Friday, June 3, 2016

Life Like A Road Or Pathways

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy[a]that leads to destruction,
and those who enter by it are many. 
For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life,
and those who find it are few.”

(Matthew 7:13-14)

God’s Word often illustrates our life like roads or pathways. And yes, indeed pathways often picture our lives while here on earth. Sometimes we compare our life like a journey and the end whereof is death or the time we face our Creator.

For some or others, they may disagree in the concept of this. In reality, there are those who believe our life is like a mechanical programmed activity. These will be those who believe that man has no will at all. Well, that’s a hard thing for me to understand or believe. But as for me, I prefer to believe on the God of the Bible and His truths.

And the verse posted talks only of one meaning and one truth or should I say Biblical Truth! That THE ONLY ONE WAY that leads to life is that of through Christ Jesus, as represented by the narrow way. It may not clearly say but understanding and studying the whole context of the Bible is that the center of everything or man’s salvation or the main subject of His or God’s Word is Jesus Christ! If you would believe this truth, you have to also understand and believe that many will not believe this truth and that they are led to the broad or easy way which leads to destruction. And that’s reality or Biblical truth! (I say Biblical truth because there are people who don’t believe in this truth)

And so yes, as the verse says too that only few find it! And that’s something that many should be alarmed, if one believes in the Bible. All throughout His Word, God has not closed and re-iterated this truth in all history. Remember Lot and his family? Or Noah and his family? They have always been the minority. And that’s something churches need to also think about: Not everything that is decided as majority is always right. What makes it right is when this decision is purely from the Lord Jesus Christ or God’s divine wisdom.

Well, that’s the very most important truth people these days need to understand because this talks about the reality of man’s destination. And God’s Word is clear that there are only two destinations of life after death: A life where we are present with God or a life from whence we are separated eternally from Him, which means or talks about the lake of fire. And God’s word is very clear on this.

But that is not the end of the truth about pathways. In the Christian life, life still can always be portrayed as pathways or more of crossroads, where one has to learn to decide. Whenever the time of making decisions, I’m sure most of us feel like we are on a crossroad. We try to think which road leads to something or which is which?

Observing how life goes on, I get to understand that when we’ve chosen or made a decision, we also have to face consequences or effects of our decisions. It is interesting that things change after those decisions. They may be bad or they may be good. Nevertheless, one needs to learn to accept it and go on so one can truly move on to the next journey of one’s life. It is interesting to remember the days when we were young, especially when one has friends or even best friends so to speak. It felt like as if we will never part (maybe connected to the fad word “forever” of this period of time). But I’m simply talking of friendships or you may call it a “barkada”. Thing is, when we decide, priorities are considered. And I’m sure, rarely we would prioritize our “barkada”. Therefore our relationship with them surely changes too. Not talking about the closeness of each friend (though at times on case-to-case-basis there are exemptions). Point is, our behaviors and interactions will change. Whether one likes it or not, it will change. The real reason of this is of course the fact that people change, and a lot of things do change. As they say, “change is the only permanent thing in this world”. But, there is another that does not change and that would be God.

Well, that’s life! It’s like a pathway, a road, a crossroad. And too often we face crossroads because life is full of decision making. And one has to ask, “Are we ready to face every consequence of our decisions?” It is worth pondering...

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