"But there were false prophets also among the people,
even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,
even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
And many shall follow their pernicious ways;
by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you:
whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not."
(2 Peter 2:1-3)
(2 Peter 2:1-3)
As I always share to those whom I teach or I preach to, "How do you know what I teach is true and not false?"
As a Christian, God's Word has warned us to be very discerning to which is true and what is not. The truth can always be twisted. Just a small twist, makes truth never a real truth. That's the reason why James 3:1 gave such a warning and much responsibility and accountability to the teachers of God's Word. Even the sincerest and trustworthy person doesn't guarantee that one could never twist the truth of God. How then can we guarantee that truths taught will always be true? The best thing we could do, is to compare it to Jesus, Who is Truth! But to a person who doesn't believe and have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will never benefit from this truth. But if you say you are a Christian, then this truth should be the main truth one takes hold on to. Believing on Who Jesus Christ truly is, He being our Lord and our God as Philip also declared (John 20:28).
Some believe Jesus as only man, and just a great teacher. If we do, then our faith in Jesus makes no difference in believing in any other man. It's pointless! But God's Word declares Jesus to be more! In fact God's Word plainly declares He is God, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End! And every knee will bow and mouth will confess that Jesus is Lord! (Phil. 2:10-11). Some don't logically understand this, but by Faith it can be understood and logically too! Because from the beginning God doesn't allow anyone else to be bowed down too except Himself. Doesn't that make logical sense that Jesus is God?
Now, going back to the topic on falsehood and to the teachers of false teaching. One who has set Jesus as the standard of truth can now discern and compare other teachings to Jesus' truths. And one way to discern false teachers from genuine teachers of the Word of God, is by comparing one's life to Jesus Christ!
True! None can actually be compared to Him or could really measure up to the standard of Jesus' life. Because even I myself would declare I can not measure up to Him. I can only say I am pursuing towards the likeness of Him, and anyone who rebukes and corrects me so I could be like Him, I shall gladly accept whole heartedly. Just as the apostle Paul always declare "Imitate me, as I imitate Christ" (I Cor. 11:1). Apostle Paul declared this, not because he was already perfect or matured. But he knows the center and focus is not him but Christ.
In contrast, rebuke and correct the false teacher, be sure to receive scorn and he/she will hate you for it. They will become as wolves to destroy you as they always were! For Jesus already declared, "they come with sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves!" (Matthew 7:15)... They are very dangerous! Read the Book of Revelations on the seven churches. Most churches were condemned / judged by God. Why? Most of them were into false teaching (whether it be small or big false teaching). Only two churches were greatly commended and blessed by God. Why? Because they stood firm and hold fast on God's Truths and not a slightest false teaching made through!
Now, let's go back to the question "How do you know what I teach is true and not false?" or "How will you discern which is true from false?" This question should help us Christians to be alert at all cost. Because when falsehood is received, be sure to receive destruction in the end. May not be in this lifetime, but most grievous be is for eternity. How about your church? Is your church still standing for the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ? or has falsehood slipped through? A question worth pondering....
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