Sunday, November 17, 2019

Discipleship or “Disciple”-ship

There is a growing confusion and discussion about this word. And I personally think the word is drastically being changed in its original meaning from the root word “disciple”, which is a learner or student. Though the current idea is not yet far from it, still the meaning from my observation is pointing towards a picture of a group of people secluding themselves to discuss and learn something centrally from a manual or book written by a man asserting that it is based from the Word of God, the Bible, with a simplified and easy to understand guide in understanding the Bible. Although this is just my personal view and of my personal observation, I’ve got a feeling there are those who would and would not agree with me and on my observations. Just like other Christian words, like the word “Christian”, “Praise and Worship”, etc. has somewhat changed its meanings, I fear this “Discipleship” could change too.
               Now, why I’m writing this is the above stated reasons and to also speak out further personal thoughts, observations and ideas. I am not against in this idea or concept of Discipleship though, but I feel their needs be a truth-checker or reminder or perhaps Jesus’ command to “Watch and Pray” (Matt. 26:41). And I would re-focus in the word “Watch”, which entails Christians to learn to stop, pause and see what is happening. And sometimes to understand what is happening, one must see the bigger picture, an overview, like an aerial view of an eagle. The “Watch” word though doesn’t mean we just simply watch and do nothing. I believe Jesus wants to have the knowledge and understanding of what is really happening, to see what the enemy is doing and to see what God is doing. After which, the “Pray” is essential, because it seeks to have God’s favor, enablement and authority through Jesus Christ, to do what God desires the Christian to do.
      Therefore, I wish to share things I’ve watched and praying that whatever the case, Christians will fulfill God’s Will and obey His commands for the Glory of God alone.
        Recently someone showed me this post or article in lieu of the person’s concern over someone who may be into it.

I don’t know where it came from nor bothered google-ing it in the net. But I read it and it gave me goose bumps. Why? Because someone (the founder of the so called “G12 movement”) was spoken to, by God through a vision (*Brrrrrr….*). Well? I know I’m quite biased here due to my religious and cultural belief. But, let me explain further from where I’m coming from. As a Bible-believing Christian, we believe that the final authority of Christian faith and practice (since Jesus is not here on earth but in heaven) IS the Word of God, the Bible -- the Scriptures (based in II Tim. 3:16-17). Not man, nor woman, nor other visions or dreams or other people claiming to be the Son of God. Though we believe that God can speak through visions and dreams as written in the Word of God, still the FINAL AUTHORITY when conflicts arise will be the Bible. Why so? Because we believe the Bible is God’s complete revelation of His will and plan, which Christians ought to obey. That is why on the matter of this so called D12 or E12 or G12 or discipleship, I believe we are not fully against it, because the idea of teaching others with the gospel of Christ and God’s Word is still enclosed to it. But, just as the author of the post said, the teachings being taught are what are to be careful of.
In addition, to say that “this method or tool is what God wants His church to be modeled to” is a dangerous idea. First reason why I said this is that such a commandment or teaching was not “literally” taught by Jesus Himself, evidenced by the apostles themselves. In fact, what Jesus taught His disciples mainly and such is the work or reason of the existence of His church (esp. the early Christian Church in Jerusalem) is to obey Jesus’ Great Commission – The preaching of the gospel of Christ and teaching Jesus’ teachings (Matt. 28:18-20). This is Christ Jesus’ crystal clear instruction to His church. No visions, no dreams. Point-blank – Evangelism and Discipleship.
Third reason? (second reason was the evidence of the apostle’s obedience) …. Is that for almost two thousand years, such an idea never came up and it was just recent that this popped up! Meaning, if what the founder of the D12 movement said was true, that this was God’s will for the church, then for so many years the disciples and the Christians after them, disobeyed God’s will or command. BUT, thank God that is not true! When the Holy Spirit came down at the day of Pentecost (50 days after Christ resurrection and 10 days after His ascension), the disciples and believers of the Lord Jesus Christ didn’t run and look for 12 unbelieving people to convert. In actuality, they spoke different languages and dialects of other places or regions that were there for trading and commerce. And, concluded with Peter preaching Jesus Christ for the day and approximately three thousand individuals believed in Christ Jesus as their Lord and Master and Savior. As the Bible said, Three thousand people were added to the church or converted in the Christian Faith. Such an amazing awe-striking dumbfounding event!  
               If I may share my insight in relation to the current trends in Christianity, this discipleship method or tool is not evil in itself. But to fixate our eyes on this idea only because of actual numbers of members produced or enjoined with this movement is surely a trap of our enemy. Why would I say this? Because I believe God was never interested in numbers but at the heart of every individual, whether their heart truly Christ reigns or not. Numbers of members or being part of the so called “discipleship” is not a guarantee that such is a child of God. Remember Matthew 7:20-23? Or 7:13-14? And the phrase “few there be that find it.” God actually already knew few will find the way back to Him from the billions of earth’s population.  
               Furthermore, churches that are entirely into such a trend tend to forget other people needing to know the gospel of Christ. Honestly I do not know entirely how things work in the so called movement, but initial observation tells me, especially for those who requires that they acquire a manual or a book (other than the Bible), gives a glimpse that this is not for those who cannot afford or do little income for themselves. Second, the discipleship sometimes require them to go to places and usually on accessible places, giving me also a glimpse that this is not for the in-accessible, those who live in the remote areas. In the long run, these churches may find themselves not into church planting or preaching the gospel of Christ in far areas, remote areas where the gospel of Christ has never been preached.
               I’m a missionary kid, and I must say being into missions is never a comfortable one. In fact, it is a place of discomfort, sorrow, pain and even tears. Such as what apostle Paul himself experienced. And I can’t imagine how my father got through and going through such a life. I perhaps can just put to mind Christ’s promise “…and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”
               Last thing I wish to express and perhaps to remind (for the churches) is that “Discipleship” or the Great Commission is actually God’s work. And, we Christians are His mere fellow laborers. He is the Master of the harvest field and we are simply doing what the Master asked us to do (Matt. 20:1-16). To better put, let me quote Apostle Paul from 1 Corinthians 3:6-8 saying “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” Still it is fully God’s work especially on the matters of changing the heart. Therefore, conversion of a person and discipling them to be Christ-like is never based or dependent on another person, a man or woman, or a method or tool or program. It is wholly and fully dependent on God through the working of the Holy Spirit. We, Christians, are simply God’s instruments. So go ahead, do discipleship, do D12 or E12, or do missions, preach the gospel of Christ! But NEVER FORGET to always pray and seek for the working and LEADING of the Holy Spirit and to hope for another “great mighty rushing wind!”   

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