Faith! Now, when I talk of Faith, I'm talking about Faith in Christ. Faith of which the object of our faith is Jesus Christ. 'Cause it's possible we have faith but not in Christ (e.g. heathen / pagan faith).
In my own personal belief, Faith opposites Fear, but in terms of definition it is not, since I think the opposite of faith would be disbelief or doubt, or probably matters that deals with Facts. Nevertheless, in our Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, too often that it goes against is Fear. Fear of many things that might come when we believe. When we fear, then it will produce disbelief and doubt.
Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a conference themed on missions, the mission pertained to the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One particular discussion or topic emphasized and taught was called the "Faith Promise." Now, the lecturers defined (as what I understood) "Faith Promise" as the giving of any object (mostly monetary) for the Lord's Ministry esp. on Missions, exceeding / excluding the tithes and offerings a Christian believer gives. From the words of it, it's a gift we promise to give to the Lord without having the normal capacity to give as what the Lord has given the believer the heart to give. It is basically not a demand but purely giving from the heart as what the believer believes God has placed in his/her heart. (Ref.: I Cor. 16:1-3) The Macedonian church has been an example of this giving. For indeed, even in their poverty, they gave (2 Corinthians 8:1-3).
It's quite a new principle for me. But through the lecturer's own experiences and sharing, it is indeed inspiring and definitely VERY challenging. It is VERY challenging because I (to be honest) even is not faithful in fulfilling or obeying God's command in giving my tithes and offering. Well, I am ashamed of that. Nevertheless, I believe that all that I am and all that I have is His. Therefore in all my decisions esp. on money, I have to ask God whether it is for His glory or not whenever I use it. For a truth, there is a big chance or possibility that I'll deceive myself esp. when it becomes a want. But I have to trust God with it. Now, I'm not saying giving your tithes is evil or wrong... But what I am saying is that, the heart matters more than our action.. From the time I committed myself into assisting my father in the ministry, esp. in the missions, I use some or most of my personal money in the ministry, acknowledging that my money is His... of course, I too had to learn to be a good steward. In other words, money should be planned and everything. It doesn't mean when I have money, I would give everything for the ministry. It has also to be managed for personal needs, family needs and ministry needs, etc. and identifying what is a want and what is a need. Sometimes, defining the need becomes a struggle to people who are into material things, but if only we surrender everything to God DAILY, I believe God will give us wisdom on how to manage our money or to be a good steward and identifying what is a need or want.
But still even with my conviction that "all that I have is His"... I still believe, I also have to give my tithes and offerings... it's just rarely do I do that now, esp. that I actually have no job or work to earn for a living. Now I simply trust God that He will provide our needs. But to be honest, this continues to be a struggle as the feeling of uselessness and insignificance creeps in... Well, I just have to really simply wait and trust on what His plans are for me and must be sensible enough where does God want me to be.
Now back to faith promise, I honestly can not fathom the experience of such thing. I know it's not a command and I also know that giving has to be from the heart, or else our giving will be useless. I believe even tithes, which is commanded, must be given out of a cheerful heart. Why? Because first and foremost, we can not out give God... What we have and receive, all these things comes from Him, how then can we give to God? Therefore it is just right that we give back what is His and doing it out of a thankful heart! So, the lecturers continue to challenge us and say "Challenge God! He loves challenges!" I've heard these phrase many times and indeed I would like to continue to challenge God through my life. Though I know it's a hard-kind road of life to challenge God, for indeed my faith will be tested. Even with my current situation, I am challenging God to use my life for a greater purpose. May I indeed be of purpose to His courts or His plans. And, He has been faithfully leading me even though at times I feel left out or alone or useless. I simply praise and thank God for His provisions in my family or to my parents. And, as I still continue to breathe, well and alive. Perhaps my wants only are the things not met. But that, I leave to God, and praying still for His abundant blessing. If you know me well, you'd know what would that want be.. (hehe!) But anyway, I continue to see God giving me opportunities in serving Him, and those are the things I would also cherish and continue to give me significance and purposeful satisfaction.
Faith... indeed, the just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17)... That is the Christian life... without faith in Christ, in God, our living as a Christian is futile. Those that does not believe simply live... simply exist and after? They don't know. But we Christians know what's next after death. In our daily Christian life, faith will always be necessary for us to go through life, whether in great times, much more in difficult times. For if we have no faith, then fear will take its toll. Questions will linger, and doubt shall be the fruit. May we continue to live by faith!
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