Sunday, September 18, 2011

Updates on ministries in photos and in videos =)

Greetings in Christ Most precious Name!

Below are photos and pictures showing every ministry being done and may the Good Lord Jesus Christ be praised! And may the gospel of Christ continue to be proclaimed and planted in the hearts of those who hear His Word.

The Loakan Baptist Church Choir had a mini-concert last Sept. 18, 2011. Only 4 songs are recorded but 8 songs were sung. (If per chance other could

Introducing the "Hallelujah Quartet" on the process of being molded for the music ministry of God... Praying that they would continue on and be used by God as He wills! =)

Below shows a seminar held at Guesset to share music and teach about music and God to the young people of Apalan-Guesset.

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