Monday, December 9, 2013

Overseer: The need of overseeing...

How often do we take thought of this principle? To many I believe this is an important matter or role of a person within a unit or a group, esp. of the family. God also declares this importance for them who are called into the ministry, overseeing the church or the flock. To some, it may be of not much of a matter but let us consider these verses to ponder on:

"Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood." (Acts 20:28)

"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest." (Proverbs 6:6-8)

"One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;  (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?)" (1 Timothy 3:4-5)

Oversee, it means to supervise, look after, be responsible, administer, organize, manage. If I may, I wish to share my thoughts on this matter. Overseeing as a need for a unit like the family or the church. I would like to start pondering on the third verse, the word overseer or oversee is not seen in the verse, but I believe the principle of it is seen under the word "rule". When one rules, surely it takes up responsibilities. Typically the world view of being a ruler is the "boss"-type kind of ruler, where the boss or ruler simply assigns or dictates his subjects to do things, etc. But I believe, the Biblical view of a ruler is of the opposite. The ruler, as exemplified by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is a servant, a humble servant! Remember the washing of the disciples' feet? Jesus portrayed such humility, rarely seen these days. I and even I have tried to experience such an "activity" or act, and it never is easy. Though I could probably simply do it, but the inner most part of who I am, tends to have a different heart. It tends to bring the heart of pride and if such heart can not be surrendered to God, doing it is not done whole heartedly and completely vain or worthless.

Let's take it to the extreme, just simply washing the feet of those possibly who look down on you or ridicule you, since we know not the heart of man, only God does. One could probably wash the feet of someone's dirty and filthy feet than yours, but what if that someone has a grudge or something that is against you, can you wash their feet? It's humanly impossible... BUT it's Godly possible! In other words, if you have God's Love, you can! How? Look to the CROSS! We are the ones who sinned, we are the ones who are worthy of being crucified, we are all sinners and worthy to be judged by God, separated from Him forever... YET, He still chose to make a way for us to be redeemed, to be brought back to Him. What an amazing awe-striking kind of Love! Well? these are the principles and characters a great ruler should have. And that's the biblical view point. Being the overseer, you can't simply have no heart for those that you oversee, as the Lord has exemplified. He had to meet and be sensible enough to know their needs, the disciples' needs, the people's needs. And that's something that needs to be understood in being an overseer or a ruler. Willing to go down even in the lowest part of who they are and understanding their need and being part of the solution of that need. That's overseeing!

The second verse, if read, seem to indicate there is no need for an overseer or a ruler... But think again or read again, ponder upon it. The ant is used as a subject of the context. And the verse describes the ant as WISE. And the verse is actually a rebuke to the sluggard, the lazy one or the fool. The verse is simply implying, that if you are wise, then you don't need an overseer or a ruler or a guide. You see, a function of an overseer is also to guide, to point to directions on what must be done in order to benefit oneself or the group (e.g. the family or the church). If and only if, each member like in a family or the church ALL knows their functions or responsibilities and DOES IT,  then probably there is no need for an overseer. But the reality of it? there is no such family, or a church.  There are those that knows their responsibility and does it, but mostly they act individually. As far as I know, I have never seen such a group, whether a family or a church that everybody in it knows what they should do and does it.

Therefore, these are the reasons why people had to meet up, gather and talk about things or matters need to be dealt with, people brainstorming on what must be done. Added to this point, everybody is unique, having their own different abilities, skills, talents and ideas or thought and nobody has ALL the knowledge and wisdom that they can simply dictate or instruct others to do what must be done. If someone have ALL the knowledge and wisdom on any matters to deal with, then he is  probably God, but no. As Jesus Christ has established the church, giving different and varieties of gifts to be used by the church, each members has to be united and have one mind, that is the mind of Jesus Christ. What does the Lord Jesus Christ wants us to do? Don't ask what does the pastor or deacons or whoever wants us to do. I am not saying that nobody will talk and give their ideas and just wait for God to talk in a divinely intervention or something, but hey, let us always consider the mind and heart of Christ Jesus. Why? Because He is the Head of the church. How? His Word, is a great guide for us to focus on what are our goals, our direction, our guide. Then, the church or each individual can share their own insights on fulfilling or accomplishing the goal as per led by the Holy Spirit. Do also remember, the Holy Spirit is always the One who guides and teaches us all things! So let us be dependent on the God through the Holy Spirit.

The first verse, is the instruction of apostle Paul to the leaders, elders of the church, as his days are numbered. It is also then an instruction given to the leaders, rulers, pastors, elders of this time. One has to really put in mind that those of whom leaders ruler over, the members, family members or church members are very important to God, and should be handled carefully, tenderly, responsibly. And as part of the role of an overseer, is to protect those that they oversee. To protect them no matter the cost, likened to a Shepherd who protects his flock from wolves or dangers and by protecting, means the risk of one's life. The Lord Jesus Christ still is the greatest example as the Great Shepherd, for He Himself has laid down His life for the sheep. What an awesome example!

Overseer, it is a need as we continue to be here on earth ministering and serving our Lord Jesus Christ as we also serve others and fulfilling Jesus' Great Commission and Commandments. 

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