Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Do you know How Great God's Love is?

When I talk about God, I'm talking about the God of the Bible -- the Christian Bible.

Most often, I think God's love is so easily taken lightly or for granted, even for Christians. Why? or How come? Easy, we have limited minds to comprehend the unlimited, unbounded, incomprehensible and unequally love of the Almighty All-knowing All-present God of the Bible.

Nevertheless, let's consider some of the things revealed to men on the manifestations of God's love (I said some because I'm sure there may be more and these are just the things that have captured my thoughts on God's Love).

First, consider this:

God created the heavens and the earth and it was good. Everything was perfect, except that God created and prohibited the fruit of just one out of the many tree from being eaten and it was clearly stated that once they did eat, man shall surely die. Though even with that one prohibition, would that ruin what God has made to be perfect and good? No. I don't think so. Sometimes men like to see the negative side more than the positive side, nevertheless, it's not man's creation. It's God's and who are we to be the judge? We are nothing but mere creatures of Him who made all things. And we are part of that ALL things.


Everything was provided and was given for free in that garden of Eden (simple but I think should clearly emphasize how good and loving God is).

But then, man failed and decided to disobey His Creator, His Provider, His Love, His Everything. And still, God exercised His love towards men by not automatically erasing man from existence. Instead, God planned from the very start of man's fall that He will redeem man once again. The verse below foreshadowed or prophesied how God would redeem man:

 “And I will put enmity (open hostility) between you and the woman, and between your seed (offspring) and her [a]Seed; He shall [fatally] bruise your head, and you shall [only] bruise His heel.” (Genesis 3:15 Amplified Bible)  

At first, it may seem gibberish or rubbish, but if one understands and looks at the event of Christ Jesus being crucified, this verse was fulfilled in Mt. Golgotha. "He shall [fatally] bruise your head" means Christ won the victory, while "you shall [only] bruise His heel" means Jesus' suffering was just part of God's plan and literally Jesus' heel was bruised in the cross of Calvary. There are other Bible verses from the Old Testament books which foreshadowed and prophesied the cross of Calvary like in the time of Moses when the Hebrews painted their doors on the sides and on top with blood. But God Himself declaring this from the very start and fulfilling it after almost 4000 years doesn't mean God was late or something but proved He was faithful in fulfilling it according to His word and time.

Now the question remains is "How would God redeem man through Jesus dying on the cross?" Well, let's go back to God's decreed law from the very start which is "If you shall eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you shall surely die."  (paraphrased from Gen. 2:17). Death is the payment or verdict for the one who would disobey God's command and it cannot be reversed. Romans 6:23a says "For the wages of sin is death..." Now understanding this concept or truth, let me ask this question. "Can a sinner "A" die in behalf of another sinner "B" so that the sinner "B" will be acquitted or justified (meaning declared innocent)?" Of course NO! No one can do that or that is not logical or does not make sense. If the sinner "A" die, it's just "just" or "worthy" for the sinner "A" to die because that's the payment of his sin. You may say that what if sinner "A" never did sin? That would be true or possible but thing is, after Adam's sin, sin was passed to all men. And a very evidence of that is that all men or women will die in the appointed time. Romans 5:12 declares this truth.

Furthermore, little or small sin in our perspective or mind is still sin in God's sight. The best illustration of this is observing the light and darkness. If darkness is sin, even in the least of it or if there is such as we call "small darkness" and God is light: What happens if both comes in contact with each other? darkness fades away. Therefore, no sin done by a sinner can face the Creator of heaven and earth. That is why God's Word says all men are sinners and therefore all men will die. Therefore man is doomed!

Furthermore to clarify, death in reality and in God's perspective actually means to be separated. And an initial effect of death to man when Adam sinned was that man no longer can fellowship with God nor see Him like Adam before sinning. This is what the Bible calls "spiritual death". And of course, the other death we experience is what we call the physical death. We are separated from our love ones or from this reality of life on earth. And the most dreadful and awful death is what the Bible calls the "second death" in Revelations 20:14 which simply means everlasting / eternal death or separation from God forever. And it's not just about separation forever, but everlasting pain and sorrow in the lake of fire along with the devil and demons. (there may be more discussions about this but I would not expand on that portion for this time and let us focus more of the overview of God's love)

What God desires and what it means for God to redeem man is by making man once more to be sinless (no sin), white, pure, clean and like the light so that we can be able to see Him as He is. But again the question to ask is "How?" And that's the reason why Jesus came.

Another reason why God's love is sooooo unfathomable and amazing is that "Jesus, Who came, is also God Himself." Come again? What? Yes, Jesus is God! While some folks wouldn't believe that and use verses to claim their claim. We, Christians too, have verses to claim Jesus is God. Just try to google it and it's there. But let me share my thoughts and not just use a Bible verse (though I have a verse to also relate this thing to). Thing is, compare the love of God becoming man so that He would die for our sins in contrast to an angel or man or created being even if the creature is holy sent by God to die for our sins. Doesn't that distort our view of how God loves us? John 15:13 says in the amplified version "No one has greater love [nor stronger commitment] than to lay down his own life for his friends." Now if you separate Jesus being God from God. Whose love is greater then? And who would you choose to love more? Wouldn't you choose to love the one who gave His life for you? But if "by faith" believing Christ as 100% Man and 100% God, died for you, then wouldn't that mean a very amazing love? And that's just a part of how God's love is sooo great!

Another magnifier of God's love I believe, is that the reality that Jesus was born in a virgin birth. That truth is very important and a treasure! Why? You see, the virgin birth will claim that Jesus Christ was born without sin! That's the reason why the Bible calls Jesus, the Second Adam! Now to understand what virgin birth means I have to say, "just try to google it". Cause it may take more discussion over that. But simple, as it was foretold, being the seed of a woman (Gen. 3:15), this is God's way on how to redeem man. Through the virgin birth, a sinless man is born. Therefore the argument a while ago where the sinner "A" was not really a sinner is fulfilled. And now, Jesus was not simply born, He lived for 33 years. He was actually even tempted by Satan as we all and thing is, HE NEVER SINNED. 1 Peter 2:22 declares this that even with Jesus' mouth no sin was found. Unlike man who sin as fast as our eyes can see.

Now, the biggest part of God's amazing love was that He was crushed, bruised, mocked, spit upon, beaten... every manifestation of condemnation and judgement for a sinner, Jesus received willingly. He never cursed or even retaliated. Instead, He willingly laid down His life even in the point of death. Why? So He could take the punishment of sin that is supposed to be for man. Now that is how God loves us! (John 3:16)

I John 4:19 says "We love Him because He first loved us." Simply states that man cannot unconditionally love God, because God already unconditionally loved us.

Now, here's the catch! Understanding how great God's love for us is not what really matters but how do we respond to that love. Because God's Word is also clear. God is love but He is also just or justice. It is not right to say that because Christ died for man, therefore all man are already clean and righteous and therefore can go to heaven. I don't think that is right and justice. When a man courts a woman so that they would be married, the woman has to say "yes" to the man before they do. If the answer is "no" then there wouldn't be a marriage. The same with God and His decreed law. Christ died because of man's sin so that He may make a "way", the only way for man to be brought back to Himself (John 14:6). How? Faith in Christ! If a person puts his/her faith, his/her trust in Jesus Christ as God's Word declares (John 3:16, Eph. 2:8&9, Rom. 10:9&10). And when we say "faith" it's surrendering everything even our life to Jesus Christ (Rom. 12:1&2). In simple saying, we believe that Jesus is true to what He declares Himself, God, our Lord, our Master, our Savior, etc. etc.. and of course manifested in our life. If we truly believe who Jesus is, then all His teachings and principles, is what we follow and obey. How? When Jesus no longer roams the earth? Read His Word, the Bible. I can discuss further more about these things, and more. But, may we focus on How Great God's love is and may we truly realize it and afterwhich, may we respond positively on God's Love, by believing on Who Jesus is. "Will you receive His gift of Love?"

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