For so many times this has been a heated debate and probably has taken centuries... But as a common person, I too have gone through this struggle of belief. And I could probably re-term or re-define this struggle to "Faith vs. Logic/Reasoning". But as I have struggled, I too have grown... grown in the sense of or in the matter of faith.
In these so many debates, arguments are used so to speak in winning.. But then again logical arguments may not be enough..
If I'm right, all these heated debate started at the time when Adam sinned. But probably humanly speaking, this has started when Charles Darwin started to propose theories.... With just a simply theory, many were affected as seen in our time. Atheism I believe is one result, another is the writing of Dan Brown and so many other that goes against the Christian Faith... This has not only affected the "secular" but also that of the spiritual.. Churches or "Christians" even have changed perspectives on their faith which soon has destroyed people's belief or faith in the written Word of God...
Because of these things and for many years now, the world has soooooooo many voices... Voices no longer knowing, who amongst them are truth or are true! Nevertheless, there are also people who've stood up, and I believe used by God to continue to declare the Truth, Truth that is in Jesus Christ. And, even I have learned things according to God's own leading. And, I wish to share my own insights and thoughts that others may already have thought of so here are my thoughts and questions that needs to be pondered very insightfully.
Charles Darwin's & other's theory right now is being accepted as facts, yet hard-proof of it is still vaguely to be considered. They say the earth is very old and yet there are those that say it is very young... it is funny how that is true.. Just looking at the sun, who would say the sun is very old? it's freakishly absurd? When I think the whole vastness of the universe, how can one person say how old the universe is when they themselves weren't there at the first time around? Machines have been made, saying it could compute how old is an object or a matter. Really? What's the basis and is it 100% sure it will? I don't think so. As time is uncontrollable and since man hasn't made a time machine yet, I doubt that such a 100% a machine can read how old is an object or matter is. It probably can guess based from an Artificial Intelligence having recorded and tallied data and information, but these are mere guesses likened to machines / people that guesses where Typhoons would take as a route or proceed.
One thing I really like to ask, that is if Evolution is true, "Shouldn't be there be other species or kinds that is like us who are able to think very intelligently, who can communicate, who can feel, who can know what is right and what is wrong? Shouldn't there be also NUMEROUS animals or beings having three hands or arms , having two noses or even one eye?" You see, evolution if it is true, shouldn't there be already other kinds who can also think like humans do?
Another point is the simple idea or knowledge, as I have also confirmed from others, "How do we know what is right and what is wrong?" I believe, C.S. Lewis have also made this point in his books. You see, we kind of sense or know what is right and what is wrong that doesn't have to be thought. How can we think that killing is wrong? Look at the spiders, they kill spiders of their own, that even their own children is killed by their mother. What stops us humans from doing so? it's irrational? it's immoral? Where did we get those definitions or ideas? Did we simply invented it out of nowhere?
Let's go to emotions. Simply why do we love? is love something that is necessary as human existence? or even joy or happiness, why do we need to be happy or joyful if such that we just came from apes or monkeys or whatsoever?
Another question I would ask is, "Why do we need clothes?" I thought, evolution is a process so that we could adapt better or improve our race as time goes bye? The simple feeling of shame when naked is another mystery and question to me if we think evolution is true.... if such a person does do that, what do we often say or judge them of? they are "nuts" or a "nut-case" or "mentally retarded"!
Such are the questions and many more unending questions when we believe evolution is true... Whereas the Word of God, the Bible continues to stand firm. Though there are many deceptions, twisted beliefs, twisted teachings from the Word of God, still the pure teachings and principles written in the Word of God stands true and faithful! People say it is simply written by men, but to a person who truly understands and believe what the Word of God declares, it is not.. but it is a power that can even reach the most evil-hearted men and transform them to become a light, shining and reflecting the light that comes from the Lord Jesus Christ.
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