This is the land of my forefathers... once was a field of rice, where my forefathers till the ground. Now, is the land for planes and of aircrafts... yet I still call it my beloved homeland... Loakan.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Loakan Baptist Church Christmas Cantata
Pasensya di na namin na-include yung message.....
Here is the Cantata proper.... just have a copy of the songs, partially the narration and monologues....
Sorry but as told by my brother, the Finale or last video is "bitin" or cut-off due to battery low of our cam... so sorry... will try to look for a complete video though.... =) Have a blessed day or night watching it! =)
UHM??? ok here is a video of the last song in a different angle. Video from.... uhmmm? ehehehe! Someone I don't personally know (pasensya na ha.... pero sana ok lang hihihiihi! na i-post ko dito... =)...)
ay.... cannot embed the video.. but here is the link in facebook anyway.... wenks!¬if_t=video_tag
Monday, December 6, 2010
My First Visit to Daclan
Further than that, my father is also ministering and sharing God’s Word in Apalan, where his previous fruits of his ministry are now gathering, fellow brethren who also needs much encouragement and discipling. They too came along going to Daclan... Manang Bec jokingly says “the traveling church!” Hehe!
(Video shows the number of people coming along with my father to Daclan. Approximately 21 people rode a 13-seater van. )
Having seen the place, and the people, I saw much disappointment at the same time encouragement on the faces of those that were there. Further than that, I saw much struggle amongst themselves, for they were fewer than us who went with my father. Just a few families came, which made me sad. For so long years I have been in an atmosphere of much people, too much to even know them one by one or know their names even, but here I find so few inside a partially built chapel for worship and as a church building. But one of them surely was grateful we came, shaking my hand and saying it was good we came to visit. It’s a heart-breaking and heart-warming feeling and surely I’ve seen so much need. I just hope in time they would also grow spiritually and numerically in God’s own time.
As of now, different workers of the Lord, go there to preach and share the gospel every Sunday. But on weekdays? Nobody comes. Truly the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few.
My father taught at that day for the Sunday School speaking in the Ibaloi dialect as it is the most common language in that place. It was quite hard for me to cope up with it since I wasn’t trained much on the Ibaloi dialect even though I am an Ibaloi by blood. But still I have learned and reminded much from what my father shared.
One of his topics was about the true and genuine Christian and the Counterfeit Christian. Truly a lot of us these days proclaim that they are Christians, but only in words, never in the real essence of it. They act like a Christian, but they don’t really know the Lord Jesus Christ. Their relationship with the Living God is actually still cut-off and never was re-"bound" (if you know what I mean). My father’s reference about the matter is Matthew chapter 7. It also reminded me of a preaching I viewed from Youtube by Paul Washer talking and questioning “Who are the genuine Christians among those professing Christians of America?” And, truly our nation is not far from it. Many claim they are Christians, but the real truth of it, they are not. Jesus Himself knew this and can be read His words in Matthew chapter 7.
At the time of judgement, many will say to Christ.. “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?” but Christ will soon say “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Truly there is a big difference from simply knowing the Lord Jesus Christ from the Lord Jesus Christ knowing us. May this be a reminder of who is our Lord and who is our Savior? Is it our possessions? Is it our positions? Our career? Our money? Even Our family? Nay, but let Christ be our Lord and Master of all! Our Savior and our God!
(video shows a partial view of the place and the building. The church building is built in Kulong Daclan and somewhere school is also nearby.)
(video shows our food to partake.)
(video also shows a house visitation we had in the afternoon. Visiting the sick and as I've heard a previous attendee at Coblan.)
With all these, my hopes are that we Christians be reminded of why we’re still here on earth, that is to live for Him who died for us, Jesus the Christ.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The current school year started with 74 clubbers and currently has an average of 50 clubbers attending the AWANA Clubs every Sunday, 2:00 in the afternoon. And, also have 29 leaders helping, teaching and leading little kids to know Jesus Christ and training them to serve Him. This is the aim of AWANA Clubs, that is to teach and train them according to the principles of God’s Word, based from its theme verse, 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, A Workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” AWANA as it stands Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed.
The AWANA Kick-off was the introduction and a special day for clubbers and the leaders prepared a period of games for them. A time to have fun and a time of laughter! It was also a time to introduce the leaders to the clubbers as well as the clubbers to their leaders. The activity done was a simultaneous game event from which clubbers are free to choose from, which game they would prefer. To describe it more, it was more like a fun fair, although there were no clowns or such. Some games were physical like shooting the ball, playing touch the body, bring me, etc. Other games, were Mind games like, unscrambling scrambled words, memorizing verses, answering questions and the like. And some were easy games mostly preferred by little kids, that is modified bowling and others. With all those games it was probably enough to motivate them to come back for next AWANA meeting.
But as the ministry of AWANA started, so are the battles and the challenges for the leaders. It is a challenge indeed seeing very young leaders handling young clubbers. For as the leaders know, the key for the success of the AWANA ministry, are they themselves, the leaders. For they are the main teachers, leaders and trainers of these young kids in knowing and following after our Mighty King, the Lord Jesus Christ. Every leader is accountable to every clubber they handle. Every soul of each kid is on their hands. Therefore, great is the responsibility and accountability of these new leaders towards these kids who will soon become leaders of the next generation.
And probably a good question these leaders should ask themselves is “Where will their kids be after they are gone?” Evangelism and Discipleship are very important in our Christian lives and it is best done when we are young, easy to mold and to be trained. “As the twig is bent is how the tree will grow. As the mind is planted, is how the heart will know.” May God continually help these leaders as they lead the kids to and for Christ!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
“The Rat Race”
A few weeks ago, I’ve been searching for a book to be used for cell group discussion amongst our Young Professionals’ Fellowship. I couldn’t find the books I previously searched through the net and somehow came across this book: “The Man in the Mirror” by Patrick M. Morley. I kind’a thought “This is a good book for me”. A good read somehow… and, so I bought it, having found nothing else to buy from the Christian bookstore.
As I read it, the first chapter talks about this “Rat Race”, which the author relates it to the “American Dream” yet never attained. From this point on, I knew that the target readers of this book were Christian Americans who are engrossed and perhaps trapped in pursuing this so called “The American Dream.” Although it may have targeted Americans, still I have interest in reading it. And so I did!
The author defined “Rat Race” as pursuing the beautiful wrinkled-free life. To far more describe it in detail (from my own understanding), it is about one’s desire to acquire a life with beautiful house, excellent & luxurious car, with time to relax with family and friends and simply enjoy, having fun and etc. I thought to myself and ask “Is this the kind of life Filipinos dream too?” Probably! But maybe that’s just my opinion. The Filipino majority, I believe, are the poor ones and there are even poorer than the poor. Putting myself in their situation, I see that their goal might be, is to survive this wretched and corrupted system of ours and survive by earning and even sacrificing much for the sake of providing for their needs. And to add to it, even we Christians are somewhat caught in this kind of situation.
As I failed to make some survey of my own, perhaps asking my fellow young professionals would suffice and confirm my thoughts and ideas about this so called “the rat race” (in the Filipino concept). And somehow it was almost the same in my thought when asked “What is the Filipino’s dream today?” One of the things I’m sure would hit our thought is “Abroad!” Going away or running away from the Philippines. Of course with the idea that your family is also with you and finding a better place to stay or “a greener pasture” as they say. And before one could do that, sacrifices had to be made. One has to venture and explore the uncertainties and the risks, rather than to choose to stay in this corrupted nation.
Seeing the lives of other people, I think some are successful and some failed. And a sad truth, one has to gamble a great deal of money to take the risk of earning huge of amount of money. And of course when money is in the middle of it, corruption and deception follows it luring the innocent and the unknowing victims of its true intention.
Another sad thing, most often we Filipinos are caught up and almost have a habit of what we call loan (utang – Filipino term). I can’t understand how this practice have come from, for I believe this kind of practice is never a Christian habit or life-style.
Romans 13:8 “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law”
But going back to the book…. And I think, Filipinos and even we Christians being caught in the idea of pursing a goal which is to attain this greener pasture-kind of life is our “the rat race”. I’m not saying that being in this “rat race” is wrong, but it’s just that because of this, we forget our real goal. We forget sometimes what is more valuable than not. And most often, we forget that we have a Great God. And, that I must admit, I too am caught in this problem.
Hebrews 12:1-3 – Talks about our race, the Christian race, which definitely points us to a different direction.
Galatians 5:7 - Reminds and asks us Christians “What has detracted us into running our good race?”
“But what can we do? It seems there is no way from getting out of the rat race?” I somehow asked. Personally? I too am hard up thinking about these things for there are many factors that affect our situation.
The book talked about some factors that have weaved this “American Dream” concept. One is, Media. The media has become a strong medium of, maybe brainwashing or deceiving people to believe in a product and making it become as if “a need” rather than just a want. With the power of technology, media has become more influential than ever. And, perhaps created a new breed of generation, if I may say, a materialistic generation. It’s astonishing how the television works and affects people. Sometimes I observe my sisters and perhaps I myself caught in watching TV programs. Just after watching one episode, generate a desire to watch the next one, same with games and other media and/or entertainment-related activities. It definitely creates such an addiction that is hard to say no to it. A problem which may cause us to decide poorly and unwise on certain decisions which will in effect may lead us to bigger problems. And I think that is the problem. We are caught up with small things and think it’s just a small problem when in fact, when neglected becomes a big problem.
That is just one factor. And it’s certainly a sad note.
1 Corinthians 6:12 "'Everything is permissible for me"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"—but I will not be mastered by anything.
This verse gives a practical principle we Christians should put into practice. Watching TV is not evil nor is a problem. But it actually gives no benefit for us. Probably to simply entertain, but entertainment is never a need. If you think we need it to relax and have a little laughter, don’t you think you could do that in a much better activity like being with your family or your friends? Think about it. What is more likely enjoyable and much more meaningful, a time with your TV or your family and friends? And, the principle that one must not be mastered or controlled by it is one thing we Christians should really have. At this point, I have certainly learned to say no to TV. But if idle time comes, it definitely knocks on my door a lot.
One of the factors that I’m currently on struggle right now is money. For some reason, I couldn’t help but be caught up in the pursuit of more money. Of course, due to the need of money-generated problem (e.g. bills, allowances, food, needful items & appliances, etc.). And seeing others, it seems they too have the same problems, which makes me at times ask God and most often doubt Him as my Provider. Of course, by doing so, I sin against Him. And so I ask God’s forgiveness as well as for Understanding. And the Truth? I think the problem is in how we define our needs. I sometimes ask, “I wonder if I were alone living in a simple house. What would it be like? What will be my needs?” Sometimes or most often we have a problem managing or becoming a good steward on what God has given us. And as one preacher recently preached: “Sometimes we think we own these things. When actually it is God’s[re-phrased].” We need to learn and remind ourselves that we are just stewards of God’s creation and God’s gift. And we are held accountable in what God has given us.
I may never give comfort and share all the insights here. But certainly, we can’t go on in our lives as Christians and become miserable just by looking at and pursuing a goal other than Christ.
Matthew 7:14 “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
from the program of the church, as-is)
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Rich Man and The Resting Fisherman
Once there was a rich man walking near the beach, he saw this Fisherman lying down on his simple boat. Resting and enjoying the breeze of the air that comes from the ocean early in the morning. The fisherman seemed to care less of what was going on around him and simply lying down like a lazy person doing nothing at all...
The rich man was bothered seeing this fisherman seemingly doing nothing. He went close to the fisherman and ask, "Excuse me sir, but what are you doing?" The fisherman replied without hesitation, "I'm resting!"
Then the rich man said, "Are you not going to go out fishing?"......
"No, I have already caught enough fish for the day." the fisherman replied.
The rich man told to himself "This fisherman is really such a lazy person".. So he asked again... "Why wouldn't you go out and catch more fish?"
Then the fisherman puzzled and asked... "What will I do with those more fish?" ... The rich man laughed to himself, thinking the fisherman was so stupid and said...
"Well, you could sell it to others. Then, if you'd sell them and earn a-lot, you could buy a NEW BIGGER BOAT".. then the fisherman asked "What will I do with a bigger boat?"..
The rich man replied, "Well, if you get a bigger boat you could catch and carry much more fish!"...
Then the fisherman scratched his head saying, "Then what will I do with the much more fish? "...
The rich man starts to be frustrated on how stupid the fisherman is saying, "Well, you could buy more boats then catch much much more fish... Then maybe in time you would be rich like me and have more money!!!"
Then the fisherman still puzzled and asked a question... "And...... what will I do with a lot of money???"
Then the rich man astonished thinking how really stupid this guy is, said..... "Then you could relax and have fun for yourself!!!"
Strikingly the fisherman replied and asked..... "SO WHAT DO YOU THINK AM I DOING NOW!?"
Hehehe! Funny story but one can learn a lesson from the fisherman's perspective ....Most often in pursuing the things of this world, we forget what is more meaningful and valuable in our lives.... May we know and pursue the kind of life that is more meaningful and of great value. And that can only be found in Christ!
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21)
"But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." (John 4:14)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
Some people these days and perhaps growing in number, believe only in the things they can see, feel, hear, smell and touch, and their own knowledge or what we call science becomes their standard of living. Faith is set aside.
Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." and this is our shield and stronghold for what we stand as Christians. This faith is what these people see as foolish and worthless, but the problem is they don't see what genuine and true Christians have experienced because of it. If I may say what I think, these people would base all their beliefs on a limited aspect, which is knowledge. But we Christians base our beliefs on something that is not limited, which can only be done through Faith.
To them they see us as fools and sore losers, at some point they may be right, but on the basis of the world's standard of winners and success. But on God's standard they are the ones who are lost. And we Christians, came from those group of the lost and the call continues to seek and to save those that are lost. The problem is, would they receive the call and believe?
Having the Faith in the Lord truly never promised such glanderous life as many expect, for in fact Christ himself says in Mark 13:13 "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." And this should be a puzzling thought, for why still follow if we will face such circumstances? Because we Christians have hope. Hope for eternal life and a life with God. This is the gift God is offering and continues to be offered until the day Christ returns.
It's sad that even with these statements or hope or gift we present, they could become hard-headed and closed mind about it. Perhaps knowing their kind of character is the thing that have disturbed me the most and gave me worry. Perhaps the feeling that these kind of people will never be able to receive the Gift of salvation at all. But it hits me! I knew a man from the social network "" who is now serving God. I may not know him personally but as far as I remember he declared that he was once one of them who never believed in God. And, because of that I could rest my heart and mind, that even they can be changed once they get to know Who God really is in their lives.
Far more than these, the life we live as Christians is indeed strong evidence we could offer. As always, our lives is the greatest message we could ever share. People look at us, observe us and would try to test us. Therefore, the call for Christians to glorify and magnify God through their lives is at its peak. Having been reading a devotional book testifying the lives of different Christians and how God worked in their lives, truly it is very inspiring. But it is also a challenge, for we need these men and women of character, people who will like a light, shine, so that others may see Christ in us.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Agos ...... an old Tagalog Christian song
By Isagani Licerio
Composed by Isagani Licerio
Album Papuri 1
Agos ng tubig sa batis ay lumalagaslas
Sa mga bato sa tabi ito'y humahampas
Batis na walang tigil sa pag-agos
Na kung saan marami ang nabubuhay
Marami ring namamatay
Ang buhay ng mga tao dito sa mundo
Ay tulad ng isang batis
Umaagos nang kay bilis
Mahirap man kung iisipin
Ngunit kung iyong iibigin
Batis man sa agos mo
Kay tuwang namamasdan
Agos ng batis at buhay ng tao
Tumatakbong sabay ito sa dagat
Na ang wakas ang tungo
Ang buhay mo sa Diyos nanggagaling
Sa Diyos mo rin itagubilin
Gamitin mong pag-papala
Sa buhay ng iyong kapwa
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Reading the Verses
The book contains verses that have greatly affected or perhaps made a great impact in the life of an individual Christian and most likely made an unforgettable event in their lives, as well as to those that surrounds them. Those verses perhaps made a change in one’s life, proved God’s faithfulness and goodness, entails God’s magnificent and glorious omnipotence, wisdom and strength; Verses that have truly become a part of the their life.
As such as I have read and still reading, it continues to hit me with the question: “Does these verses continue to be a blessing and a powerful life-changing verse in these times?” Considering what is happening these days, where hope seems to be robbed my many and disappointments rule the mind of God’s people, how indeed shall these verses continue to build Christians up? But truthfully, it is all by Faith.
Needlessly not much to say, but I hope these verses indeed continue to be a blessing and a challenge for me. To keep on the Faith and firmly stand on the Word of God, as we were taught and trained by men and women and who firstly gave their lives to Christ.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Sunday, January 3, 2010
The Journey towards the Destination
This quote I've read it from the book "Boy meets girl" is most often quoted by my single young adult friends. Although at this point I like to use it in another perspective, as recently I have traveled to two destinations. Destinations which probably have connection to my father and his ministry. The first travel I've had was going to "Bisal", a very remote place near the Ambuclao Dam, of which he was asked to preach and speak as their guest speaker for their church anniversary. The other travel I've had was our family outing going to Pagudpud, a recent new tourist spot with white sand beaches.
The first travel I've had was definitely an adventure, as we traveled in the very steep mountains and uncemented roughly roads. We also had to hike for 10-15 minutes going down towards our destination. Recalling my previous visits there; I was still kid then, probably more or less 7 years old, I had the experience of hiking for 1 hour or more going there. But actually more of a free ride as someone we call "Manong Ricky" carried me on top of his shoulders almost throughout the hiking period, hiking in a narrow path near the edge of a cliff. That was then when no road is near the place.
It was the church's 25th anniversary and with my father as the speaker, who was one of the pioneers of the church in Bisal, old colleagues of his came too. It was like a reunion for those who helped and ministered in that place. As I look at my father, I got the feeling he is more than happy seeing the fruit of his labor, as God himself has indeed preserved and continue to be faithful to the church.
It was a time of remembrance and a time of rekindling the fire amongst the believers in Bisal Fundamental Baptist Church. A fire that should continue to fill them as they serve God and continue to be a light in there remote area. Hearing their stories, I was able to know those who faithfully continued and grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. And, I was also able to know their own struggles and needs. The need to grow more as believers in the Lord and as a part of the body of Christ, the church.
The other journey I experienced with my family, although focused on having fun and relaxation, went to a different kind of journey. We had no real good plan for it, a reason perhaps things we expected didn't ever happen, or perhaps it was all God's own doing. It was still an adventurous journey, as we traveled towards our destination with no idea how to go there, but simply relying on what we know and what we had. This time my father had the opportunity to see an old colleague as well, who became our guide throughout the travel.
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The journey towards our destination!!! |
We were able to be on two beaches, one of which our guide, Ptr. Macoy, recommended to us and at Pagudpud, one of which we were eyeing to be and enjoy for the vacation. But with the circumstances, time caught us and never was able to do what we wanted to do. Nevertheless, we still had the opportunity to be in places and my father got to be re-united with his old friend and was able to know his status as well. Ptr. Macoy was one of those people who previously stayed at our house, as my father narrates, who not only learned carpentry but also was inspired and touched by the Holy Spirit to be a pastor. Throughout the travel, Ptr. Macoy and my father was able to talk about a lot of things. And, perhaps gives delight to my father's heart seeing his old friend continually serving God.
Although it wasn't purely an enjoyable travel, as we had the experience to be stuck on the sandy beach, cooked and ate our dinner with lack of light, and rushed to come home, still I think it was a memorable and learning experience as well. We are reminded to plan well in every decisions we make. But far more than that, personally, I think it was a time to see the fruits of our labor blessed by God. And with this particular travels, it wasn't my labor, but my father's, who have dedicated his life in the ministry of God. Truly I can say "Our labor is not in vain with God."