Monday, January 15, 2024


Edited from the Original by Roldan Egmin Caroy on Monday, December 10, 2012

. . .” the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore ,

to send out workers into the harvest field.”

(Matt. 9:27)


Yes, God is the Lord of the harvest.  By this, we give Him honor and thanksgiving on our 56th anniversary. God has used many people, many workers, many circumstances and opportunities to accomplish His work. He has sent workers into His harvest field in Loakan . . .


It was sometime in the late 1940’s and the early 1950’s that the seed of the work was planted through the ministries of the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE).  Missionaries including Rev. Alfred Conant, Rev. Jerome Casner and family, and the Baguio Baptist Church pioneered Bible classes and children’s Sunday school in what is known today as Puroks Ongasan and Mangga in Loakan Proper.


A small group of believers were organized and started to hold regular meetings and Bible classes, first in homes like those of the Cuilan and the Pedro Palispis families.  Later, worship services were held in a makeshift chapel made from donated materials including galvanized iron roofing by the late Mr. and Mrs. Hopewell.


The beginnings of the Loakan Baptist Church experienced its share of difficulties and persecutions.  Many of the local people whose paganistic traditions and practices were ingrained in daily living and family life did not readily accept the Word of God. The early believers could remember how their pews would be hang on trees by those unsympathetic to the faith. Also, for a period of about five years after the Conants left, the work seemed to come to a halt.  Inspite of the circumstances, there were those who persevered in the faith.


In 1956, Rev. Jerome Casner and Pastor Ansen Valentin started the baptism of new believers.  Formal worship and evening services and the remembrance of the Lord’s supper were started.  Before Rev. Jerome Casner and his family returned to the United States, the believers drafted their church constitution. The group then became known as the LOAKAN BAPTIST CHURCH.


By 1958, the makeshift chapel was transferred to a lot located on a hill overlooking the Airport or what is known today as Maryhills. The piece of property was donated by the late Mr. Ngamoy Sacay, an elderly who faithfully attended church. Again, unbelievers scoffed at the small chapel and would call it a “chicken coop” but the believers did not “chicken out” but continued to follow The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.


In 1970, a wider lot was donated by Mr. Sacay on which the present church building now stands.  Construction started with a little less than P 5,000.00 on hand and with the leadership then of Pastor Felix Bigornia and a few deacons, the church building was put up.


Through the years, the expansion of the church building took place on all sides. Sunday School rooms to accommodate a pre-school was built on the eastern side of the church building under the pastorate of Rev. Larry Domingo.  Church members donated and loaned their money to augment the meager amount that was available to finish the project.


In 1990, an adjacent 500 sq.m. lot was bought by the church and annexed to the church frontage.  During the same year in July, a killer earthquake hit the City of Baguio and its suburbs.  The church building sustained considerable damage when the southern portion of the building eroded and the wall collapsed. God’s provision was once again made evident through the gifts from His people, friends and members from here and abroad.  Repairs were undertaken not long thereafter.


Again in 1998, under the pastorate of Pastor Graciano Saugen, additional Sunday School rooms and a multi-purpose hall were annexed to the western side of the church. This was to accommodate the growth of the pre-school and the Sunday School classes.


More important than the growth in property and improvement in physical structure, the Lord added to the number of believers each year.  From a handful of believers, hundreds if not thousands of lives have been touched by the ministry of the Loakan Baptist Church.  The church has brought the gospel not only to the local residents but to the different parts of Baguio and Benguet like Happy Hallow; Antamok Mines; Balatoc Mines; Camp 1; Camp 6; Loacan, Itogon; Daklan; Apalan; Guisset; Beckel; and Gumatdang. Furthermore, extending to the neighboring provinces like Bacnotan and Burgos of La Union; And, Lubo of Kalinga, Apayao. Daughter churches were established like the Happy Hallow Baptist Church; Balatoc Christian Fundamental Baptist Church; Community Fundamental Baptist Church in Loacan, Itogon; Camp 6 Baptist Church; Harvest Baptist Church in Bacnotan, La Union, and The Living Word Fundamental Baptist Church in Apalan-Guisset.


Through the years, God in His infinite wisdom, provided workers too many to mention in this piece of written history just so to accomplish His own purpose in the harvest field.


At present the church has around 300 members led by Ptr. Ruben Huyo being the Senior Pastor, Ptr. Geru Sardina as the Associate Pastor beginning year 2009 and Ptr. Lemuel Pay-an, who was recently designated as the Youth Pastor. The church has also absorbed and commissioned Ptr. Hubert Caroy as a Missionary Pastor last year 2011, since he has started mission work in places that of Apalan, Guisset, Cubabeng, Beckel and Gumatdang. His family also have been instrumental in supporting and assisting him, as he continues to evangelize and share the gospel of Christ to places who needs to hear the Hope that is in Christ Jesus. The church has been also given the burden to help in Vigan and commissioned Ptr. Nero and Penny Misajon year 2011 under the supervision of Ptr. Huyo.


This year, Ptr. Lowell Achedera was then also called to be the Pastor in Daklan, continuing to reach the lost souls and edify believers in the locality. The church has then decided as well to hand-over the work of the Lord in Burgos, La Union to our fellow Bible Baptist believers who are near the vicinity as it profits nothing competing with other Christian groups; Therefore, focusing more to God’s leading toward open doors of opportunity in sharing the Word of God and the Gospel to other unreached places. It has also been a great mileage and celebration as the Christian Education Center has reached it’s 30th Foundation Anniversary this year.   


The church continues on as the Living Body of Christ in the locality of Loakan through the given regular church services, prayer meetings, home and school bible classes, Sunday school, home visitations, the church arms – AWANA, AFC, Young Adults Group, Ladies Fellowship and Men’s Fellowship, music ministries, the Christian Education Center, Parents’ Bible classes and counseling sessions.  All  the activities are aimed to proclaim the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to them who are lost and edify or build the believers into becoming like Christ. 


The church also sends and supports local and foreign missionaries; Continues to support Bible School students, currently to name Mr. Roujay Balagot and Ms. Sharon Sison; And, even support volunteers who desire to be used in the ministry, currently to name Ms. Jochebed Caroy undergoing training in “Goducate.”  


Through some 56 years, God has amazingly and tremendously blessed the Loakan Baptist Church!  Truly the Lord of the harvest is faithful and worthy of our praise and thanksgiving!


Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your Name be  glory, because of your love and faithfulness.

May the Lord make you increase, both you and your children.

May you be blessed by the Lord, The Maker of heaven and earth.

The highest heavens belong to the Lord, But the earth he has given to man.

It is not the dead who praise the Lord, Those who go down in silence;

It is we who extol the Lord, Both now and forevermore.

Praise the Lord.

(Psalm 115 :1, 14-18)

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