Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Government and God's Word

To us, Filipinos, it is very discouraging and disappointing seeing how corruption has greatly affected our government. But do we ever wonder what God says about the government? Read these verses.

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 
Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour." (Romans 13:1-7)

These verses talks about the government being subject or submitted to God. And how God has indeed established an institute or an agent of His' to set forth order and harmony amongst the people. But indeed things has changed. From my watching of the video series of "The Truth Project", the lecturer explained how greatly sin and corruption has indeed corrupted how the government should be manifested or function. And from these verses we could simply understand that to have a functional and uncorrupted government, the government must be subject to God's Will and Ordinances.

You see the function of the government is really to bear the sword of order and harmony. Executing judgement to those who does evil, and commending the good. But the problem lies on how does the government see right and what is wrong? What is the basis of the government's decisions and discretion of which must be good and evil? and to whom should punishment be given? Without God being that standard or basis of good and evil, the government now then depends on their own ideas, their own standards, their own thoughts. And as far as I know, making their own standards leads to their own selfish and biased concept of good and bad.

If I were to ask, why do our government make laws and still if not many, there are and will be still people who will not agree with it? No nation seem to be at one or unity with whatever Government nowadays make as laws, except those that were already displayed and given as decree from God. "Thou shalt not kill!" a very interesting command of God, almost all nations agree to it, don't we? And what is the basis of this command or law? I don't think it began with the mind of man, but on the mind of God... people who don't believe on God though seem to disagree with that argument but would not find any historic evidence that it really came from man. Whether they say it common sense or common idea, man has no evidence it came from man but from the very start, it came from God.

You see, a nation whose laws based on the mind of man causes nothing more but chaos rather than harmony. Because whenever our laws are based on what people think as good and not depend on the standard of what God knows as good and evil, we will see that people will only see self-preservation becomes the main concept of the law and those that are not part of that self-preservation will definitely retaliate.

Perhaps I would like to site a great illustration, which we heard from the lecturer of the Truth Project. The question whether, "Can the government steal?" Surely there will be a mixed up ideas of each one. But comparing to a simple person who steals, most often we easily agree and discern that is wrong doing. But when we see the government taking something like a land perhaps by force, would we see it as stealing? From the one whom the land was taken, he / she would probably say yes, that is stealing. But what if the government says that they will use that land to give it to the poor and needy? Surely those to whom that land will be given will say, it's just but right to give it to the poor! Even a simple observer might say the same given that the person is not affected at all.

But in reality and in the eyes of God, stealing will always be stealing and it is a sin! And if God will give His hand of justice, He will give justice! That's what happened to the King of Israel, Ahab and His queen Jezebel. Perhaps these times, we don't often see that. But that doesn't mean God no longer is at work nor have stopped existing. God has His' timing and there will be a time of His Final Judgement, whether we believe it or not.

If and only if, the Government knows to be subject to the ways and principles of God, surely there will be great order and harmony. The Bible have so many examples of those, that of like King David and King Solomon. But when evil and sin came in, it destroys it so easily. From the lecture The Truth Project, the lecturer also displayed the United States as one of which a great example as well. Because from History and the foundations of America, it was Christianity that has founded and was built upon by the nation of America, one reason I too believe why they have become as a powerful nation... before! But now? things has indeed changed. They have forgotten God! You see their churches filled with old folks mostly and no young people. Atheism and other beliefs has flooded the nation of America, and I too believe that's the one big reason why it is falling apart as a nation.

Just trying to reminisce or remember, if I'm right, America was a great destination for people to look for a job and live in the early years... but now? I see our fellow "kababayan" who are hard-up living and trying to cope up with the life style in their. Well, I'm just re-echoing what I've heard and agree on what is really happening in our governments and in our nations. Without God being the standard, the basis, the foundation of our nation? We'll never experience order and harmony and even real peace in our nation. We'll have to just wait for that coming day when Christ Himself be the reigning King of kings and Lord of lords all through the whole wide world.

1 comment:

Mischelle R. Junio said...

Amen.... I can attest how corruption is rampant in the government nowadays... not to mention the organization that I am in right now... even if they working well with the "Transformation Program", transformation will never be achieved without a change of heart... and only Jesus can do that... pray latta a...