This is the land of my forefathers... once was a field of rice, where my forefathers till the ground. Now, is the land for planes and of aircrafts... yet I still call it my beloved homeland... Loakan.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
December 13, 2015 Sunday Events in Video Compilation
Here are compilations of videos I've taken from the Sunday, December 13, 2015.... feel free to view and enjoy and be blessed by the songs.... =)
Was able to visit Minac Baptist Church for their Church Anniversary in the morning... and had to view the Loakan Baptist Church FaithLot Concert-for-a-cause... videos are taken from these events
And sorry, wasn't able to video all songs from the LBC Concert-for-a-cause for the faithlot project....
Asking also for continuous prayer and financial support in acquiring the lot front of the church of Loakan Baptist Church... it's a big amount of money to raise...
Young people of Minac Baptist Church
The Heralds of Minac Baptist Church
Concert for a cause of LBC....
Los Musicos
Sorry though for this video clip... my memory card was not enough so it was cut off...
Thursday, November 12, 2015
The Good News People Throwaway
Well, the title may more likely be an overstatement. But in the general sense it does show reality. Now, what “Good News” am I talking about? Well, it’s none other but the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Before I do share my thoughts why people throw away the gospel, let me share what the gospel is all about. Just to make it clear.
We can find the Bible’s declaration of the gospel at I Cor. 15:1-5, through the apostle Paul:
“Now I would remind you, brothers,[a] of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.”
On these verses, apostle Paul summarized the gospel of Christ. But what apostle Paul gave here, is more than just a summary. He truly reminded the Christians of something: A truth that has made a great impact on those who have heard and received it. And when I say “received it,” it means they understood it. Now, what did they really understood?
Understanding the good news, one must first understand there is a bad news for which the reason of the “good news”. The bad news is simple: “Man is lost or is a sinner because of what Adam (the first man) has done, which is disobedience” (See / read the book of Genesis or Romans 5:12, 19). Furthermore on this bad news, man is doomed to eternal separation from God, because sin can never be part of Who God is.
God is Holy, Just and Righteous! He is the standard and measurement of what “Right” is! Think about it, how can we know what is right from wrong? From where do we base our thinking of what is right? From our parents or government? From where did they got this idea? It’s a never ending search, if we take God out of the picture. Some would say, it is based from the highest form of happiness. Now, where do we get that idea from? And how can we know it is the highest form of happiness, when people have different sense of their own happiness. If you would think of it, the psycho can think “killing is what makes him happy.” How do we argue with that? We get the majorities’ definition of happiness? Then steal away the minorities’ right to think of what their idea of happiness is? Isn’t that not fair at all? All these questions pops out when we take God out of the picture and not make Him the standard and measure of what right and wrong is. And this is the reason why man, who is a sinner, has to be set apart from God forever. From whence, the lake of fire was made, prepared by God for those who would not repent and receive His offer of Salvation (See Rev. 20:11-15).
BUT! Here is the GOOD NEWS! God provided a way for man not to be separated from God forever. And, I do believe many have heard of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who came to earth, born of a virgin [which means He was born without being corrupted by sin that came from Adam, another reason why the Bible call Jesus the Second Adam, or Last Adam], lived a life “Righteously” [No sin at all, even with His own mouth - 1 Peter 2:22; 2 Corinthians 5:21]; But, was judged and condemned like a sinner (Isaiah 53:12; Luke 22:37; 2 Cor. 5:21); And, therefore, taking upon Him the punishment that wasn’t for Him or even meant for Him at all. He was able to do miracles and wondrous things no man can do but God. Yet, at that moment of His suffering and last breath, He took it all upon Himself simply to pay the price of sin, which is death (Romans 6:23; Romans 5: 19). That was the transaction made, so man can be redeemed [bought back] from Satan to Him [God].
BUT! This doesn’t mean ALL man is automatically saved or brought back to God. Nay, that’s just the transaction made. But the decision, the will of man ought to still choose! Because God is offering this gift of Salvation and each individual has the choice to receive it through Faith in Christ [believing and trusting in what He has done and Who He is]. John 3:16 and John 1:12 and many more verses speaks of this!
And that is not the end of the Good News! It’s not only about being saved from the eternal punishment of sin. Attached to this offer or gift of God is all the promises He gave in His Word, the Bible. Such as being called a child of God, eternal home, mansion, heaven, co-heirs of Christ, and more! Too good to be true? Well, that is God’s offer in His Word! That’s the reason why Jesus Christ came two thousand years ago! Try looking at your calendar and see the year… That year was numbered, at the time Christ resurrected and ascended to heaven. And that year is being numbered because we are counting the years of His return, as He has promised. I know! Years have passed. But that doesn’t mean He will fail in fulfilling His promise. God’s promise to Adam for the Messiah was fulfilled for almost 4,000 years. What is 2,000 plus years with that?
It is indeed simple what God is offering. Because He Himself has made the way for man to be brought back to Himself and yet, man wants to complicate it and wants to do it on his own. And mostly, man has no interest in it and would just want to believe he can manage on his own. Whereas, others would look for something else other than Christ, something that would satisfy their own self desires or like what happened to Eve, it was pleasing to her eyes. The Bible also says, in the book of Timothy, some will depart and look for something that would please their ears or their stomach. Having faith in Christ becomes nothing more than a myth. The Bible too becomes a myth to them. People will still choose those things that they can see, hear, or feel and claim to be that it is the truth! Many will not believe. Why? That is because man is corrupted from the beginning man fell to sin through Adam. Even Jesus Himself prophesied in Matthew 7, few will believe in Him. In addition, Satan continues to deceive people with many things, even raise false prophets and false teachers claiming to be Christ. This explains how the "good news is being thrown away".
How about you, how do you respond to the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ?
(Edited April 9, 2020)
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Gumatdang Hiking & work fellowship
Work Fellowship last October 10 & 11, 2015. Men and Ladies from Loakan Baptist Church and The Living Word Baptist Church (Apalan / Guisset/ Camisong / Bingo / Beckel) gave a hand in building Gumatdang Christian Fellowship's temporary chapel in the newly acquired lot.
The video below shows the length and the hiking experience of the brethren who went to work and fellowship with the Gumatdang brethren. Enjoy watching and God bless!
The video below shows the length and the hiking experience of the brethren who went to work and fellowship with the Gumatdang brethren. Enjoy watching and God bless!
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Second visit at Cobabeng year 2011 |
Ptr. Caroy teaching at Daclan |
Apalan Bible Study early years |
Monday morning coming from the first visit to Cobabeng |
Sunday school held at a hut near the school |
The ministry at Cobabeng still had its difficulties because even with Loakan Baptist Church's support, the distance and the road are still obstacles, especially when it rains. Furthermore, Ptr. Caroy's ministry grew bigger and wider. The believers at Apalan grew in number and places nearby are also being reached by the gospel of Jesus Christ. It also branched-out a new fellowship of believers in another area called "Gumatdang". Therefore managing / pioneering two churches or fellowship on different places while continuing the once-a-month bible study in Cobabeng became tedious. With this, there is a need to call for a full-time, faithful and God-sent laborer in God's harvest field to help build-up these new group of believers as a church. But currently, God has not yet provided or answered "Yes" on our prayers for this matter. Instead, He has provided volunteers, drivers with vehicles, deacons and pastors willing to temporarily help through pulpit supply on these outreaches.
Gumatdang Christian Fellowship |
In response to this desire, a 1,145 sq.m. lot was offered worth P229,000 in the area and a fund raising campaign was started at the month of May. It was initially negotiated that the amount should be paid by October, but as of now [September 10, 2015] only half of the amount was raised through solicitations. Nevertheless, the believers are still praying and believing that God will provide the need. And that if there be an excess of the fund, it is planned to convert it as building fund. And by God's grace, start building the first chapel in the sitio of Cobabeng.
Apalan Group year 2011 |
early visitation at Cobabeng year 2011 |
Dusty and muddy {when raining) road - 2011 |
30-40 minutes walk when raining, going to Cobabeng |
Gumatdang Christian Fellowship believers |
Water baptism of three individuals |
3 Baptized believers with Ptr. Huberto Caroy |
Inside the house of Tino Family |
sunday school in a hut |
School stage is also used for sunday school, specially when it rains |
School grounds for games |
Inside House of Tino family |
Editha's place facing a wide area of grassy land |
teachers and students make use of the grassy land as sunday school room |
The one and only pine tree that serves as shade for the kids |
Vacation Bible School 2014 |
Vacation Bible School 2015 |
Monday, August 17, 2015
Los Musicos Presentations August 2015
Loakan Baptist Church Los Musicos sponsored the evening service last August 16, 2015.
Here are the musical videos.
below is just a picture taken from the video. =)
Here are the musical videos.
below is just a picture taken from the video. =)
Saturday, June 27, 2015
The Dilemma of Truth
Now a days, hundreds or thousands or even millions of ideas, philosophies, principles, or even laws proclaim that it is true. Truth as I would define as the reality of what ought to be. Thing is, many of these "truth claims" [claiming to be true] contradicts one another. And the reality of falsehood exist in the absence of truth or even in the partiality of it. Partial truth is never truth and is still called a "lie". And these lies portray themselves or disguises themselves as truth, man can't easily discern it. Often man believes it as truth. Unless the real truth is revealed and of course believed as truth because even if truth is revealed when men does not believe it, it is worthless. And, my simple example would be that of Jesus Christ claiming to be "I AM" (John 8:58), though it was truth [as the Bible declares it], most of the Israelites did not believe it, even until now [as the Bible itself prophesied it in Isaiah 53:3]. Maybe you wouldn't believe Bible analogy. Take this for example. Say I ate an apple and I said "This apple is delicious!" Would you who haven't tasted the apple say and agree "yes, that's delicious!" I don't think so. Before you truly agree, you have to taste it too! And by way of tasting it then the truth is revealed. But if you don't believe what you are tasting and doubt the reality of whether what you are tasting an apple or not makes another different story. Though rarely that happens. Though thing is, everything we do, belief has something to do with it. Because if and every time you look at an apple and taste the apple first before you say indeed it is sweet, you would have spoiled all the apples and won't be able to bring other apples to those you wish to give sweet apples. I hope you get my point.
But the thing I want to impart is the question "what is truth?" or "what is the real truth?" Truth of which all facts and reality hangs on to. A question man ought to ask themselves, from where our lives should depend on. Because if we do not depend on the real truth, then we simply are depending on lies. In reality, this will be hard to answer since truth depends on something that is real, verified by reality itself. Though we live in a real world, we are also surrounded by lies, deceiving men. And the only thing that will separate us from lies is if there is a standard, a dependable set of reality to compare to, a reality that will verify reality. And man's claims of truth is not a good standard and dependable measure for truth, because man can fail and the character of man is stained with what we call sin. If one does not agree to that, perhaps that person have not sinned at all. But if I ask, "is there at least one lie, even the smallest experience of not saying what is true, you've experienced in your life?" Most likely the answer is yes. A proof that man is truly tainted with sin. In other words we are corrupted. And added to that is that all individual men and women are distinct and unique. Not one is the same all throughout, therefore our perspectives and idea of what is truth varies and surely differs. With that, chaos is simply at our doorstep.
Now, to solve such a problem, there has got to be a standard, a measurement of where truth is truly validated that is really true. Others would suggest science as the basis of all truth. The thing is, science have not been able to explain and discover all things. Debates amongst scientist have been long and often life-time debates. Though it is indeed true that science have been beneficial at some sort, but there is a raised question whether has science really made a big and wonderful contributions? When science has also been a reason of many sufferings and catastrophes (e.g. atomic bombs)? Furthermore, there are scientist who claim theories as to the extent of making it equivalent to laws (referring to evolution theory). While many have already accepted it, except for genuine Christians, there is no basis yet for this theory of becoming a law, because there is no solid proof, all basing it in the most closest guess or hypothesis. When in actuality, none has been able to really proved it by real observation. And it really raises a lot of questions more than answers. Want to answer my own question? here are my several questions if evolution were true. 1) Why does man need clothes if evolution means they change in order to evolve in accordance to their environment? 2) Why are monkeys / apes still monkeys / apes? and Why are there no other species or kind like man who have great minds with different physical features? If evolution were true, then shouldn't we also see like "fishman", "monkey man" or even "bird man" existing? 3) Why do we have two eyes, not three? or two nose not one? These are just a few of my questions, I don't think scientists of evolution can really answer that will satisfy me. Cause I probably am just imagining their answer will be just, "it's just the way it is!" answer. I would even appreciate more the answer "I don't know."
Well, that's just a perspective about science making it the basis and standard of truth. Which really I can't say it can stand on its own, being the giver of verdict whether one thing is true or not, because it is not complete or absolute in verifying what is true. Furthermore, science can't even measure love or joy or happiness. Such things they can not quantify or measure. Philosophers come to these topics. And as history tells, no philosophers have come equally the same philosophy with other philosophers. Some have alike philosophy, but no two have one and the same set of philosophies. They may agree to one, but not to another one. Which I would again reason as the cause of man's corruption.
This time, we'll go to religion, which I'm going to discuss more about it and will be separating the Bible out of it. Why I'm separating Religion and the Bible, though both are connected to a deity matter? Well most certainly I know it's because of my own bias [as others would probably argue about it], which I would explain later. Thing is, religion, as people would define it as "to tie again", is more related on people looking for ways to go back to God, whereas my belief is that, the Bible, is something that God has given [in God's mysterious ways] for man to be able to be back to God. What I'm saying is, religion is man's initiation to find God, whereas, the Bible or Christianity [to be exact] is God initiating to find man. Now, why I didn't use Christianity in the first place, and used Bible instead, is that Christianity now a days (I believe) has lost it's true meaning. And to find that true meaning is written and recorded in the Bible. That's the reason I used the Bible instead of Christianity. To make proof of that is that the Christian religion today is filled with so many sects or groups believing different things from the other. Even if they use the Bible, still they differ in some or many beliefs. So where am I going to this? My point is, true Christianity is based solely in the what the Bible / Scriptures declare according to its own interpretation and not according to man's interpretation. The problem is, man differs in interpretations of the Bible as the reason of why there are so many sects. Well, I know. That's a more problem than a solution. Thing is, the real Christianity, as seen in the testimony of what was recorded in the Bible, is still being seen in the lives of real and genuine Christians today. Well, that is if you understand and know and able to discern who are the genuine ones. And some tip to know who are the genuine? They follow Jesus Christ of the Bible and not another man claiming to be Christ or anyone man. Their lives picture or manifest the life of Christ! That's genuine Christianity, whereas, there are those who profess Christ, but their lives say a different story. Now, given that religion has so many branches, even for the Christian religion, knowing which is which still is the problem. Or who truly holds the truth?
This time, I'll be presenting my thought or my idea (of course you may or may not agree, but just try to hear me out first). That of which the Bible as the authority and basis of truth. Yes, I know, I've already said a while ago that the Bible with different interpretations create a more problematic issue. But here's my point. Knowing and understanding that the Bible or Scriptures is constant or it does not change makes it more of somewhat worthy to be heard of. Not mentioning that throughout years and hundreds of years the Bible has been able to stand. Googling the approximate years how old the Bible is ranging from 1925 - 3400 years old. Well not only of how old it is, its testimony of how that many men tried to erase the Bible from the phase of the earth for centuries and yet it stands. Compared to other books, some or most of these books have become obsolete, unusable for that matter. Furthermore, the contents of the Bible exceeds far more than any other book in terms of history, poetry, philosophy or even prophecy. How can I say this? Well, try reading it and you'll see. Though to be honest, there is a catch to it. I mean, let say there is a secret mystery thing about the Bible, as the Bible itself declares it. It declares that only a true Christian can only be the one to benefit from the WHOLE of it, whereas non-Christian benefits little from it (I Cor. 2:14). Furthermore, I believe the Bible has a vast (but not unlimited, but sufficient) answers to the most important questions about life itself. Questions such as "Where life came from?", "Why is there suffering and death?", "What is the best model of a family and why?" Questions, if people will believe on the Bible as God's Word, will definitely find the answer to it. But as I've said there is a catch to it. Because this belief is not just a "make belief" kind of belief, because it requires the whole heartedness of one person surrendering and giving one's whole life before God through having faith (trusting faith) in Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31; Rom. 10:9-10; John 3:16).
So, this is what I lay before the table, that is the Bible to be the Authority (nothing else) in the standard of what is Truth. Because furthermore, the Bible itself points to Jesus Christ as Truth Himself. He is Truth as He Himself declared (John 14:6). I know it's kind of a foolish rubbish kind of an argument in the sense of human argument, but whether indeed this is a rubbish one, no one can't deny the fact how God's Word or the Bible can change lives to the extent that one can live or die for it. Though I know as well, so few can be known these days as the kind of people who would die for the sake of such things. And, as I have said, few will truly live up to what the Bible teaches these days. And many have twisted the idea of what Christianity is all about, but still the Bible is true. As seen and verified through the lives of people who live it, recorded even throughout history who lived it. In addition, the Bible itself prophesied few would really believe (Matt. 7). With all things said, I rest my case and give the decision to you who read this. What is truth?
But the thing I want to impart is the question "what is truth?" or "what is the real truth?" Truth of which all facts and reality hangs on to. A question man ought to ask themselves, from where our lives should depend on. Because if we do not depend on the real truth, then we simply are depending on lies. In reality, this will be hard to answer since truth depends on something that is real, verified by reality itself. Though we live in a real world, we are also surrounded by lies, deceiving men. And the only thing that will separate us from lies is if there is a standard, a dependable set of reality to compare to, a reality that will verify reality. And man's claims of truth is not a good standard and dependable measure for truth, because man can fail and the character of man is stained with what we call sin. If one does not agree to that, perhaps that person have not sinned at all. But if I ask, "is there at least one lie, even the smallest experience of not saying what is true, you've experienced in your life?" Most likely the answer is yes. A proof that man is truly tainted with sin. In other words we are corrupted. And added to that is that all individual men and women are distinct and unique. Not one is the same all throughout, therefore our perspectives and idea of what is truth varies and surely differs. With that, chaos is simply at our doorstep.
Now, to solve such a problem, there has got to be a standard, a measurement of where truth is truly validated that is really true. Others would suggest science as the basis of all truth. The thing is, science have not been able to explain and discover all things. Debates amongst scientist have been long and often life-time debates. Though it is indeed true that science have been beneficial at some sort, but there is a raised question whether has science really made a big and wonderful contributions? When science has also been a reason of many sufferings and catastrophes (e.g. atomic bombs)? Furthermore, there are scientist who claim theories as to the extent of making it equivalent to laws (referring to evolution theory). While many have already accepted it, except for genuine Christians, there is no basis yet for this theory of becoming a law, because there is no solid proof, all basing it in the most closest guess or hypothesis. When in actuality, none has been able to really proved it by real observation. And it really raises a lot of questions more than answers. Want to answer my own question? here are my several questions if evolution were true. 1) Why does man need clothes if evolution means they change in order to evolve in accordance to their environment? 2) Why are monkeys / apes still monkeys / apes? and Why are there no other species or kind like man who have great minds with different physical features? If evolution were true, then shouldn't we also see like "fishman", "monkey man" or even "bird man" existing? 3) Why do we have two eyes, not three? or two nose not one? These are just a few of my questions, I don't think scientists of evolution can really answer that will satisfy me. Cause I probably am just imagining their answer will be just, "it's just the way it is!" answer. I would even appreciate more the answer "I don't know."
Well, that's just a perspective about science making it the basis and standard of truth. Which really I can't say it can stand on its own, being the giver of verdict whether one thing is true or not, because it is not complete or absolute in verifying what is true. Furthermore, science can't even measure love or joy or happiness. Such things they can not quantify or measure. Philosophers come to these topics. And as history tells, no philosophers have come equally the same philosophy with other philosophers. Some have alike philosophy, but no two have one and the same set of philosophies. They may agree to one, but not to another one. Which I would again reason as the cause of man's corruption.
This time, we'll go to religion, which I'm going to discuss more about it and will be separating the Bible out of it. Why I'm separating Religion and the Bible, though both are connected to a deity matter? Well most certainly I know it's because of my own bias [as others would probably argue about it], which I would explain later. Thing is, religion, as people would define it as "to tie again", is more related on people looking for ways to go back to God, whereas my belief is that, the Bible, is something that God has given [in God's mysterious ways] for man to be able to be back to God. What I'm saying is, religion is man's initiation to find God, whereas, the Bible or Christianity [to be exact] is God initiating to find man. Now, why I didn't use Christianity in the first place, and used Bible instead, is that Christianity now a days (I believe) has lost it's true meaning. And to find that true meaning is written and recorded in the Bible. That's the reason I used the Bible instead of Christianity. To make proof of that is that the Christian religion today is filled with so many sects or groups believing different things from the other. Even if they use the Bible, still they differ in some or many beliefs. So where am I going to this? My point is, true Christianity is based solely in the what the Bible / Scriptures declare according to its own interpretation and not according to man's interpretation. The problem is, man differs in interpretations of the Bible as the reason of why there are so many sects. Well, I know. That's a more problem than a solution. Thing is, the real Christianity, as seen in the testimony of what was recorded in the Bible, is still being seen in the lives of real and genuine Christians today. Well, that is if you understand and know and able to discern who are the genuine ones. And some tip to know who are the genuine? They follow Jesus Christ of the Bible and not another man claiming to be Christ or anyone man. Their lives picture or manifest the life of Christ! That's genuine Christianity, whereas, there are those who profess Christ, but their lives say a different story. Now, given that religion has so many branches, even for the Christian religion, knowing which is which still is the problem. Or who truly holds the truth?
This time, I'll be presenting my thought or my idea (of course you may or may not agree, but just try to hear me out first). That of which the Bible as the authority and basis of truth. Yes, I know, I've already said a while ago that the Bible with different interpretations create a more problematic issue. But here's my point. Knowing and understanding that the Bible or Scriptures is constant or it does not change makes it more of somewhat worthy to be heard of. Not mentioning that throughout years and hundreds of years the Bible has been able to stand. Googling the approximate years how old the Bible is ranging from 1925 - 3400 years old. Well not only of how old it is, its testimony of how that many men tried to erase the Bible from the phase of the earth for centuries and yet it stands. Compared to other books, some or most of these books have become obsolete, unusable for that matter. Furthermore, the contents of the Bible exceeds far more than any other book in terms of history, poetry, philosophy or even prophecy. How can I say this? Well, try reading it and you'll see. Though to be honest, there is a catch to it. I mean, let say there is a secret mystery thing about the Bible, as the Bible itself declares it. It declares that only a true Christian can only be the one to benefit from the WHOLE of it, whereas non-Christian benefits little from it (I Cor. 2:14). Furthermore, I believe the Bible has a vast (but not unlimited, but sufficient) answers to the most important questions about life itself. Questions such as "Where life came from?", "Why is there suffering and death?", "What is the best model of a family and why?" Questions, if people will believe on the Bible as God's Word, will definitely find the answer to it. But as I've said there is a catch to it. Because this belief is not just a "make belief" kind of belief, because it requires the whole heartedness of one person surrendering and giving one's whole life before God through having faith (trusting faith) in Jesus Christ (Acts 16:31; Rom. 10:9-10; John 3:16).
So, this is what I lay before the table, that is the Bible to be the Authority (nothing else) in the standard of what is Truth. Because furthermore, the Bible itself points to Jesus Christ as Truth Himself. He is Truth as He Himself declared (John 14:6). I know it's kind of a foolish rubbish kind of an argument in the sense of human argument, but whether indeed this is a rubbish one, no one can't deny the fact how God's Word or the Bible can change lives to the extent that one can live or die for it. Though I know as well, so few can be known these days as the kind of people who would die for the sake of such things. And, as I have said, few will truly live up to what the Bible teaches these days. And many have twisted the idea of what Christianity is all about, but still the Bible is true. As seen and verified through the lives of people who live it, recorded even throughout history who lived it. In addition, the Bible itself prophesied few would really believe (Matt. 7). With all things said, I rest my case and give the decision to you who read this. What is truth?
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Bow the Knee 2015
Loakan Baptist Church Choir presents the "Bow the Knee" Musical Drama last April 4 and 5, 2015. As one of the means of raising fund as well for the church's project lot worth P12,260,000.. God has provided already a downpayment of 30% on the month of April, whereas the church is still praying that God will provide again the last 70% for the next 2 years. May God continue to touch the hearts of His people to continue to take part of His work and ministry.
In all things, God be glorified and magnified!
Friday, January 23, 2015
Loakan Baptist Church 58th Anniversary and Christmas Musical Drama
(Just a photo, this is not a video)
Loakan Baptist Church had their 3 weeks celebration of their 58th Church Anniversary. Here are videos to watch! Sorry for low quality videos though... =)
Jasper Lamsis singing a solo
Trio of Arabella, Kurt and Samoya
Christians Committed to Christ Ensemble Song Number
Loakan Baptist Church Grand Choir sings Anniversary Theme Song
Loakan Baptist Church Musical Drama Presentation
(Sorry for poor quality sounds and videos.. and some cuts... wasn't able to get the whole play)
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