one thing is certain, we should have a relationship with God, likened to a God to His people, Creator to His creation, or Father to His son. There should be a relationship toward God to further enjoy His blessings! Actually, even if we don't have a close relationship to the God Who created the universe, we could still enjoy His blessings but surely it is limited. Consider this verse, Matthew 5:45 "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." He even sends rain to the good and the evil, therefore allowing even those that are against Him enjoy His blessings. Nevertheless, we know that greater blessing is he/she that have a relationship with Him.

Furthermore, blessing is intended to really be shared. Remember, God loveth a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). One of God's nature is to give, to bestow blessings to His own, because God is Love  (I John 4:8). And, one description of God's Love is giving. But one thing to take note, not every giving can be an act of Love. There is a saying which goes like this, "You can give without loving, but you can't love without giving." The main point of giving or main point of sharing is actually love. True, divine and genuine Love surely will give, will share; For it does not think of himself (I Cor. 13:5). So, to us who have been loved and who have been given, are we not supposed to do the same to others?  Consider another story Jesus spoke of in Matt. 18:23-35, where the Master forgave a servant, yet this forgiven servant have not done the same to his own fellow debtors. Having heard what was done, the Master was angry at the servant, asking him the very same question "Have you not been forgiven, why can't you forgive?" Because of this the Master took him to prison again for he did not show the same compassion as his Master did unto him. Indeed, may we not do the same! 

A blessing is a gift and surely it is designed to be shared to others. Let us not be likened unto others simply enjoying the blessings we receive from God and yet don't share it to others; For we indeed are "blessed to be a blessing!"

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The VBS Ministry 2013: "BugZone"

For so long years, alas! I got to experience or take part of the VBS ministry again.... I couldn't actually remember my last time of taking part on the VBS ministry... Although, I actually haven't fully been immersed into it, as I only was an Overseer of the VBS ministry that was held on three places (Apalan-Bingo-Guisset, Beckel & Gumatdang), where my father has been reaching out or church pioneering. But as I've said, I didn't get into the real battle or on the heat of the battle. Nevertheless, it's an awesome awestruck challenging with matching shocking disappointing but grateful still experience... Can't really define or describe what experience we had to go through... The whole three VBS was all-in-all AN EXPERIENCE.... and I can't fathom what I really feel right now... It's a mixture of many emotions, positive and negative...

Well, at first.... I hardly can imagine what should or would happen on a VBS event.. although I got the picture of what VBS is all about, the INs and OUTs was quite a mystery to me. Thank God, there are those people who has experiences into it. There was one who had experience but can't be in the field of it, instead, simply helped in planning and in decision making. That was Janice! and chose to pass on the responsible of being the director to new breed of young people (hehe!) namely, Rynelle and Liberty. The important thing was, they were willing to take the challenge and I was simply still in the figuring out stage.... 

Teachers and finances was the next stage of problem, therefore, we solicited and asked for available people. And, praise God there were those who responded to help! But we had to really also balance our personnel and financial status. To handle three (3) VBS was quite a big mountain for us! But we had to take the challenge and to start walking by Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, believing and trusting Him that He would lead us and provide our needs. We set our target number of kids for every place... Having previous VBS in Apalan-Guisset, we set our number from 40-50 kids, and having our first time of VBS in Beckel and Gumatdang, we set 30-40 and 20-30 kids respectively. 

Finances perhaps was the biggest worry, as our days were numbered. But thank God, He indeed provided as timely as He could be. Through His people and His church, He provided everything that was needed. With much gratefulness as well to those who were willing to take part through giving financial support, may God bless them continuously! 

The first VBS held in Guisset proved to be exciting, amazing and challenging seeing kids coming from distant places such as Apalan and Bingo, having probably 45 minutes to 1 hour of walking for kids.. such is a great reminder and challenge for the teachers... Young people from Guisset helped along with the young people from Loakan to take the challenge of teaching the kids in the area. The weather too was quite challenging, as the heat of the sun may have scorched us. Distance proved to be really challenging as the teachers visited the kids in the most farthest, Bingo and Apalan. There were about 37 kids as highest attendance and had 35 kids to end with.

VBS in Beckel was next, just after the three days (morning and afternoon) Guisset VBS. The challenge for the teachers was sickness and tiredness. As we had our Wednesday Prayer meeting in Beckel along with the teachers from Loakan, I sensed their tired body and also most of them got sick suddenly. Strangely enough, there were no nurse amongst us! Perhaps the days of nurses are gone or have passed away, soon to rise again... hehe! But again, Praise God as He sustained us all through out! Far more than this, God allowed us to reach about 43 kids as to be our highest number and ended with about 33-35 kids. After such a week of VBS, we had a break for a week before the next VBS in Gumatdang.

Then came, start of Gumatdang! Thank God, He allowed again to provide financial help for this VBS in Gumatdang. It felt like there was no funds to be used, but alas, still He touched people to give and to help. Rynelle wasn't able to come with us for this VBS, so Liberty had to take charge and additional help came, in person of Ruth and Feby. We had only 27 kids at first, but the very youngest prove to be exhausting and energy drainers... hehe! we had 11-12 3-5 year old kids having different kinds of personalities and interests. Most of them were very active ones. Furthermore, as God works in the area, so does the enemy strikes against us. It's really quite hard to be in the battle field of Christian life. But still, again, Praise God as He led us through finishing the VBS in Gumatdang.

All throughout the three VBS, I had some quite an experience. Though I personally did not teach or something, I had the opportunity to remind, challenge, rebuke and even encourage the teachers through our daily morning devotions. And, praying that indeed every word I've shared through God's Word are indeed a heart-changing or heart-breaking one for the Lord. 

Such indeed were the experiences... leaving such a trail to be seen and followed by younger ones and  leading to more challenges and bigger ones. And yet I know, God will always lead us through. 

Add'l info:

Guisset Teachers & Staff - (from Loakan) Lyndon, Rou Jay, Jericho, Shaira, Aljon, Donna, Liberty, Rynelle, Diana, Jeremiah, Roldan. (from Guisset & Boneco) Hazel, EJ Marie, Faith Ann, Hannah Mae, Kim, Georgie Yvette, Jhunalie and Raffellyne 

Beckel Teachers & Staff - (from Loakan) Rou Jay, Shaira, Donna, Liberty, Rynelle, Diana, Jeremiah, Roldan. (from Beckel) Rizal & Renneth
Gumatdang Teachers & Staff - (from Loakan) Rou Jay, Shaira, Donna, Liberty, Diana, Jeremiah, Ruth, Feby, Jericho, Roldan. (from Beckel) Rizal & Renneth. (Lyndon, Aljon & Rynelle came for the 3rd day)

Overseer: Roldan
Directors: Rynelle and Liberty
Secretary: Diana
For those who gave time, effort, finances, prayers, and any support not mentioned: Thank you very much! and May God continually bless you as you continue to be part or take part of His ministry! Glory be to God the Almighty! =)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Christianity vs. Survival

"Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed." (1 Peter 2:24 KJV) Christians these days I believe struggle in this dilemma, for I see myself and many other companions in the faith trapped in this struggle... same thing with the spirit vs. the flesh... oh how indeed such struggle we face, especially when we desire to fulfil God's Will or even to fulfil the Great Commission, seeking the lost, leading them to know Christ Jesus... many indeed seek to fill their physical needs more than the spiritual needs. Many seek what physical benefits they get more than the spiritual things... Jesus Christ have always been reiterating and declaring that spiritual things are more valuable than that of earthly things... yet many and even Christians fail to look towards heavenly things... and so I ask, "why?" Survival? to extend our existence in this world? most probably... why else do we work? is it not for a living? to live! ..... of course, I do not say work is evil or we should no longer work.... But for some reason, esp. for Christians, will work or survival be our main theme in life? our main goal? or have we forgotten we Christians were paid for a price.... a price which is the Blood of Christ.... a price that cost the Life of Jesus Christ! Though He lives eternally, it shouldn't be our reason to forget the price it took to redeem us from the clutches of the enemy, the Devil. We were once dead Christians, and now we live because of Christ! But now that we live, doth we not live for Him? for Christ? Just as the Apostle Paul, saying "To live is Christ, to die is gain!" Will we not do the same? These questions are such a challenge and a great reminder to all, even to myself. For what indeed profits if we gain the Whole World, yet lose our own soul? and what profits our salvation, if our fellow love ones are lost.... May we not forget, may we not forget....

Monday, April 1, 2013

Teacher's Training for TLWFBC & LBC S/S and AWANA Leaders

Here are photos taken from our Teacher's Training for "The Living Word Fundamental Baptist Church" Sunday School and Loakan Baptist Church AWANA Leaders.

As the church is established to edify / build one another, so was this training event planned and fulfilled by the Grace of God. The Training had utmost 31 registered participants, 13 coming from "The Living Word Fundamental Baptist Church" and 18 from the Loakan Baptist Church.

We thank you very much for all who have been part of this event, those who've helped through financial support and on those who've given time and effort. Thank you very much and To God be the Glory!