For quite some time, I've been out of work... reason? 'cause I resigned... Well, I had my reasons and definitely lot of reasons and factors I had to consider... More than that, I've prayed for it and God has led me to it... Thing is, I get a lot of different reactions and feedback about my decision. I never expected those feedbacks, all I know, God led me to it with surety and conviction. Perhaps, the only thing that has troubled me was that my latter expectations were not met as I have planned. But there were also unexpected events I may not have planned but much that I cherish and has brought me priceless satisfaction and joy, that is of course concerning being able to minister and serve the Lord as He leads.
At first, it is such a blessing being able to do things I never was able to do when I was at work. That's the reality of life. And as a Christian, there are realities of joy and gladness of the heart nothing that can be compared to. Much more when we are able to invest part of our lives in building others' Christian lives.
But as we know, Christian life IS a battle ground. There comes a time when we feel we are at a spiritual wilderness in our lives. As if we're lost and that God becomes silent (or just simply when the "I" starts kicking again). As often as it maybe, struggles of the Christian life continues on... it never ends.. But it does end only when we face the Creator of the universe. In other words, it ends when we die.
As the year near its' end, I ponder... I re-evaluate... I remember the days passed bye. Last 2011, I decided to help in my father's ministry in missions or where he's at. All the more that desire of helping grew as I see the ministry flourish and grow big... and to my knowledge, my father can't do the work alone. I'm glad and thankful, God has been helping us through individuals and the church who has commissioned my father as a missionary, but still I sense the greatness and the vastness of God's or the Lord's Harvest field.... Jesus' words are still true even until this moment... "The harvest is plenteous, but the labourers are few."
Now, I know what you're thinking!! You're telling to yourself probably... "mag-papastor talaga to!" Haha! Well, the truth is, I still don't know... I've heard the same comments or feedback, one way or another.. but the truth is I really don't feel the urgency of being called one. Thing is, I believe if God has called me to be one, He should lead me to be one. That has been my prayer, but as of now? God has been leading me to become what I am now... more of a Teacher of God's Word. Someone asked me before, what's the difference of a pastor from a teacher anyway? well? I'm not sure... all I know, a Pastor tends the flock... the Teacher teaches! Uhmmm? anyway I'm not really sure if there is such things to argue about those but all I know, God has been using me in some different ways or even unique ways, far different as to how God uses my father in other ways... Truly God's ways are not our ways. A truth I sense too often Christians forget.... They know the principle, but too often I find Christians limiting it to a certain circumstance only. Circumstances that they themselves can't understand. But when it comes to typical and normal situations or circumstances, as if Christians already have the answers and tend to point automatically to a direction one has to go through, not even consulting what does God say.... I've got a feeling, Christian principles have so many twisted principles, dictated by the world's systems and traditions. But that's just me... but when I look at principles I've learned from His Word... I question, I ask.. Why? What has happened to what the Word of God teaches? has God changed His principles? Now, maybe I like to give an example from God's Word, talking about my understanding on how God reveals His will on a personal basis....
Read this verses:
"Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. This spake he, signifying by what death he should glorify God. And when he had spoken this, he saith unto him, Follow me. Then Peter, turning about, seeth the disciple whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me. Then went this saying abroad among the brethren, that that disciple should not die: yet Jesus said not unto him, He shall not die; but, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee?" (John 21:18-23)
Well, you see, this story says that Jesus told Peter how he would die. Not sure if Peter understood, but his response was that of a question and asking the future of John. "What will he do?" Jesus responded, "If you know, what is that to thee?" Jesus' response, gives me an impression, so what if you'll know his future? What Jesus was looking for is Peter's response to the call of obedience.. I don't know if you see it but the point is, if God will deal with us personally, He will deal with us personally. Or if He has an instruction for us to do, that will He disclose it personally and we who receive it, ought to do it. But hey, I'm not saying God is limited into doing that... But the principle of "God having His own way, is not our way" is what I'm trying to emphasize. 'Cause too often, Christians tend to generalize situations and go on concluding knowing what's next (Isaiah 55:8-9). Nevertheless, God does not always disclose the future of others to others. As I have said, God has His own ways and often it is special and unique.
Christianity... What indeed is Christianity? The world is filled with so many definitions, explanations, etc... but all I know is that Christianity is what is defined and described in God's Word, the Bible. Typical definition? a follower of Jesus Christ! But the questions goes on.... Why does Christians seem to follow a different Jesus Christ? Is it because of time? and changes? Probably methods and programs change, but principles! Principles of God, does not change....
There is one verse I like:
Hebrews 10:16
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
Now this verse have two other verses (I presume) having the same content or the same phrase as exaggerated with bold letters. And if I'm right, "laws" there can be translated or mean "principles"... talking about the principles of God. Now, principles are mostly or really unchanging and somewhat pillars or foundation of other matters pertaining to God. And that's something that cannot change through time and it will always be true. Well, that's God's principles to you and to me.
So where was I??? the Waiting Period!!! aha! well, right now? I believe God wants me to wait further... I don't know how long, but that has been His leading to me. and while waiting, I tend to be busy with His Harvest Field, more of taking care of the field... watching... waiting... hopefully by God's grace, He will give me more patience and endurance being able to simply WAIT....