Monday, July 28, 2014


Consider this, whether you believe in God or not. It doesn't hurt to read just a simple article. And consider reflecting on what you might do in every circumstance or consider if, will there be someone you know who would  do exactly all what is written just because of love?

In the Bible, God says He created the universe, the world and He created man (Gen. 1:1). God gave man free will to choose (Genesis 2:17). Saying if they would eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they will die. God gave all their needs, placed them in a beautiful and fruitful garden of Eden and even walked with man. But, man chose poorly and because of this, sin corrupted man. 

Now consider this, if you were God, having all the power, self-sufficient, Creator of all things... And your greatest creation would turn their back on you, what would you do? If you were a potter, and the clay you are molding to be a flower pot says, "Take your hands off me!" or say "Make me to be a flower vase not a flower pot!" How would you respond? The possible thing that could have happened would be, God would at that point destroy man and re-make a new one! Just like a potter who can throw away the clay and get a new clay to form. 

But God did not do so. Instead, even with the knowledge of what has happened, He sought man's confession on what they have done by asking if they have disobeyed His instruction. Just like a father seeking his child to be honest and confess what his child have done wrong. And man, instead of admitting the fault, points his finger to someone else (interesting how we do the same when someone blames us, we are fond of the blaming game). God has the right to be angry and eradicate man, instead  killed an animal and took of their skin to cover the nakedness of man. (An interesting prophecy foretold even from the beginning of time and pictures why Jesus had to come.)

Now isn't that a thought to ponder? Understanding that from that right on, when man disobeyed and turned their back on God, God was thinking how to bring back man to Himself or has already set out a plan to redeem (bring back to himself) man? Who would do such a thing? If say, your best friend did not trust you nor believe you, or did sin against you, surely your relationship is broken. And the question would be, "Would you  want to bring back the kind of relationship you had before the event of sin against you?" Surely things wouldn't be the same. The trust you gave will not be the same as it was, even if your friendship was regained. But not so with God.

And so how does God regains the relationship He has with His creation, esp. with man? Consider these verse: Hebrews 9:22, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, 10, 12 & 18; Reading throughout the verses, the Bible says regaining back the relationship requires the shedding of blood. In other words, because of sin, sin has to be recompensed or be paid by blood or in other words by life. That is why God says in the beginning, if man will eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, man will die! That was the punishment or the payment for the sin done and from which was passed unto all men, because all men came from Adam, the first man. And because of that all man are sinners (Rom. 3:23). And the most dangerous punishment man will experience is that of the second death declared by Revelations 21:8. This is the kind of death God does not desire for man to experience, the eternal separation and suffering of man from God.  

This is the reason why Jesus, God's only begotten Son, came. He came by the virgin birth, meaning, Jesus did not come from the lineage of Adam. It was through the work of the Holy Spirit that Jesus was born in the flesh, through Mary's virgin birth.  He is the Second Adam or Last Adam in 1 Corinthians 15:45-47. Though He was made flesh, He was perfect and no sin was found in Him. He too had to go through temptations of the devil but He was never deceived and He pursued the Will of the Father. He was spotless and unblemished, worthy to be called the Lamb of God (I Peter 2:22, John 1:36). And so when the time came, He took His place at the cross of Golgotha and finished God's plan of Salvation / Redemption for man (John 19:30, Hebrews 9:12-10:10). He took the suffering and death, that was supposed to be meant for us, sinners. He was not worthy of the punishment of suffering and death, but He took it. Romans 5:10 says, even when we were God's enemies, still God, by and through the Lord Jesus Christ's death, brings us back to Him. But of course, this is not automatic. He does not force us. He only desires is that we do what He wants us to do. That is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:30-31)! 

Now, shall we pause for a while and think, reflect on what the Bible is saying. Here is an unbelievable and unfathomable kind of Love, maybe foolish love in our sight, but not so with God. A Love He is offering to give and desiring we would receive it whole heartedly. Accepting it by faith in what the Lord Jesus Christ had done. Believing who Jesus really is, the Son of God, the Savior and Lord; And yet suffered and died for us! Now, what kind of Love who will initiate the first move towards the other who had done wrong against the one who made the first move of love? 

And so, how do we respond? There are only two things of response... receive God's Love or reject it. Rejecting it means, we are better than God and that we do not need His Love. Receiving it, opens a door to a new unimaginable and unspeakable joy and life. What will you choose? 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

How did life begin? What about evolution? Why are we here?

Watch the video below!! Borrowed or it's from the website:

I hope I will not be sued by the owner but instead be a great help in sharing the news of this video.. =)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Hike to Bisal 2014

Herein are two videos: One video of photos taken from the hike going to Bisal, Bokod, Benguet, Philippines, along with ibaloi version of hymns as background music.... another is a video of video clips taken from the hike with songs from the Gaither vocal band as background music.

photos taken along the way...

Video clips while hiking...

Sunday, July 6, 2014

What we do in missions?

It's been almost 4 years I think being in the ministry of missions. When I committed and decided to join my father in the missions ministry. January of 2011, I remember deciding on that matter. Months before that I had to prepare or prepare people to handle the ministries I was handling at my home church, the Loakan Baptist Church. Though I'm not sure if those preparations were enough, but I've made sure to give note or inform people of my plan to commit in helping in missions. Nobody talked to me about my plans or even counselled me by that time... not that I remember of... Or maybe I've never approached and asked someone about it, except that I gave these thoughts and plans to God. Or should I say have prayed for it already for almost 2 months before the time, starting of the moment my father himself asked for help in the ministry. Therefore, I was glad in doing so. Though there were some hesitances too, knowing and understanding that I too have a heart to be still in the ministries of Loakan Baptist Church, specially on the young people department, and of course the comfortable feeling of knowing and understanding the ins and outs of things in the church. But to be honest? there was also that feeling of wanting to be freed from or that feeling of unburdening the burden of ministries in the church, which at times I felt and question myself, was that the Will of God? I do not know for sure but anyway, the decision was made and a new phase of experience has started.

To give a little background on the missions ministry of my father, he previously was a local missionary too on many places. As far as I know, he started being a driver of a missionary, Ptr. Eric Dawal, who were under the Pocket Testament League. He too was the operator of the old-style film-reel-based projectors.. It is somewhat awesome watching those old Christian movies... and very memorable. So he was like the Robin of Ptr. Dawal going around film-showing and sharing the gospel to places, partnering also with other groups like the Campus Crusades, New Tribes Mission and other Evangelical groups, and anyone who will invite them in to film-show and preach the gospel. So much experiences, but I wasn't able to take part of those... I mean, I did visit some times, but never was always there to see and experience myself, because 1) I was sickly and 2) I was probably still young. A reason why at those times I actually even envied my brothers going out exploring places such the like.

But my father did not simply became a driver-projector man. He said that the league thought of equipping the projector-man to become more useful too in sharing the gospel. So my father probably had to undergo some kind of training.. I think he had some kind of "written courses". He didn't go in a seminary or a bible school or something but I think he was given some kind of a self-studying courses. There's this like old bible exam sheet I saw one time, with questions and my father's handwriting answering the questions. And from then on, his preaching experience started. I can't probably narrate very well of his experience. I can only have a glimpse and vague or dull knowledge of what he has gone through. Nevertheless, I believe he has been greatly used by God reaching to many places. But of course he had many helps as well.

Typically, observing how he does missions, he always bring companions to join in the ministry. Not only one, but many. Perhaps the principle of "the more the merrier" is really great in the missions ministry, unlike the typically one-man team or by partners. Though I think he had his own experiences of being a one-man team or even being with the partner. I remember him mentioning names of those who have been helpful to him in the ministries, and I may not mention them all. These were the late Ptr. Nick Cawaon, Ma'am Rebecca Eslao, Ptr. Pat Eslao... Years before he too had some kind of apprentices or young people who helped him and by this time they are now adults, and some have been pastors and still on the ministry. Like Ptr. Benjie Oriao, Bro. Lorenzo, Marcelo, Ricky Pati, Angel (pronounced as "ang-hel") Balagot mostly coming from Minac Baptist Church. And they were a team sharing God's Word to different places. My father would tell me some stories that he would give some outlines to these young peoples and that they would share it to different areas of their outreaches. And these places were mostly in the Benguet area. Again, I don't have the exact knowledge nor the order of how, when and where they went out or where my father shared first but here are some of the names of places they've been ministering and sharing the gospel: Loacan Itogon, Minac, Bisal, Bolo, Sablan, Pidawan, Bangao, Labey, Andalasi, Cabayawasan, Bingo, Guisset, etc.. As far as I know my father has been part of pioneering churches before. My only vivid knowledge of which church he has pioneered are that of Minac, Bisal, Guisset (which died) Baptist Churches, whereas I think he also mentioned Loacan Itogon and Pidawan, and Sablan of chuches where he was used as an instrument. And I can't remember the others he mentioned. This somehow gives me an understanding, my father may be an evangelist to his native people, the ibalois, since most of these are of the ibaloi ethnic group, which he too is part of. Well? Who else can relate to them? And who knows more of the tradition and culture of the ibalois but my father who even had to go against his own father who was a pagan priest called "mambunong" in our dialect. My father had to go through great ordeal as well, so many great trials and testings.

And now? after him coming back to missions ministry, I can observe what he does and that I have become part of it as well in doing missions or pioneering ministry or the church planting ministry. Being with him within the span of three years, I saw how God greatly moved and have been reaching out to people as the gospel of Christ is preached. But I also saw how the enemy moves as well trying to hinder and destroy the ministry. I see how the enemy can use outside agents disturb the ministry like mockery, ridicules and scorn... and inside agents, my father call it a "spy" or "secret agent", in distracting the ministry. I saw people how that even with clear message of the gospel, and see God's unconditional love, others will see nothing and people hardening their heart. People who become part of the group of believers but in reality they don't really understand what they believe or Who they believe. The dangers of this ministry, people will take sides and will follow people, my father for example, and not Jesus Himself. Even if my father was actually just serving and preaching Christ... The experience of Apostle Paul among the Corinthian believers came to my mind, where they took sides of people, those of Paul, those of Apollos and those of Cephas and those of Christ. I saw how people claim they know and greatly appreciate God's Love and yet hard-up in sharing that kind of Love to others, the kind of love that can even extend to people who we may call enemies. True it is hard, but that's the point, if we are truly His', God's children, His love ought to flow through us and the impossible, possible! I see how easily discouragement and disappointment can turn people not to follow God no more nor to pursue His Will, because if they did, then the gospel should have been spread out and Jesus' kingdom growing, many more people believing... instead the gospel is hid and few believe, because people don't see Christ in the lives of those who profess Christ Jesus..

But as I've said, I also still see and saw God working! How in just unexpected days, people would come. People will hear the gospel, and true conversion happens! And when I speak of true conversion, I mean a life changed! People who never likes to talk, now talking and sharing. People who are easily discouraged and faint when trials and testing comes, now wears a smile and still retain that joy God gives, and even still desiring to be part of the ministry, the harvest field. People who say they are bankrupt and yet can laugh it out knowing and believing God is in control. People who have been without income for a year and yet their needs provided. People growing more and more to be matured spiritually. And truly being part of this, "God's work or harvest field" is such a privilege and of great opportunity. Though this truly is accompanied with great accountability and responsibility.

From these experiences, I truly can make deep comparison or similarity of planting or farming with regard to church planting or pioneering church. And too often I get disappointed and discouraged by churches and even pastors who seem to never get the idea of it. I hate and am angered by the idea that church planting is an easy task and easily accomplished by the works of man, when in reality, TRUE church planting is God's own work or doing. We may be instruments or laborers, but God makes things happen or should I say God changes the hearts of man, not us. Our part is only to obey God's command, and "GO" is one thing I understand that we have to obey first especially on the task of evangelizing and church planting. Our work is not to "WORRY" about other things, that's God's task or work. Do we not understand that it is GOD's Harvest Field? Not ours? And it is He Who decides on what He wants to do in His Harvest Field? Too often, I can't understand why others think they know what must be done when they are not the ones on the field. I mean, sure people can give suggestions and the like, but to enforce and to make proposals that what they think should be happening on other's turf of labor, I think is an insult to what God is doing. This gives me to remembrance about the laborers in Matthew 20:1-16. The laborers were complaining because they compared themselves with others. Too often this kind of attitude produces unpleasant mockery to the one Who Owns the Harvest Field. Can't we just be grateful that we are all in the working force of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Can't we just support and encourage one another instead, doing the work of the Father?

Before I joined my father, he stated that he prayed for God's provision and enablement before they started to have again a bible study in a 45-minute ride away from home, knowing that they, my parents, had no more source of income. That I believe started August of 2010. They went off to outreaches, preaching the Word. And father committing to re-start this bible study in a place called Apalan, near Guisset, where a previous church supposed to be was established but died out, without the knowledge that soon it would turn to a bigger ministry. Out of an empty-pocket state, they proceeded. I had my job though at that time, and was willing to help out in any help I could give whether it be finances or manpower. 2011, I joined them every Sundays, the bible study now became a service or sunday school. The Lord added more people to join in. It then extended to more places. At first, Apalan, then Guisset, then Beckel, then Cobabeng, then Gumatdang, then Bingo, then Camisong, then? I don't know... I too never expected that ministry to grow and reach more places. I thought we would be placed in only one place. But before those ministries grew, the family is glad that our home church now then accepted and commissioned my father to be a full-time missionary dated April of 2011. The Loakan Baptist Church now helps my father in providing his needs in the ministry.

Now, there are two pioneered or baby churches, that of in Apalan, called the Living Word Fundamental Baptist Church which also cover the believers in the places of Guisset, Boneco, Bingo, and Camisong; And that of Gumatdang, as of now temporarily named as "Gumatdang Christian Fellowship". A children's ministry is also being held in Beckel, hoping that a new church will be established as well in the area. Whereas, once-a-month bible study is being held in Cobabeng, 2-hours ride away from home, from which we are praying of a church who would partner in this outreach ministry. Praise God for still, God works and touches people to help, Ptr. Dencio Wong took the schedule of first and second sunday to hold bible study in Cobabeng. And this time my father is on-leave or vacation, pastors and brothers in the Lord have been helping, even if they are not of our home church. Ptr. Benjie Oriao, Ptr. Mark Ayano and Bro. Ricky Pati namely. Of course our home church sends also pastors and deacons who are able to teach and also provide transportations. They are of great help to nourish and help these ministries or churches grow.

Though probably comparing our home church who had years, like 50+ years or so with 200+ members, these new baby churches still needs assistance and need to be fed by God's Word for them to grow and learn to stand on their own. A very practical example that I observe with my father, is that, he provides the food we eat every lunch or dinner along with the church members or listeners of bible studies. He too had to provide for his own fuel for our vehicle or for others' vehicle who help in the outreaches. He does this with a hope that soon, these believers after being established, will stand-up with a willing heart and take the initiative to help in those areas. Yes, we have to teach them, that they have to stand-up on their own, provide for their needs, and manage their own ministries. But we have to understand these takes time and not an automatic robot-like command-and-do thing... It should be like the example of helping a baby walk for the first time. You don't say to the baby "go and walk" and just expect them to walk? No! You assist the baby first to stand, and doing this takes time. When he learns to stand and understanding that the baby can carry itself, you then start teaching the baby to walk by assisting him and going through the experience of walking. Again these takes time... Until the one who assists get the feeling, understanding and having that confidence that the baby can do it, then we can let go. But do not forget! The baby can also fall, so be ready to catch or assist again! These same principle should be seen in church planting. Do we need Bible references for this? Consider these verses: 1 Corinthians 3:2, 1 Peter 2:2, Hebrews 5:12. Yup, these verses talks about new Christians being fed with milk (God's Word), but don't we think it's just clear that it takes time and great assistance to help others grow and learn to stand on their own? Just so in planting or farming. Planting seed is one thing, but watering and taking care of the plant is another thing. And all these things comes with time. In fact, it's not our work for a seed to grow, that's God's work. And God has His own timing, we can't assume and depend on our own timing. 

Well, praise God! By this time the two established baby churches can now provide food for themselves, and also give some love gifts for my father and to those who visits and preach God's Word. Even with just a few financial-abled people they give willingly and joyfully. My hope personally would be soon, God would bless them monetarily so that they are provided with their family needs and also that they could give to help others. And, hopefully soon they could give so that they can provide for a worker that would feed them spiritually. This would take time I know, and more than time, God's graciousness and benevolence to provide what is that these believers need, whether physically or spiritually

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Government and God's Word

To us, Filipinos, it is very discouraging and disappointing seeing how corruption has greatly affected our government. But do we ever wonder what God says about the government? Read these verses.

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 
Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour." (Romans 13:1-7)

These verses talks about the government being subject or submitted to God. And how God has indeed established an institute or an agent of His' to set forth order and harmony amongst the people. But indeed things has changed. From my watching of the video series of "The Truth Project", the lecturer explained how greatly sin and corruption has indeed corrupted how the government should be manifested or function. And from these verses we could simply understand that to have a functional and uncorrupted government, the government must be subject to God's Will and Ordinances.

You see the function of the government is really to bear the sword of order and harmony. Executing judgement to those who does evil, and commending the good. But the problem lies on how does the government see right and what is wrong? What is the basis of the government's decisions and discretion of which must be good and evil? and to whom should punishment be given? Without God being that standard or basis of good and evil, the government now then depends on their own ideas, their own standards, their own thoughts. And as far as I know, making their own standards leads to their own selfish and biased concept of good and bad.

If I were to ask, why do our government make laws and still if not many, there are and will be still people who will not agree with it? No nation seem to be at one or unity with whatever Government nowadays make as laws, except those that were already displayed and given as decree from God. "Thou shalt not kill!" a very interesting command of God, almost all nations agree to it, don't we? And what is the basis of this command or law? I don't think it began with the mind of man, but on the mind of God... people who don't believe on God though seem to disagree with that argument but would not find any historic evidence that it really came from man. Whether they say it common sense or common idea, man has no evidence it came from man but from the very start, it came from God.

You see, a nation whose laws based on the mind of man causes nothing more but chaos rather than harmony. Because whenever our laws are based on what people think as good and not depend on the standard of what God knows as good and evil, we will see that people will only see self-preservation becomes the main concept of the law and those that are not part of that self-preservation will definitely retaliate.

Perhaps I would like to site a great illustration, which we heard from the lecturer of the Truth Project. The question whether, "Can the government steal?" Surely there will be a mixed up ideas of each one. But comparing to a simple person who steals, most often we easily agree and discern that is wrong doing. But when we see the government taking something like a land perhaps by force, would we see it as stealing? From the one whom the land was taken, he / she would probably say yes, that is stealing. But what if the government says that they will use that land to give it to the poor and needy? Surely those to whom that land will be given will say, it's just but right to give it to the poor! Even a simple observer might say the same given that the person is not affected at all.

But in reality and in the eyes of God, stealing will always be stealing and it is a sin! And if God will give His hand of justice, He will give justice! That's what happened to the King of Israel, Ahab and His queen Jezebel. Perhaps these times, we don't often see that. But that doesn't mean God no longer is at work nor have stopped existing. God has His' timing and there will be a time of His Final Judgement, whether we believe it or not.

If and only if, the Government knows to be subject to the ways and principles of God, surely there will be great order and harmony. The Bible have so many examples of those, that of like King David and King Solomon. But when evil and sin came in, it destroys it so easily. From the lecture The Truth Project, the lecturer also displayed the United States as one of which a great example as well. Because from History and the foundations of America, it was Christianity that has founded and was built upon by the nation of America, one reason I too believe why they have become as a powerful nation... before! But now? things has indeed changed. They have forgotten God! You see their churches filled with old folks mostly and no young people. Atheism and other beliefs has flooded the nation of America, and I too believe that's the one big reason why it is falling apart as a nation.

Just trying to reminisce or remember, if I'm right, America was a great destination for people to look for a job and live in the early years... but now? I see our fellow "kababayan" who are hard-up living and trying to cope up with the life style in their. Well, I'm just re-echoing what I've heard and agree on what is really happening in our governments and in our nations. Without God being the standard, the basis, the foundation of our nation? We'll never experience order and harmony and even real peace in our nation. We'll have to just wait for that coming day when Christ Himself be the reigning King of kings and Lord of lords all through the whole wide world.