Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Baptist Distinctives

Here is something i just got my hands on... a paper so old, which contains the Baptist distinctives. One good thing to learn from and to understand what do we basically believe as Baptists and what separates us from other denominations.

B - ible : The only authority upon which we stand - 2 Tim. 3:16; 4:2
   A. The Ecclesiastical Approach
The church is viewed as final authority in matters of interpretation.
   B. The Rationalistic Approach
Reason is viewed as the final judge in Bible interpretation.
   C. The Mystical Approach
Personal experience serves the primary place in interpretation.
   D. The Realistic Approach (Baptist)
The soul of man bows to the authority of the Bible.
Making reason, the church, and personal experience all suppordinate to it

A - utonomy of the Local Church - Rev. 2 and 3
   A. Selects its own leaders - Acts 6:1-6
   B. Serves in self-judgment of its own members - I Cor. 5:13
   C. Settles all matter pertaining to outside fellowship - Acts 15:1-30

P - riesthood of Every Believer - Heb. 10:10, 17-19
   A. Worship - I Peter 2:5
   B. For Witness - I Peter 2:9

T - wo Ordinances for the Local Church (Baptism by immersion and Lord Supper)
   A. Marks - Initiated in the Gospels; practiced in the Acts, explained in the Epistles
   B. Mechanics - Baptism (immersion) for the believer only - Acts 2:41
      - Lord Supper (a memorial table) for obedient believers only - I Cor. 11:23-26
   C. Motivation - Loving obedience - John 14:15

I - ndividual Soul Responsibility - John 3:3
   A. Repent of Sin - Luke 13:3-5
   B. Receive the Savior - John 1:11-13
   C. Report the Satisfaction - Romans 10:9; Matt. 10:32

S - eparation
   A. Personal - Romans 12:1,2
   B. Priestly - (Ecclesiastical) - Romans 16:17-18; 2 Cor. 6:14-17
   C. Political (Separation of Church & State) - Matt. 22:21

T - wo Officers of the Local Church - Phil. 1:1
   A. Pastor - Honored as the Undershepherd
      (Also called "elder" and "bishop")
      1. Qualifications - Titus 1:5-13; I Tim. 3:1-7
      2. Duties:
         a. As Pastor he feeds
         b. As Elder he leads
         c. As bishop he oversees
   B. Deacons - Helpers of the Undershepherd
      1. Qualifications - Acts 6:1-4; I Timothy 3:8-13
      2. Duties - Acts 6:1-6
         a. Settles strife
         b. Promotes peace
         c. Protects pastor from problems that detract from ministry of prayer and preaching
         d. Helps the pastor to improve his ministry

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