Saturday, June 28, 2014

What is TRUTH!

"Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all." (John 18:38)

"What is Truth?" This question is a very vital question everyone of us has to ask ourselves and that requires an answer... Though Christianity offers a claim of what is truth, others or the world also declares its truth claims... and reality is that these two truth claims goes directly against each other, the truth claims of Jesus Christ and the truth claims of the world... therefore one is truly the truth, the other is nothing more but a lie, displaying itself like truth.

Well, surely I may be portrayed as bias, since I am indeed a Christian. But to give more (if it be possible to make it more clearer) understanding, the reason why I say that there are only two truth claims: that of Christianity, which the Bible declares, the other, the world's truth claims including other religious, political and social or even philosophical claims. Only Biblical Christianity, makes a clear statement that it is only and all about God or the Lord Jesus Christ being THE TRUTH, Who is worth following and obeying, whereas the other truth claims will point to SELF, I, ME, MY WORK, MY DOING, MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS, MY KNOWLEDGE, MY WISDOM, MY UNDERSTANDING, MY EXPERIENCE, etc... etc... etc... And that includes the so called "Christian Sects" who still adds up works of self...

Well, I'm sure people most likely will not understand what I'm saying here or maybe mock me for what I'm saying but I pray that people will hear what I'm saying and that they would understand. Well, my goal is to at least make people understand what I've seen, heard and understood and even experienced and make the invitation for others to believe it or not with what the Bible or the Word of God is declaring, because even the Word of God says in I Corinthians 2:14 "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." In other words, with OUR OWN knowledge or wisdom, God's spiritual wisdom or knowledge becomes foolish to us, LEST His Spirit work, the Holy Spirit, Who indwells True Christians (1 Corinthians 6:19), gives clear understanding to His every Word. I said "True" because in reality, even Jesus Himself declares there will be "false Christians" (See Matthew 7:21-23).

That's the reality of the Word of God, the Bible. And if man will see this as truth, that would be the reality of this world. So we see a great battle between The Bible's Truth Claims vs. The World's Truth Claims. And in reality, if there is a "Truth" there is a "False" or there is a "Lie". The Bible stands only on One Truth, being the Lord Jesus Christ, the other having so many different kinds of truth, but the Bible sees it as "all but lie". We can see that in Matthew 7:13-14, and paraphrasing it "Broad is the way that leads unto death, narrow is the way that leads unto life." And that Narrow way IS the Lord Jesus Christ, which the world will see as worthless or nothing more but a lie. So in all these things we should understand there is indeed a battle for Truth and the question "what is really really real that is worth believing?" is worth answering...

Though at times, people often mix things up, seemingly they are both the same or as if there is no difference, but are not. Because the Word of God says, there shall be people professing to be wise but are foolish in the eyes of God, them who will change God's Truth into a lie (Romans 1:20-32). Another reality is that even when conversion takes place to a person or when a person becomes a Christian, it is not automatic that the person becomes mature and  knows-it-all. A Christian will still continue to fight the battle of truth and lies. For a truth, even Christians can be deceived by the traditions of man and the teachings of the world (Colossians 2:8). One thing we should really be very watchful as a Christian, is the enemy's strategies of deception, we Christians are prone of it, we are not immune to it. We can be harmed, destroyed and become unusable by God Almighty when we are deceived by it.

But a Christian need not to fret, for a Christian should know, he is standing on the truth. It just requires that we Christian ought to be diligent and responsible in making our stand worthy and firm. 1 Peter 3:15 says be always ready to stand and give an answer to our reason of hope that is in Christ Jesus whenever someone asks or challenges us the faith we take hold on to, the faith in Christ Jesus!

But surely standing for the truth and the faith we hold so dear, has its difficulties. Because surely we will be challenged, we will be hated and we will be seen as enemies, like our Master the Lord Jesus Christ. The servant can not be greater than the Master (John 13:16). It really requires great courage to stand for the truth! And the hardest is when we live what we really believe. Most often we Christians fail on this category "Living what we really believe!" Let me sight just a great example that even Christ Himself reminded of His disciples or His followers. The rebuke of the Lord Jesus Christ with regards to "worry" (Matthew 6:25-31). Indeed, why do we worry? if we really believe we have a God Almighty, the Great Provider, the All Knowing and All Powerful, why do we still worry indeed? Though it doesn't mean we ought not to work any more, but the fact that we do work and still worry for the future is like a big question on what faith indeed do we have to our God Almighty?

 It is interesting the Lord Jesus Christ pointed out this small thing. How much more on the other parts of what we believe of God? Him being our refuge, our strength, our help in times of need? And what of our evangelism? do we simply tend to neglect the Great Commission God has given to us as a Christian? A great misconception I believe is that the Great Commission is only for the Pastors or Workers of the Lord, but the truth? Christ gave this Commandment to the Church, the Christians! Not the few of the Christians but the whole of the Christian Realm or the believers in Jesus Christ. Yet how is it that our perspectives on the Great Commission has changed?

Now, I've shared so much on the Christian perspectives and struggles, let me get back to the battle of truth and lies. I must say though that this battle is too big and too enormous for me to share and discuss things but I really would like to promote a video to be seen and hear of all the arguments and discussions. The video series of "The Truth Project". But in reality, these are just few things that would declare much truth or the reality of this spiritual battle. And in honesty, the greatest battle of Christianity vs. other beliefs is that of the belief on "Evolution." I say belief, because reality? it is still a "theory" and never has been made as a "law" of science. Even many Scientists knows this already and yet the truth is being hidden, being covered up and the lie being promoted as truth which is NOT!

Let me share one of my arguments which wasn't probably shared by anyone else (though I am not sure if there is someone who has this same understanding). Let me ask this question, "If evolution - the idea of evolving to be made better - is true, why then does people have to wear clothes?" I'm sure you'll laugh at this simple question. But if you'll have to understand the animals have their protective skins, furs, etc. Why would we humans not adapt or evolve into something that we don't need clothes? You see in all honesty, we need clothes because of course we need protection, and I'm sure of this, we need it because we feel shame if we are naked. And if I would take that note, is it not that that's one of the actual feeling and understanding of Adam and Eve when they sinned against God? Evolution HAS NO REAL ARGUMENT OR EXPLANATION WHY WE NEED CLOTHES, when in fact if evolution was and is true, WE SHOULDN'T NEED CLOTHES NO MORE. Because? We should have evolved already to fit in the environment. Probably people will say, we have an "evolved intelligent mind" to do that... but that would create more questions. How did  that come about? why are the apes and others didn't have that evolved mind? And why is it that there are only one kind of human race who have this kind of Intelligence? why can't there be those what we see in TV's, another kind having intelligence but having a big nose or an Aqua man kind of people? These and many questions man has to answer if Evolution was true.

Actually, if you'd watch the "Truth Project", there it explains that "Evolution" has no real basis and it's founding arguments are already abolished, YET? We wonder why it is still being promoted or being taught and being propagated. People will say it is science, when in fact many and even professing non-believer of Christ Scientist, sees it as not a "law" or see it as foolish.

And still God's Word never changed its Words and can still stand up, up to this day to declare Its TRUTH enough to answer these questions. And can even answer the question why people will not believe in this TRUTH. What an Amazing Word of God! These are my thoughts and understanding which I believe is shared by all Bible and Jesus Believing Christians. And I hope other non-believers will see this light and understanding be upon them and that they will see, there is only ONE TRUTH, and that is Christ Jesus!

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