Saturday, June 4, 2016

Church at Ephesus (Rev. 2:1-7)

                How do I start sharing my thoughts on this? Or what I’ve learned out of it? But in actuality, I think I learned just a few. Most of it would be a reminder and a rebuke! I’ve chosen to write my thoughts on these as a means of mastering / practicing my thoughts on this topic, as I will be sharing this Bible verses to our brethren at The Living Word Baptist Church (TLWBC). 
                It’s a reminder since I still remember before Bro. Roy Sanoy spoke about these things in the early years of the TLWBC. But I hardly can remember what were his points or the lessons or message from it. And that would be a good question to ask the members if they too can remember some of it. It is indeed interesting that most often, we forget what we learn. But nevertheless, I’m sure one of the main goal of every teaching / preaching of God’s Word is a changed life, a life that leads to Christ-likeness. I could still remember the question of manong Roy every time he speaks, “So what?” Meaning, what’s the point of learning all these things? And it’s good to ponder and personally realize it. The Word of God is not just about acquiring facts or knowledge but it’s about a changed life leading to glorifying God.
                Now let me get back to the topic itself! As per my research, the book of Revelations was written or authored by John, the last apostle of Jesus also known to be the beloved John. He wrote this book (Revelations) approximately 90 years A.D. and on this time, Christians were persecuted still under the Roman Empire. And so, the book of Revelations was written mostly known to be a prophetic book, but its main content or goal is to give hope amongst the persecuted Christians. Hope that truly Jesus Christ is coming again to take His people and to reign as the King of kings and the Lord of lords! For a truth, it has been 2000 years long and Christ has not come yet, nevertheless, His coming is sure for God is a Faithful God and does not lie. As His Word has promised, so shall it be fulfilled and therefore His coming is very near than it ever was.
                It is interesting that even with the current issues of the government or presidencies; this is a good reminder that there will never be a real perfect and greater government than that of the Lord Jesus Christ’s. People these days hope on a man or a person, but so easily man itself will look for holes or something that will pull the man down. And thing is, they surely will fall! Because man is not perfect! Only God is! Only the Lord Jesus Christ! Sad thing is we Christians tend to forget where we place our hope. I hope it’s not in this world but it is in Christ and for all eternity. Therefore, please do not bother yourself on the things of this world or even be consumed by worry or fear. Our life is in God’s hand! So whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s (Romans 14:8).
                Now, about the book of Revelation! It’s a book to give hope for Christians even in the midst of persecutions or strife or struggles. And I pray indeed that we are reminded of that blessed hope.
                Now, the verses 1-7 of chapter 2 reveals God’s message to the church in Ephesus. A little background of Ephesus is that the place is actually a center of trading and a place of dockyards where ships dock coming from different places. And, understanding this situation we could get to understand more by picturing our own place of trading, where ships comes in and foreign people come in. Understanding this, we could at least see the kind of people live in this place and what are their practices. And it is more probable that immorality can be visible in the area. The believers then most likely are the minority. Therefore standing for what you believe in Christ is a great struggle in the area.
V. 1        “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: ‘The words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands."

                Angel of the church as we know is God’s messenger, which at this time we know as the pastor. “Him who holds the seven stars” talks about Jesus Christ.  

V. 2        “I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false."

Two things I wish to share from this verse,
                First, is the key word “know” from “I know your works, toil and patience / endurance…”. And if I may ask, “Does God know our works as a church? Do you think our church is doing well?“ Our churches should be, unless we choose to be ashamed of our church and that God is not interested of our church.
                Second, is the key word “tested” or “tried” (from other version). It indicates that the Ephesian church is able to know who’s who? Who are the true apostles of Christ and are not? How about us? Do we have the ability to discern who are the genuine and true teachers / preachers of God’s Word? Or we simply listen to any doctrines and false teachings? Teachers will not say “I’m now going to teach a false doctrine!” That’s absurd of course. Thing is false doctrines will look like a good and great doctrine. It will never manifest itself as false or wrong or evil. And how will we discern which is which? Be like the Berean Believers (from the book of Acts)! They compared and checked every word that came out of apostle Paul whether it is indeed written and in accordance to God’s Word. Be warned! It doesn’t mean it’s a verse from the Bible and we simply believe it. This requires also extent of studying and really comparing from other principles or doctrine of God’s Word because we should understand that no principle or doctrine in the Bible should contradict itself. If it contradicts principles / doctrines, then there is a problem on how we understand God’s principles.
                Considering these things, a Christian has to really grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). Learning and growing towards maturity is truly a life long journey! It stops only when you stop breathing. Therefore, never ever be satisfied in what you already know for if Paul himself declared these words “that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death” (Phil. 3:10), how much more ought to be for us?
By the way, growing mature in our spiritual life does not depend on the years we listen or read God’s Word. It is measured on how our life reflects what we learn and how we manifest Christ-likeness as what I’ve shared early on (Romans 8:29).

V.3-4     “I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name's sake, and you have not grown weary. But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first."

Two things I wish to share from these 2 verses.

 First, is the question to reflect, “Are we also enduring, patient even in the midst of being scorned, persecuted, or in the midst of a great trial? How are we bearing the name of Christ?” Do we call ourselves Christian only on times we are fine and happy? Whereas, take it off when we are in trouble?  The Ephesian believers did not but continued faithfully and steadfastly!
But second thing I wish to ponder on, is where we would really be shocked or greatly stop and think hardly of it! The Ephesian believers left their first love! Their love for God has grown cold! And yet, it is amazing that they could still do what God has told them. Possible? Yes! Of course, it’s possible! We could observe that amongst ourselves. Even pastors or workers, especially them, are the biggest target. Teaching or preaching God’s Word, but the heart is not right. And if we read furthermore from the verses, the result is disastrous or tragic.
It makes me wonder though; do we really personally understand what it means to love God? For me? The thought of loving God is somewhat indescribable or unfathomable. How can a creature love an Almighty God, One Who is above and exceeds the limit of what we can even know? It is for me incomprehensible, but I look to His word for a better understanding and one that we could relate to. When it comes to God’s love, the 2 greatest commands come in. Love God with all that you are and love thy neighbor as thyself! Further on we read I John 4:19-21 and these verses instruct us that we manifest God’s love on how we love others, specially the brethren in the Lord. And so we ask? How is our love for the brethren or for others or even our enemies? Remember Jesus’ words? Some or many would say “impossible!” Well, yes if we let ourselves have full control of our will and our character BUT if we let God or Christ live in us and through us, SURELY IT CAN BE DONE! Because our forefathers in the Faith have already been able to do so! Still, impossible? Apostle Paul is one example. Have you not even comprehended how great a sacrifice he had to go through? All in the name of the gospel of Christ! It was for people he never even knew! The gentiles as we are, filthy in the eyes of the Jews! And yet the gospel of Christ was spread all throughout the whole earth. What an amazing love!? And that love comes from the love of God!
                In reality, we can never love God unconditionally like how He loves us. That’s because He already first initiated (chose without any condition) to love us. And so, we have no other chance         to love God unconditionally. We love Him because He first loved us!  
So, how are we manifesting God’s love towards others? Are we helping, serving, giving and forgiving others? If not, we ought to check our hearts. But one has to also check, that doing these things does not guarantee that you really love God. It is a little bit confusing, but the point is, these things we do for others are the result of how we really love God. It is not a cause or the initial spark of our love for God. Instead, it’s a reflection. Or, like the ray of the sun, that ray represents our action or our love towards others whereas; the sun represents our love for God.
Well, I hope we get at least an idea of how do we really love God. And as the verses warns the Ephesian, hope we are warned too. As Christians or even servants of God, the enormous number of activities or programs we do is not the measure of how great our love for God is. And it’s not in numbers of attendees or members I believe God is interested on, but on how many are truly converted and how faithful and passionately growing and serving they are. It is my prayer that we Christians indeed continue to grow, continue to know and continue to love God and others. But further on, be watchful that our love for God does not grow cold. For when it does, all our doings or actions or activities or programs are worthless and vain. It will be for nothing. Because reading verse 5 says, if one does not repent, God will take away the light as a church. In other words, the church becomes useless and powerless in the midst of where it stands. It becomes like one of the dark. The church may be big and has huge number of members, but without the love for God, it’s just like an organization. Doing all the things they could do, but without power and no impact on those that surround them. Want to know how your church is doing? Go out and ask the neighborhood who is not a member of the church. Then you will know. It’s far from the picture of the first Christian church, where people’s heart was broken just simply hearing the gospel of Christ. Souls were moved by the Spirit and the Lord Himself added to the church daily.

(V. 7) Those who has ears to hear let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches…

Friday, June 3, 2016

Life Like A Road Or Pathways

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy[a]that leads to destruction,
and those who enter by it are many. 
For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life,
and those who find it are few.”

(Matthew 7:13-14)

God’s Word often illustrates our life like roads or pathways. And yes, indeed pathways often picture our lives while here on earth. Sometimes we compare our life like a journey and the end whereof is death or the time we face our Creator.

For some or others, they may disagree in the concept of this. In reality, there are those who believe our life is like a mechanical programmed activity. These will be those who believe that man has no will at all. Well, that’s a hard thing for me to understand or believe. But as for me, I prefer to believe on the God of the Bible and His truths.

And the verse posted talks only of one meaning and one truth or should I say Biblical Truth! That THE ONLY ONE WAY that leads to life is that of through Christ Jesus, as represented by the narrow way. It may not clearly say but understanding and studying the whole context of the Bible is that the center of everything or man’s salvation or the main subject of His or God’s Word is Jesus Christ! If you would believe this truth, you have to also understand and believe that many will not believe this truth and that they are led to the broad or easy way which leads to destruction. And that’s reality or Biblical truth! (I say Biblical truth because there are people who don’t believe in this truth)

And so yes, as the verse says too that only few find it! And that’s something that many should be alarmed, if one believes in the Bible. All throughout His Word, God has not closed and re-iterated this truth in all history. Remember Lot and his family? Or Noah and his family? They have always been the minority. And that’s something churches need to also think about: Not everything that is decided as majority is always right. What makes it right is when this decision is purely from the Lord Jesus Christ or God’s divine wisdom.

Well, that’s the very most important truth people these days need to understand because this talks about the reality of man’s destination. And God’s Word is clear that there are only two destinations of life after death: A life where we are present with God or a life from whence we are separated eternally from Him, which means or talks about the lake of fire. And God’s word is very clear on this.

But that is not the end of the truth about pathways. In the Christian life, life still can always be portrayed as pathways or more of crossroads, where one has to learn to decide. Whenever the time of making decisions, I’m sure most of us feel like we are on a crossroad. We try to think which road leads to something or which is which?

Observing how life goes on, I get to understand that when we’ve chosen or made a decision, we also have to face consequences or effects of our decisions. It is interesting that things change after those decisions. They may be bad or they may be good. Nevertheless, one needs to learn to accept it and go on so one can truly move on to the next journey of one’s life. It is interesting to remember the days when we were young, especially when one has friends or even best friends so to speak. It felt like as if we will never part (maybe connected to the fad word “forever” of this period of time). But I’m simply talking of friendships or you may call it a “barkada”. Thing is, when we decide, priorities are considered. And I’m sure, rarely we would prioritize our “barkada”. Therefore our relationship with them surely changes too. Not talking about the closeness of each friend (though at times on case-to-case-basis there are exemptions). Point is, our behaviors and interactions will change. Whether one likes it or not, it will change. The real reason of this is of course the fact that people change, and a lot of things do change. As they say, “change is the only permanent thing in this world”. But, there is another that does not change and that would be God.

Well, that’s life! It’s like a pathway, a road, a crossroad. And too often we face crossroads because life is full of decision making. And one has to ask, “Are we ready to face every consequence of our decisions?” It is worth pondering...