Video was taken October 12, 2014
presenting...... I don't know the title... hehe! sensya....
pasensya na rin sa video... hindi ko dala cam ko eh... =D
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This is the land of my forefathers... once was a field of rice, where my forefathers till the ground. Now, is the land for planes and of aircrafts... yet I still call it my beloved homeland... Loakan.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
Consider this, whether you believe in God or not. It doesn't hurt to read just a simple article. And consider reflecting on what you might do in every circumstance or consider if, will there be someone you know who would do exactly all what is written just because of love?
In the Bible, God says He created the universe, the world and He created man (Gen. 1:1). God gave man free will to choose (Genesis 2:17). Saying if they would eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they will die. God gave all their needs, placed them in a beautiful and fruitful garden of Eden and even walked with man. But, man chose poorly and because of this, sin corrupted man.
Now consider this, if you were God, having all the power, self-sufficient, Creator of all things... And your greatest creation would turn their back on you, what would you do? If you were a potter, and the clay you are molding to be a flower pot says, "Take your hands off me!" or say "Make me to be a flower vase not a flower pot!" How would you respond? The possible thing that could have happened would be, God would at that point destroy man and re-make a new one! Just like a potter who can throw away the clay and get a new clay to form.
But God did not do so. Instead, even with the knowledge of what has happened, He sought man's confession on what they have done by asking if they have disobeyed His instruction. Just like a father seeking his child to be honest and confess what his child have done wrong. And man, instead of admitting the fault, points his finger to someone else (interesting how we do the same when someone blames us, we are fond of the blaming game). God has the right to be angry and eradicate man, instead killed an animal and took of their skin to cover the nakedness of man. (An interesting prophecy foretold even from the beginning of time and pictures why Jesus had to come.)
Now isn't that a thought to ponder? Understanding that from that right on, when man disobeyed and turned their back on God, God was thinking how to bring back man to Himself or has already set out a plan to redeem (bring back to himself) man? Who would do such a thing? If say, your best friend did not trust you nor believe you, or did sin against you, surely your relationship is broken. And the question would be, "Would you want to bring back the kind of relationship you had before the event of sin against you?" Surely things wouldn't be the same. The trust you gave will not be the same as it was, even if your friendship was regained. But not so with God.
And so how does God regains the relationship He has with His creation, esp. with man? Consider these verse: Hebrews 9:22, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8, 10, 12 & 18; Reading throughout the verses, the Bible says regaining back the relationship requires the shedding of blood. In other words, because of sin, sin has to be recompensed or be paid by blood or in other words by life. That is why God says in the beginning, if man will eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, man will die! That was the punishment or the payment for the sin done and from which was passed unto all men, because all men came from Adam, the first man. And because of that all man are sinners (Rom. 3:23). And the most dangerous punishment man will experience is that of the second death declared by Revelations 21:8. This is the kind of death God does not desire for man to experience, the eternal separation and suffering of man from God.
This is the reason why Jesus, God's only begotten Son, came. He came by the virgin birth, meaning, Jesus did not come from the lineage of Adam. It was through the work of the Holy Spirit that Jesus was born in the flesh, through Mary's virgin birth. He is the Second Adam or Last Adam in 1 Corinthians 15:45-47. Though He was made flesh, He was perfect and no sin was found in Him. He too had to go through temptations of the devil but He was never deceived and He pursued the Will of the Father. He was spotless and unblemished, worthy to be called the Lamb of God (I Peter 2:22, John 1:36). And so when the time came, He took His place at the cross of Golgotha and finished God's plan of Salvation / Redemption for man (John 19:30, Hebrews 9:12-10:10). He took the suffering and death, that was supposed to be meant for us, sinners. He was not worthy of the punishment of suffering and death, but He took it. Romans 5:10 says, even when we were God's enemies, still God, by and through the Lord Jesus Christ's death, brings us back to Him. But of course, this is not automatic. He does not force us. He only desires is that we do what He wants us to do. That is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 16:30-31)!
Now, shall we pause for a while and think, reflect on what the Bible is saying. Here is an unbelievable and unfathomable kind of Love, maybe foolish love in our sight, but not so with God. A Love He is offering to give and desiring we would receive it whole heartedly. Accepting it by faith in what the Lord Jesus Christ had done. Believing who Jesus really is, the Son of God, the Savior and Lord; And yet suffered and died for us! Now, what kind of Love who will initiate the first move towards the other who had done wrong against the one who made the first move of love?
And so, how do we respond? There are only two things of response... receive God's Love or reject it. Rejecting it means, we are better than God and that we do not need His Love. Receiving it, opens a door to a new unimaginable and unspeakable joy and life. What will you choose?
Thursday, July 24, 2014
How did life begin? What about evolution? Why are we here?
Watch the video below!! Borrowed or it's from the website:
I hope I will not be sued by the owner but instead be a great help in sharing the news of this video.. =)
Monday, July 21, 2014
Hike to Bisal 2014
Herein are two videos: One video of photos taken from the hike going to Bisal, Bokod, Benguet, Philippines, along with ibaloi version of hymns as background music.... another is a video of video clips taken from the hike with songs from the Gaither vocal band as background music.
photos taken along the way...
Video clips while hiking...
Sunday, July 6, 2014
What we do in missions?
To give a little background on the missions ministry of my father, he previously was a local missionary too on many places. As far as I know, he started being a driver of a missionary, Ptr. Eric Dawal, who were under the Pocket Testament League. He too was the operator of the old-style film-reel-based projectors.. It is somewhat awesome watching those old Christian movies... and very memorable. So he was like the Robin of Ptr. Dawal going around film-showing and sharing the gospel to places, partnering also with other groups like the Campus Crusades, New Tribes Mission and other Evangelical groups, and anyone who will invite them in to film-show and preach the gospel. So much experiences, but I wasn't able to take part of those... I mean, I did visit some times, but never was always there to see and experience myself, because 1) I was sickly and 2) I was probably still young. A reason why at those times I actually even envied my brothers going out exploring places such the like.
But my father did not simply became a driver-projector man. He said that the league thought of equipping the projector-man to become more useful too in sharing the gospel. So my father probably had to undergo some kind of training.. I think he had some kind of "written courses". He didn't go in a seminary or a bible school or something but I think he was given some kind of a self-studying courses. There's this like old bible exam sheet I saw one time, with questions and my father's handwriting answering the questions. And from then on, his preaching experience started. I can't probably narrate very well of his experience. I can only have a glimpse and vague or dull knowledge of what he has gone through. Nevertheless, I believe he has been greatly used by God reaching to many places. But of course he had many helps as well.
Typically, observing how he does missions, he always bring companions to join in the ministry. Not only one, but many. Perhaps the principle of "the more the merrier" is really great in the missions ministry, unlike the typically one-man team or by partners. Though I think he had his own experiences of being a one-man team or even being with the partner. I remember him mentioning names of those who have been helpful to him in the ministries, and I may not mention them all. These were the late Ptr. Nick Cawaon, Ma'am Rebecca Eslao, Ptr. Pat Eslao... Years before he too had some kind of apprentices or young people who helped him and by this time they are now adults, and some have been pastors and still on the ministry. Like Ptr. Benjie Oriao, Bro. Lorenzo, Marcelo, Ricky Pati, Angel (pronounced as "ang-hel") Balagot mostly coming from Minac Baptist Church. And they were a team sharing God's Word to different places. My father would tell me some stories that he would give some outlines to these young peoples and that they would share it to different areas of their outreaches. And these places were mostly in the Benguet area. Again, I don't have the exact knowledge nor the order of how, when and where they went out or where my father shared first but here are some of the names of places they've been ministering and sharing the gospel: Loacan Itogon, Minac, Bisal, Bolo, Sablan, Pidawan, Bangao, Labey, Andalasi, Cabayawasan, Bingo, Guisset, etc.. As far as I know my father has been part of pioneering churches before. My only vivid knowledge of which church he has pioneered are that of Minac, Bisal, Guisset (which died) Baptist Churches, whereas I think he also mentioned Loacan Itogon and Pidawan, and Sablan of chuches where he was used as an instrument. And I can't remember the others he mentioned. This somehow gives me an understanding, my father may be an evangelist to his native people, the ibalois, since most of these are of the ibaloi ethnic group, which he too is part of. Well? Who else can relate to them? And who knows more of the tradition and culture of the ibalois but my father who even had to go against his own father who was a pagan priest called "mambunong" in our dialect. My father had to go through great ordeal as well, so many great trials and testings.
And now? after him coming back to missions ministry, I can observe what he does and that I have become part of it as well in doing missions or pioneering ministry or the church planting ministry. Being with him within the span of three years, I saw how God greatly moved and have been reaching out to people as the gospel of Christ is preached. But I also saw how the enemy moves as well trying to hinder and destroy the ministry. I see how the enemy can use outside agents disturb the ministry like mockery, ridicules and scorn... and inside agents, my father call it a "spy" or "secret agent", in distracting the ministry. I saw people how that even with clear message of the gospel, and see God's unconditional love, others will see nothing and people hardening their heart. People who become part of the group of believers but in reality they don't really understand what they believe or Who they believe. The dangers of this ministry, people will take sides and will follow people, my father for example, and not Jesus Himself. Even if my father was actually just serving and preaching Christ... The experience of Apostle Paul among the Corinthian believers came to my mind, where they took sides of people, those of Paul, those of Apollos and those of Cephas and those of Christ. I saw how people claim they know and greatly appreciate God's Love and yet hard-up in sharing that kind of Love to others, the kind of love that can even extend to people who we may call enemies. True it is hard, but that's the point, if we are truly His', God's children, His love ought to flow through us and the impossible, possible! I see how easily discouragement and disappointment can turn people not to follow God no more nor to pursue His Will, because if they did, then the gospel should have been spread out and Jesus' kingdom growing, many more people believing... instead the gospel is hid and few believe, because people don't see Christ in the lives of those who profess Christ Jesus..
But as I've said, I also still see and saw God working! How in just unexpected days, people would come. People will hear the gospel, and true conversion happens! And when I speak of true conversion, I mean a life changed! People who never likes to talk, now talking and sharing. People who are easily discouraged and faint when trials and testing comes, now wears a smile and still retain that joy God gives, and even still desiring to be part of the ministry, the harvest field. People who say they are bankrupt and yet can laugh it out knowing and believing God is in control. People who have been without income for a year and yet their needs provided. People growing more and more to be matured spiritually. And truly being part of this, "God's work or harvest field" is such a privilege and of great opportunity. Though this truly is accompanied with great accountability and responsibility.
From these experiences, I truly can make deep comparison or similarity of planting or farming with regard to church planting or pioneering church. And too often I get disappointed and discouraged by churches and even pastors who seem to never get the idea of it. I hate and am angered by the idea that church planting is an easy task and easily accomplished by the works of man, when in reality, TRUE church planting is God's own work or doing. We may be instruments or laborers, but God makes things happen or should I say God changes the hearts of man, not us. Our part is only to obey God's command, and "GO" is one thing I understand that we have to obey first especially on the task of evangelizing and church planting. Our work is not to "WORRY" about other things, that's God's task or work. Do we not understand that it is GOD's Harvest Field? Not ours? And it is He Who decides on what He wants to do in His Harvest Field? Too often, I can't understand why others think they know what must be done when they are not the ones on the field. I mean, sure people can give suggestions and the like, but to enforce and to make proposals that what they think should be happening on other's turf of labor, I think is an insult to what God is doing. This gives me to remembrance about the laborers in Matthew 20:1-16. The laborers were complaining because they compared themselves with others. Too often this kind of attitude produces unpleasant mockery to the one Who Owns the Harvest Field. Can't we just be grateful that we are all in the working force of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords? Can't we just support and encourage one another instead, doing the work of the Father?
Before I joined my father, he stated that he prayed for God's provision and enablement before they started to have again a bible study in a 45-minute ride away from home, knowing that they, my parents, had no more source of income. That I believe started August of 2010. They went off to outreaches, preaching the Word. And father committing to re-start this bible study in a place called Apalan, near Guisset, where a previous church supposed to be was established but died out, without the knowledge that soon it would turn to a bigger ministry. Out of an empty-pocket state, they proceeded. I had my job though at that time, and was willing to help out in any help I could give whether it be finances or manpower. 2011, I joined them every Sundays, the bible study now became a service or sunday school. The Lord added more people to join in. It then extended to more places. At first, Apalan, then Guisset, then Beckel, then Cobabeng, then Gumatdang, then Bingo, then Camisong, then? I don't know... I too never expected that ministry to grow and reach more places. I thought we would be placed in only one place. But before those ministries grew, the family is glad that our home church now then accepted and commissioned my father to be a full-time missionary dated April of 2011. The Loakan Baptist Church now helps my father in providing his needs in the ministry.
Now, there are two pioneered or baby churches, that of in Apalan, called the Living Word Fundamental Baptist Church which also cover the believers in the places of Guisset, Boneco, Bingo, and Camisong; And that of Gumatdang, as of now temporarily named as "Gumatdang Christian Fellowship". A children's ministry is also being held in Beckel, hoping that a new church will be established as well in the area. Whereas, once-a-month bible study is being held in Cobabeng, 2-hours ride away from home, from which we are praying of a church who would partner in this outreach ministry. Praise God for still, God works and touches people to help, Ptr. Dencio Wong took the schedule of first and second sunday to hold bible study in Cobabeng. And this time my father is on-leave or vacation, pastors and brothers in the Lord have been helping, even if they are not of our home church. Ptr. Benjie Oriao, Ptr. Mark Ayano and Bro. Ricky Pati namely. Of course our home church sends also pastors and deacons who are able to teach and also provide transportations. They are of great help to nourish and help these ministries or churches grow.
Though probably comparing our home church who had years, like 50+ years or so with 200+ members, these new baby churches still needs assistance and need to be fed by God's Word for them to grow and learn to stand on their own. A very practical example that I observe with my father, is that, he provides the food we eat every lunch or dinner along with the church members or listeners of bible studies. He too had to provide for his own fuel for our vehicle or for others' vehicle who help in the outreaches. He does this with a hope that soon, these believers after being established, will stand-up with a willing heart and take the initiative to help in those areas. Yes, we have to teach them, that they have to stand-up on their own, provide for their needs, and manage their own ministries. But we have to understand these takes time and not an automatic robot-like command-and-do thing... It should be like the example of helping a baby walk for the first time. You don't say to the baby "go and walk" and just expect them to walk? No! You assist the baby first to stand, and doing this takes time. When he learns to stand and understanding that the baby can carry itself, you then start teaching the baby to walk by assisting him and going through the experience of walking. Again these takes time... Until the one who assists get the feeling, understanding and having that confidence that the baby can do it, then we can let go. But do not forget! The baby can also fall, so be ready to catch or assist again! These same principle should be seen in church planting. Do we need Bible references for this? Consider these verses: 1 Corinthians 3:2, 1 Peter 2:2, Hebrews 5:12. Yup, these verses talks about new Christians being fed with milk (God's Word), but don't we think it's just clear that it takes time and great assistance to help others grow and learn to stand on their own? Just so in planting or farming. Planting seed is one thing, but watering and taking care of the plant is another thing. And all these things comes with time. In fact, it's not our work for a seed to grow, that's God's work. And God has His own timing, we can't assume and depend on our own timing.
Well, praise God! By this time the two established baby churches can now provide food for themselves, and also give some love gifts for my father and to those who visits and preach God's Word. Even with just a few financial-abled people they give willingly and joyfully. My hope personally would be soon, God would bless them monetarily so that they are provided with their family needs and also that they could give to help others. And, hopefully soon they could give so that they can provide for a worker that would feed them spiritually. This would take time I know, and more than time, God's graciousness and benevolence to provide what is that these believers need, whether physically or spiritually.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
The Government and God's Word
To us, Filipinos, it is very discouraging and disappointing seeing how corruption has greatly affected our government. But do we ever wonder what God says about the government? Read these verses.
"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour." (Romans 13:1-7)
"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour." (Romans 13:1-7)
These verses talks about the government being subject or submitted to God. And how God has indeed established an institute or an agent of His' to set forth order and harmony amongst the people. But indeed things has changed. From my watching of the video series of "The Truth Project", the lecturer explained how greatly sin and corruption has indeed corrupted how the government should be manifested or function. And from these verses we could simply understand that to have a functional and uncorrupted government, the government must be subject to God's Will and Ordinances.
You see the function of the government is really to bear the sword of order and harmony. Executing judgement to those who does evil, and commending the good. But the problem lies on how does the government see right and what is wrong? What is the basis of the government's decisions and discretion of which must be good and evil? and to whom should punishment be given? Without God being that standard or basis of good and evil, the government now then depends on their own ideas, their own standards, their own thoughts. And as far as I know, making their own standards leads to their own selfish and biased concept of good and bad.
If I were to ask, why do our government make laws and still if not many, there are and will be still people who will not agree with it? No nation seem to be at one or unity with whatever Government nowadays make as laws, except those that were already displayed and given as decree from God. "Thou shalt not kill!" a very interesting command of God, almost all nations agree to it, don't we? And what is the basis of this command or law? I don't think it began with the mind of man, but on the mind of God... people who don't believe on God though seem to disagree with that argument but would not find any historic evidence that it really came from man. Whether they say it common sense or common idea, man has no evidence it came from man but from the very start, it came from God.
You see, a nation whose laws based on the mind of man causes nothing more but chaos rather than harmony. Because whenever our laws are based on what people think as good and not depend on the standard of what God knows as good and evil, we will see that people will only see self-preservation becomes the main concept of the law and those that are not part of that self-preservation will definitely retaliate.
Perhaps I would like to site a great illustration, which we heard from the lecturer of the Truth Project. The question whether, "Can the government steal?" Surely there will be a mixed up ideas of each one. But comparing to a simple person who steals, most often we easily agree and discern that is wrong doing. But when we see the government taking something like a land perhaps by force, would we see it as stealing? From the one whom the land was taken, he / she would probably say yes, that is stealing. But what if the government says that they will use that land to give it to the poor and needy? Surely those to whom that land will be given will say, it's just but right to give it to the poor! Even a simple observer might say the same given that the person is not affected at all.
But in reality and in the eyes of God, stealing will always be stealing and it is a sin! And if God will give His hand of justice, He will give justice! That's what happened to the King of Israel, Ahab and His queen Jezebel. Perhaps these times, we don't often see that. But that doesn't mean God no longer is at work nor have stopped existing. God has His' timing and there will be a time of His Final Judgement, whether we believe it or not.
If and only if, the Government knows to be subject to the ways and principles of God, surely there will be great order and harmony. The Bible have so many examples of those, that of like King David and King Solomon. But when evil and sin came in, it destroys it so easily. From the lecture The Truth Project, the lecturer also displayed the United States as one of which a great example as well. Because from History and the foundations of America, it was Christianity that has founded and was built upon by the nation of America, one reason I too believe why they have become as a powerful nation... before! But now? things has indeed changed. They have forgotten God! You see their churches filled with old folks mostly and no young people. Atheism and other beliefs has flooded the nation of America, and I too believe that's the one big reason why it is falling apart as a nation.
Just trying to reminisce or remember, if I'm right, America was a great destination for people to look for a job and live in the early years... but now? I see our fellow "kababayan" who are hard-up living and trying to cope up with the life style in their. Well, I'm just re-echoing what I've heard and agree on what is really happening in our governments and in our nations. Without God being the standard, the basis, the foundation of our nation? We'll never experience order and harmony and even real peace in our nation. We'll have to just wait for that coming day when Christ Himself be the reigning King of kings and Lord of lords all through the whole wide world.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
What is TRUTH!
"Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all." (John 18:38)
"What is Truth?" This question is a very vital question everyone of us has to ask ourselves and that requires an answer... Though Christianity offers a claim of what is truth, others or the world also declares its truth claims... and reality is that these two truth claims goes directly against each other, the truth claims of Jesus Christ and the truth claims of the world... therefore one is truly the truth, the other is nothing more but a lie, displaying itself like truth.
Well, surely I may be portrayed as bias, since I am indeed a Christian. But to give more (if it be possible to make it more clearer) understanding, the reason why I say that there are only two truth claims: that of Christianity, which the Bible declares, the other, the world's truth claims including other religious, political and social or even philosophical claims. Only Biblical Christianity, makes a clear statement that it is only and all about God or the Lord Jesus Christ being THE TRUTH, Who is worth following and obeying, whereas the other truth claims will point to SELF, I, ME, MY WORK, MY DOING, MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS, MY KNOWLEDGE, MY WISDOM, MY UNDERSTANDING, MY EXPERIENCE, etc... etc... etc... And that includes the so called "Christian Sects" who still adds up works of self...
Well, I'm sure people most likely will not understand what I'm saying here or maybe mock me for what I'm saying but I pray that people will hear what I'm saying and that they would understand. Well, my goal is to at least make people understand what I've seen, heard and understood and even experienced and make the invitation for others to believe it or not with what the Bible or the Word of God is declaring, because even the Word of God says in I Corinthians 2:14 "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." In other words, with OUR OWN knowledge or wisdom, God's spiritual wisdom or knowledge becomes foolish to us, LEST His Spirit work, the Holy Spirit, Who indwells True Christians (1 Corinthians 6:19), gives clear understanding to His every Word. I said "True" because in reality, even Jesus Himself declares there will be "false Christians" (See Matthew 7:21-23).
That's the reality of the Word of God, the Bible. And if man will see this as truth, that would be the reality of this world. So we see a great battle between The Bible's Truth Claims vs. The World's Truth Claims. And in reality, if there is a "Truth" there is a "False" or there is a "Lie". The Bible stands only on One Truth, being the Lord Jesus Christ, the other having so many different kinds of truth, but the Bible sees it as "all but lie". We can see that in Matthew 7:13-14, and paraphrasing it "Broad is the way that leads unto death, narrow is the way that leads unto life." And that Narrow way IS the Lord Jesus Christ, which the world will see as worthless or nothing more but a lie. So in all these things we should understand there is indeed a battle for Truth and the question "what is really really real that is worth believing?" is worth answering...
Though at times, people often mix things up, seemingly they are both the same or as if there is no difference, but are not. Because the Word of God says, there shall be people professing to be wise but are foolish in the eyes of God, them who will change God's Truth into a lie (Romans 1:20-32). Another reality is that even when conversion takes place to a person or when a person becomes a Christian, it is not automatic that the person becomes mature and knows-it-all. A Christian will still continue to fight the battle of truth and lies. For a truth, even Christians can be deceived by the traditions of man and the teachings of the world (Colossians 2:8). One thing we should really be very watchful as a Christian, is the enemy's strategies of deception, we Christians are prone of it, we are not immune to it. We can be harmed, destroyed and become unusable by God Almighty when we are deceived by it.
But a Christian need not to fret, for a Christian should know, he is standing on the truth. It just requires that we Christian ought to be diligent and responsible in making our stand worthy and firm. 1 Peter 3:15 says be always ready to stand and give an answer to our reason of hope that is in Christ Jesus whenever someone asks or challenges us the faith we take hold on to, the faith in Christ Jesus!
But surely standing for the truth and the faith we hold so dear, has its difficulties. Because surely we will be challenged, we will be hated and we will be seen as enemies, like our Master the Lord Jesus Christ. The servant can not be greater than the Master (John 13:16). It really requires great courage to stand for the truth! And the hardest is when we live what we really believe. Most often we Christians fail on this category "Living what we really believe!" Let me sight just a great example that even Christ Himself reminded of His disciples or His followers. The rebuke of the Lord Jesus Christ with regards to "worry" (Matthew 6:25-31). Indeed, why do we worry? if we really believe we have a God Almighty, the Great Provider, the All Knowing and All Powerful, why do we still worry indeed? Though it doesn't mean we ought not to work any more, but the fact that we do work and still worry for the future is like a big question on what faith indeed do we have to our God Almighty?
It is interesting the Lord Jesus Christ pointed out this small thing. How much more on the other parts of what we believe of God? Him being our refuge, our strength, our help in times of need? And what of our evangelism? do we simply tend to neglect the Great Commission God has given to us as a Christian? A great misconception I believe is that the Great Commission is only for the Pastors or Workers of the Lord, but the truth? Christ gave this Commandment to the Church, the Christians! Not the few of the Christians but the whole of the Christian Realm or the believers in Jesus Christ. Yet how is it that our perspectives on the Great Commission has changed?
Now, I've shared so much on the Christian perspectives and struggles, let me get back to the battle of truth and lies. I must say though that this battle is too big and too enormous for me to share and discuss things but I really would like to promote a video to be seen and hear of all the arguments and discussions. The video series of "The Truth Project". But in reality, these are just few things that would declare much truth or the reality of this spiritual battle. And in honesty, the greatest battle of Christianity vs. other beliefs is that of the belief on "Evolution." I say belief, because reality? it is still a "theory" and never has been made as a "law" of science. Even many Scientists knows this already and yet the truth is being hidden, being covered up and the lie being promoted as truth which is NOT!
Let me share one of my arguments which wasn't probably shared by anyone else (though I am not sure if there is someone who has this same understanding). Let me ask this question, "If evolution - the idea of evolving to be made better - is true, why then does people have to wear clothes?" I'm sure you'll laugh at this simple question. But if you'll have to understand the animals have their protective skins, furs, etc. Why would we humans not adapt or evolve into something that we don't need clothes? You see in all honesty, we need clothes because of course we need protection, and I'm sure of this, we need it because we feel shame if we are naked. And if I would take that note, is it not that that's one of the actual feeling and understanding of Adam and Eve when they sinned against God? Evolution HAS NO REAL ARGUMENT OR EXPLANATION WHY WE NEED CLOTHES, when in fact if evolution was and is true, WE SHOULDN'T NEED CLOTHES NO MORE. Because? We should have evolved already to fit in the environment. Probably people will say, we have an "evolved intelligent mind" to do that... but that would create more questions. How did that come about? why are the apes and others didn't have that evolved mind? And why is it that there are only one kind of human race who have this kind of Intelligence? why can't there be those what we see in TV's, another kind having intelligence but having a big nose or an Aqua man kind of people? These and many questions man has to answer if Evolution was true.
Actually, if you'd watch the "Truth Project", there it explains that "Evolution" has no real basis and it's founding arguments are already abolished, YET? We wonder why it is still being promoted or being taught and being propagated. People will say it is science, when in fact many and even professing non-believer of Christ Scientist, sees it as not a "law" or see it as foolish.
And still God's Word never changed its Words and can still stand up, up to this day to declare Its TRUTH enough to answer these questions. And can even answer the question why people will not believe in this TRUTH. What an Amazing Word of God! These are my thoughts and understanding which I believe is shared by all Bible and Jesus Believing Christians. And I hope other non-believers will see this light and understanding be upon them and that they will see, there is only ONE TRUTH, and that is Christ Jesus!
"What is Truth?" This question is a very vital question everyone of us has to ask ourselves and that requires an answer... Though Christianity offers a claim of what is truth, others or the world also declares its truth claims... and reality is that these two truth claims goes directly against each other, the truth claims of Jesus Christ and the truth claims of the world... therefore one is truly the truth, the other is nothing more but a lie, displaying itself like truth.
Well, surely I may be portrayed as bias, since I am indeed a Christian. But to give more (if it be possible to make it more clearer) understanding, the reason why I say that there are only two truth claims: that of Christianity, which the Bible declares, the other, the world's truth claims including other religious, political and social or even philosophical claims. Only Biblical Christianity, makes a clear statement that it is only and all about God or the Lord Jesus Christ being THE TRUTH, Who is worth following and obeying, whereas the other truth claims will point to SELF, I, ME, MY WORK, MY DOING, MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS, MY KNOWLEDGE, MY WISDOM, MY UNDERSTANDING, MY EXPERIENCE, etc... etc... etc... And that includes the so called "Christian Sects" who still adds up works of self...
Well, I'm sure people most likely will not understand what I'm saying here or maybe mock me for what I'm saying but I pray that people will hear what I'm saying and that they would understand. Well, my goal is to at least make people understand what I've seen, heard and understood and even experienced and make the invitation for others to believe it or not with what the Bible or the Word of God is declaring, because even the Word of God says in I Corinthians 2:14 "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." In other words, with OUR OWN knowledge or wisdom, God's spiritual wisdom or knowledge becomes foolish to us, LEST His Spirit work, the Holy Spirit, Who indwells True Christians (1 Corinthians 6:19), gives clear understanding to His every Word. I said "True" because in reality, even Jesus Himself declares there will be "false Christians" (See Matthew 7:21-23).
That's the reality of the Word of God, the Bible. And if man will see this as truth, that would be the reality of this world. So we see a great battle between The Bible's Truth Claims vs. The World's Truth Claims. And in reality, if there is a "Truth" there is a "False" or there is a "Lie". The Bible stands only on One Truth, being the Lord Jesus Christ, the other having so many different kinds of truth, but the Bible sees it as "all but lie". We can see that in Matthew 7:13-14, and paraphrasing it "Broad is the way that leads unto death, narrow is the way that leads unto life." And that Narrow way IS the Lord Jesus Christ, which the world will see as worthless or nothing more but a lie. So in all these things we should understand there is indeed a battle for Truth and the question "what is really really real that is worth believing?" is worth answering...
Though at times, people often mix things up, seemingly they are both the same or as if there is no difference, but are not. Because the Word of God says, there shall be people professing to be wise but are foolish in the eyes of God, them who will change God's Truth into a lie (Romans 1:20-32). Another reality is that even when conversion takes place to a person or when a person becomes a Christian, it is not automatic that the person becomes mature and knows-it-all. A Christian will still continue to fight the battle of truth and lies. For a truth, even Christians can be deceived by the traditions of man and the teachings of the world (Colossians 2:8). One thing we should really be very watchful as a Christian, is the enemy's strategies of deception, we Christians are prone of it, we are not immune to it. We can be harmed, destroyed and become unusable by God Almighty when we are deceived by it.
But a Christian need not to fret, for a Christian should know, he is standing on the truth. It just requires that we Christian ought to be diligent and responsible in making our stand worthy and firm. 1 Peter 3:15 says be always ready to stand and give an answer to our reason of hope that is in Christ Jesus whenever someone asks or challenges us the faith we take hold on to, the faith in Christ Jesus!
But surely standing for the truth and the faith we hold so dear, has its difficulties. Because surely we will be challenged, we will be hated and we will be seen as enemies, like our Master the Lord Jesus Christ. The servant can not be greater than the Master (John 13:16). It really requires great courage to stand for the truth! And the hardest is when we live what we really believe. Most often we Christians fail on this category "Living what we really believe!" Let me sight just a great example that even Christ Himself reminded of His disciples or His followers. The rebuke of the Lord Jesus Christ with regards to "worry" (Matthew 6:25-31). Indeed, why do we worry? if we really believe we have a God Almighty, the Great Provider, the All Knowing and All Powerful, why do we still worry indeed? Though it doesn't mean we ought not to work any more, but the fact that we do work and still worry for the future is like a big question on what faith indeed do we have to our God Almighty?
It is interesting the Lord Jesus Christ pointed out this small thing. How much more on the other parts of what we believe of God? Him being our refuge, our strength, our help in times of need? And what of our evangelism? do we simply tend to neglect the Great Commission God has given to us as a Christian? A great misconception I believe is that the Great Commission is only for the Pastors or Workers of the Lord, but the truth? Christ gave this Commandment to the Church, the Christians! Not the few of the Christians but the whole of the Christian Realm or the believers in Jesus Christ. Yet how is it that our perspectives on the Great Commission has changed?
Now, I've shared so much on the Christian perspectives and struggles, let me get back to the battle of truth and lies. I must say though that this battle is too big and too enormous for me to share and discuss things but I really would like to promote a video to be seen and hear of all the arguments and discussions. The video series of "The Truth Project". But in reality, these are just few things that would declare much truth or the reality of this spiritual battle. And in honesty, the greatest battle of Christianity vs. other beliefs is that of the belief on "Evolution." I say belief, because reality? it is still a "theory" and never has been made as a "law" of science. Even many Scientists knows this already and yet the truth is being hidden, being covered up and the lie being promoted as truth which is NOT!
Let me share one of my arguments which wasn't probably shared by anyone else (though I am not sure if there is someone who has this same understanding). Let me ask this question, "If evolution - the idea of evolving to be made better - is true, why then does people have to wear clothes?" I'm sure you'll laugh at this simple question. But if you'll have to understand the animals have their protective skins, furs, etc. Why would we humans not adapt or evolve into something that we don't need clothes? You see in all honesty, we need clothes because of course we need protection, and I'm sure of this, we need it because we feel shame if we are naked. And if I would take that note, is it not that that's one of the actual feeling and understanding of Adam and Eve when they sinned against God? Evolution HAS NO REAL ARGUMENT OR EXPLANATION WHY WE NEED CLOTHES, when in fact if evolution was and is true, WE SHOULDN'T NEED CLOTHES NO MORE. Because? We should have evolved already to fit in the environment. Probably people will say, we have an "evolved intelligent mind" to do that... but that would create more questions. How did that come about? why are the apes and others didn't have that evolved mind? And why is it that there are only one kind of human race who have this kind of Intelligence? why can't there be those what we see in TV's, another kind having intelligence but having a big nose or an Aqua man kind of people? These and many questions man has to answer if Evolution was true.
Actually, if you'd watch the "Truth Project", there it explains that "Evolution" has no real basis and it's founding arguments are already abolished, YET? We wonder why it is still being promoted or being taught and being propagated. People will say it is science, when in fact many and even professing non-believer of Christ Scientist, sees it as not a "law" or see it as foolish.
And still God's Word never changed its Words and can still stand up, up to this day to declare Its TRUTH enough to answer these questions. And can even answer the question why people will not believe in this TRUTH. What an Amazing Word of God! These are my thoughts and understanding which I believe is shared by all Bible and Jesus Believing Christians. And I hope other non-believers will see this light and understanding be upon them and that they will see, there is only ONE TRUTH, and that is Christ Jesus!
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Knowing and doing God's Will
It has always been a question I've heard and also have been my personal question every now and then... Though I must say God has already revealed His answer to this question. But how come I always ask this question?
Well I think 1) We are still in our fleshly being cursed by sin. Romans 7:15 says "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."... There is still a battle within a Christian, who even if given his life or surrendered his life, the battle does not end 'till death comes; 'till we are separated from our fleshly bodies. 2) our fellow brethren too gives a factor. The biggest factor when it comes to others, is that, there is none who gives a great example, a life example of how does one know and follow the will of God... if there are, they are rare! So few, that at times nobody even notice or even appreciate.. or simply we often do not care... Much more hardest is when those people whom you expect to be examples, falter or fail in fulfilling the Will of God. The craziest idea I believe at this period of time when it comes to God's Will is that Christian thinks God's Will is a Trial-and-Error test. Well, they will try things and see if everything works well, they will conclude that, that is God's Will!!! But if I would look at God's Word... NEVER has the Word of God declare such! God's Will has always been revealed in His Word, or often He instructs us always of what to do, and gives us the choice of obeying and following His Will.
I must say, there are those people who would claim, that God's Will which is revealed on His Word is only for the general mass of Christians. Whereas, Christians are looking for the specific Will of God for themselves. Well, surely God's Word has not given any specifics for every Christians... But I honestly believe God has given an instruction for that and also I believe God still allows His people to choose whether they would obey it or not. Though people would probably debate on this matter, but anyway, let the Word of God speak, if it must.
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:2, KJV)
"Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." (Psalm 37:4, KJV)
These verses have really captured my eyes in understanding God's Will. There are those who might agree, there may be some who does not. But anyway, first thing is first. Knowing God's Will I believe starts from the heart of God.... If indeed we want to know His will for us, then let us start with Him and not with us or with others or with any other options or chances. Start with God's Heart. What is His delight? What is His desire? You see even the Word of God says "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jer. 17:9)... Therefore our heart is not the main focus or starting point of every decision we ought to make if we really really really want to know and do the will of God... It has to start with God's heart. Psalm 37:4 isn't actually about our desires, but it starts with God's desires. If we just simply learn to align our heart with His heart... then surely we'll know His heart and God will honour that which we desire, cause from the start we aligned our desire to His. Perhaps one might ask, how then can we align our heart with God's heart. I believe we do that by knowing Him, His nature, His Character... Who is He in our lives. When we get to know and understand His ways, His principles, then we will know to align our heart to His'.
And of course, knowing Him is not actually automatic. It has a process and it can start by reading and studying His Word.
The wrong thinking though of this world or this generation is that, we often and always think "Success" equals "God's Will". And often, we think "success" equals "Material possession" or "fame" or "profession" or "being on top-of-the-world"... I read one article which also shares this perspective that we, even Christians, are hooked up with the thinking that we are "blessed" if we have "this" and "that" and "those"... which pertains to material things... material gains... never to think that the eternal life we possess as Christians are really really really "great blessings." We are indeed captured in the mind set of this world. And that's Romans 12:2 warns us about. That we are not to be conformed (syn. adapt, follow, comply, agree, etc..) with this world.
Why can't we see that? Why can't we see that day by day, we tend to be easily conform to this world, to the system of this world, on how this world works? previously I've shared something about faith vs. the thinking of this world on "survival"... A concept I believe which the evolution theory started. And now? everytime I see things on God's perspective, I really see a big difference.. I mean... If we really believe we have a God Who is ALL POWERFUL, ALL PRESENT and ALL KNOWING... Why indeed do we worry? it's a very simple illustration Jesus Himself has been teaching... "Why worry?" It doesn't mean we stop working or something, since labor itself God has instituted from the beginning, but why indeed do we add worry to it? And at times, we are even motivated by the things others possess... so easily are we persuaded and deceived... When in reality, we don't actually need these things to live... "games? entertainments? media?" Aren't these more of robbers of our time? instead of spending time with our love ones or family members?
Sometimes I wonder, if Christians really mean on looking or finding and knowing God's Will and obey it... When day by day, I find people, even myself moved by the idea or thought that "I have to do this because this is what the world or the system ought for me to do." And yet, we think we want to do God's Will.
Well I think 1) We are still in our fleshly being cursed by sin. Romans 7:15 says "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do."... There is still a battle within a Christian, who even if given his life or surrendered his life, the battle does not end 'till death comes; 'till we are separated from our fleshly bodies. 2) our fellow brethren too gives a factor. The biggest factor when it comes to others, is that, there is none who gives a great example, a life example of how does one know and follow the will of God... if there are, they are rare! So few, that at times nobody even notice or even appreciate.. or simply we often do not care... Much more hardest is when those people whom you expect to be examples, falter or fail in fulfilling the Will of God. The craziest idea I believe at this period of time when it comes to God's Will is that Christian thinks God's Will is a Trial-and-Error test. Well, they will try things and see if everything works well, they will conclude that, that is God's Will!!! But if I would look at God's Word... NEVER has the Word of God declare such! God's Will has always been revealed in His Word, or often He instructs us always of what to do, and gives us the choice of obeying and following His Will.
I must say, there are those people who would claim, that God's Will which is revealed on His Word is only for the general mass of Christians. Whereas, Christians are looking for the specific Will of God for themselves. Well, surely God's Word has not given any specifics for every Christians... But I honestly believe God has given an instruction for that and also I believe God still allows His people to choose whether they would obey it or not. Though people would probably debate on this matter, but anyway, let the Word of God speak, if it must.
"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:2, KJV)
"Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." (Psalm 37:4, KJV)
These verses have really captured my eyes in understanding God's Will. There are those who might agree, there may be some who does not. But anyway, first thing is first. Knowing God's Will I believe starts from the heart of God.... If indeed we want to know His will for us, then let us start with Him and not with us or with others or with any other options or chances. Start with God's Heart. What is His delight? What is His desire? You see even the Word of God says "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jer. 17:9)... Therefore our heart is not the main focus or starting point of every decision we ought to make if we really really really want to know and do the will of God... It has to start with God's heart. Psalm 37:4 isn't actually about our desires, but it starts with God's desires. If we just simply learn to align our heart with His heart... then surely we'll know His heart and God will honour that which we desire, cause from the start we aligned our desire to His. Perhaps one might ask, how then can we align our heart with God's heart. I believe we do that by knowing Him, His nature, His Character... Who is He in our lives. When we get to know and understand His ways, His principles, then we will know to align our heart to His'.
And of course, knowing Him is not actually automatic. It has a process and it can start by reading and studying His Word.
The wrong thinking though of this world or this generation is that, we often and always think "Success" equals "God's Will". And often, we think "success" equals "Material possession" or "fame" or "profession" or "being on top-of-the-world"... I read one article which also shares this perspective that we, even Christians, are hooked up with the thinking that we are "blessed" if we have "this" and "that" and "those"... which pertains to material things... material gains... never to think that the eternal life we possess as Christians are really really really "great blessings." We are indeed captured in the mind set of this world. And that's Romans 12:2 warns us about. That we are not to be conformed (syn. adapt, follow, comply, agree, etc..) with this world.
Why can't we see that? Why can't we see that day by day, we tend to be easily conform to this world, to the system of this world, on how this world works? previously I've shared something about faith vs. the thinking of this world on "survival"... A concept I believe which the evolution theory started. And now? everytime I see things on God's perspective, I really see a big difference.. I mean... If we really believe we have a God Who is ALL POWERFUL, ALL PRESENT and ALL KNOWING... Why indeed do we worry? it's a very simple illustration Jesus Himself has been teaching... "Why worry?" It doesn't mean we stop working or something, since labor itself God has instituted from the beginning, but why indeed do we add worry to it? And at times, we are even motivated by the things others possess... so easily are we persuaded and deceived... When in reality, we don't actually need these things to live... "games? entertainments? media?" Aren't these more of robbers of our time? instead of spending time with our love ones or family members?
Sometimes I wonder, if Christians really mean on looking or finding and knowing God's Will and obey it... When day by day, I find people, even myself moved by the idea or thought that "I have to do this because this is what the world or the system ought for me to do." And yet, we think we want to do God's Will.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
VBS (Investigation Destination) 2014 for Outreaches
<<== (not the real video.. play the video below.)
This video was made to thank all those who've helped in one way or the other... named or unnamed, recorded or unrecorded, listed or unlisted! Thank you!!!
May God return the blessings a thousand folds as thou hast been a blessing to those whom thou hast ministered. Indeed your labor will not be in vain in the Lord (I Cor. 15:58).
With the help of the Loakan Baptist Church, The Living Word Fundamental Baptist Church, Gumatdang Christian Fellowship, even by individuals and sister churches, there were 4 places that a Vacation Bible School was held.. Namely at Beckel, Cobabeng, Guisset and Gumatdang... all sites within the Benguet Province.
Three of these places have already had their VBS experience last year, whereas Cobabeng, had a refresher of what VBS is all about. We've heard there were past VBS held at Cobabeng but it was probably almost 5 years or so that it never had a VBS.
VBS for the outreaches started with Beckel, held last April 28-30, a three-day VBS with morning and afternoon sessions. From last year's experience, the population of kids jumped from the highest number of 43 to almost 48 kids. Whereas the average number of kids was from 33 going to the average of 40 kids. Indeed Praise the Lord for the number of kids He has given and it is our prayer that indeed the gospel of Christ was planted amongst their hearts.
The next VBS was held from May 6-8 at Cobabeng. The VBS there was un-expected nor explicitly planned or I mean had a detailed plan. We went their by faith expecting a number of 50 kids and allotting extra 10 kids as emergency plan but alas! God has provided us almost 70+ kids. It started about almost 50+ kids which grew then up to the maximum of 78 kids.. It averaged to about 70 kids or ended with 72 kids. Through it all God was amazing and all knowing! Even with our failures and inconsistency still God has sustained us and enabled us to fulfil our tasks of teaching and sharing the gospel of Christ. It is indeed our desire that once again the seed of the gospel of Christ was planted in the hearts of the kids even with their parents. For we believe once the seed of the gospel of Christ was planted, it will be still God's ways or provision that it shall grow according to His will and purpose. We also pray that soon, believers here (Cobabeng) would be strengthened and established in their Faith in Christ and that soon they shall learn, know and obey the Will of God... The Will of the Father....
The next VBS was held from May 12-15 where two places simultaneously started and held their VBS having of different date of graduation. Guisset had a VBS from May 12-14 only, whereas Gumatdang VBS was held from May 12-15. This posed a different challenge and a different means of ministering. We had to form two groups to cater to the teaching force for each place. Guisset VBS was blessed with enough teaching force but the challenge was to teach the teachers be a better teacher and be a blessing to the kids. Young people from the place were coordinated to be of help in teaching while teachers from Loakan B.C. became critical observers and trainers as well for these new teachers to be. Two goals have to be met, primarily to teach the young people in Guisset to be effective and productive teacher of the Word of God. As instructed and taught in 2 Timothy 2:2... teaching others who are able to teach others also. And, of course to teach kids and share to them the Gospel of Christ, as well as for their parents. Kids from the place have somewhat been almost the same as last year, though God has increased it having an average of 35 kids from last year to 40 kids now... I believe the highest number of kids reached to 43 kids.
Gumatdang somewhat had their own struggles as well. For they lacked teachers and volunteers to help teaching the kids. But praise God, He gives strength, endurance, courage, and even provides additional helpers to help if in need. The blessing perhaps is that the number of kids also increased from last year's consistent number of 27-28 to 40+... The VBS ended having 42 kids as well. Indeed challenges to build and help even the teachers to grow from, while they help other kids to grow as well. Still the desire that salvation be upon the kids as well as their parents continue to be a burden.
Therefore all these VBS is done and finished by faith and by His grace. Having been also helped by people who gave their open hands and arms in whatever help they could give or provide, and therefore they too become a blessing.
With all these things... To God be the Glory!!!
This video was made to thank all those who've helped in one way or the other... named or unnamed, recorded or unrecorded, listed or unlisted! Thank you!!!
May God return the blessings a thousand folds as thou hast been a blessing to those whom thou hast ministered. Indeed your labor will not be in vain in the Lord (I Cor. 15:58).
With the help of the Loakan Baptist Church, The Living Word Fundamental Baptist Church, Gumatdang Christian Fellowship, even by individuals and sister churches, there were 4 places that a Vacation Bible School was held.. Namely at Beckel, Cobabeng, Guisset and Gumatdang... all sites within the Benguet Province.
Three of these places have already had their VBS experience last year, whereas Cobabeng, had a refresher of what VBS is all about. We've heard there were past VBS held at Cobabeng but it was probably almost 5 years or so that it never had a VBS.
VBS for the outreaches started with Beckel, held last April 28-30, a three-day VBS with morning and afternoon sessions. From last year's experience, the population of kids jumped from the highest number of 43 to almost 48 kids. Whereas the average number of kids was from 33 going to the average of 40 kids. Indeed Praise the Lord for the number of kids He has given and it is our prayer that indeed the gospel of Christ was planted amongst their hearts.
The next VBS was held from May 6-8 at Cobabeng. The VBS there was un-expected nor explicitly planned or I mean had a detailed plan. We went their by faith expecting a number of 50 kids and allotting extra 10 kids as emergency plan but alas! God has provided us almost 70+ kids. It started about almost 50+ kids which grew then up to the maximum of 78 kids.. It averaged to about 70 kids or ended with 72 kids. Through it all God was amazing and all knowing! Even with our failures and inconsistency still God has sustained us and enabled us to fulfil our tasks of teaching and sharing the gospel of Christ. It is indeed our desire that once again the seed of the gospel of Christ was planted in the hearts of the kids even with their parents. For we believe once the seed of the gospel of Christ was planted, it will be still God's ways or provision that it shall grow according to His will and purpose. We also pray that soon, believers here (Cobabeng) would be strengthened and established in their Faith in Christ and that soon they shall learn, know and obey the Will of God... The Will of the Father....
The next VBS was held from May 12-15 where two places simultaneously started and held their VBS having of different date of graduation. Guisset had a VBS from May 12-14 only, whereas Gumatdang VBS was held from May 12-15. This posed a different challenge and a different means of ministering. We had to form two groups to cater to the teaching force for each place. Guisset VBS was blessed with enough teaching force but the challenge was to teach the teachers be a better teacher and be a blessing to the kids. Young people from the place were coordinated to be of help in teaching while teachers from Loakan B.C. became critical observers and trainers as well for these new teachers to be. Two goals have to be met, primarily to teach the young people in Guisset to be effective and productive teacher of the Word of God. As instructed and taught in 2 Timothy 2:2... teaching others who are able to teach others also. And, of course to teach kids and share to them the Gospel of Christ, as well as for their parents. Kids from the place have somewhat been almost the same as last year, though God has increased it having an average of 35 kids from last year to 40 kids now... I believe the highest number of kids reached to 43 kids.
Gumatdang somewhat had their own struggles as well. For they lacked teachers and volunteers to help teaching the kids. But praise God, He gives strength, endurance, courage, and even provides additional helpers to help if in need. The blessing perhaps is that the number of kids also increased from last year's consistent number of 27-28 to 40+... The VBS ended having 42 kids as well. Indeed challenges to build and help even the teachers to grow from, while they help other kids to grow as well. Still the desire that salvation be upon the kids as well as their parents continue to be a burden.
Therefore all these VBS is done and finished by faith and by His grace. Having been also helped by people who gave their open hands and arms in whatever help they could give or provide, and therefore they too become a blessing.
With all these things... To God be the Glory!!!
Monday, April 21, 2014
Loakan Baptist Church Easter Cantata 2014
Good News of the Cross!
April 20, 2014
An Easter Musical with songs collected over the years... =)
Loakan Baptist Church
Here are the videos of the Cantata! enjoy and be blessed! =)
<<<=== picture lang to! hehehe!
eto ung mga videos ÚÚÚ
Thanks to Diana Leano for being the camera woman! hehehe! =)
April 20, 2014
An Easter Musical with songs collected over the years... =)
Loakan Baptist Church
Here are the videos of the Cantata! enjoy and be blessed! =)
<<<=== picture lang to! hehehe!
eto ung mga videos ÚÚÚ
Thanks to Diana Leano for being the camera woman! hehehe! =)
Friday, April 18, 2014
Father, Forgive Them
"Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.
And they parted his raiment, and cast lots." (Luke 23:34)
Meditating upon this verse and understanding why Jesus Christ said this, it has indeed added and deepen my knowledge, more of what we Christians ought to be and do. This verse indeed has been many times used by preachers and teachers. Surely, if we are Christians, this verse is very familiar.
Within this verse we understand that Jesus Christ is our mediator or our intercessor.... He intercedes for man, esp. us Christians who is His own. He is the Mediator between God and man. John 14:6 says "Jesus IS the way, the truth, and the life; NO MAN comes to the Father, BUT BY ME". There is no one else, no other roads that leads to God but Christ.
Within this verse we understand that Jesus Christ is our mediator or our intercessor.... He intercedes for man, esp. us Christians who is His own. He is the Mediator between God and man. John 14:6 says "Jesus IS the way, the truth, and the life; NO MAN comes to the Father, BUT BY ME". There is no one else, no other roads that leads to God but Christ.
With this verse, we also understand that when the Lord Jesus Christ mediates or intercedes for us, God the Father answers His prayer... And that God forgives! As we know, when God forgives, He no longer remembers it nor will it ever be used for bribery or something. Our sin is totally annihilated erased in His mind when God forgives.
But this verse is totally unusual for the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ prayed or interceded not for His people... but for those who have wronged Him... Those who accused Him falsely, mocked and spit upon Him, beat Him, whipped and lashed Him until His flesh are cut, pierced His hand and feet; Those who crucified Him. He interceded for them! But why?
First off, as bible scholars would say, it is the fulfilment of the prophecy written in Isaiah 53:12... "... and made intercession for the transgressors." That is the reason why. But I don't think it's just that! I mean literally praying for those who crucified Him only. I believe there is something we need to understand. You see a question came to my mind, "What if Jesus did not intercede for them?" Of course He wouldn't be able to fulfil this prophecy in Isaiah. And it would be possible that those who crucified Him might be all dead in just an instant (like that of Ananaias and Sapphira). But much more than that, is that we might not have, what we call "Salvation." If I am to understand, all man-kind's sin is actually the reason why Jesus was crucified. We are part of those who crucified Him on the cross, because of our sin! And we are also one of those transgressors of whom Jesus is interceding before God the Father. Therefore I believe, the moment a sinner or an unbelieving soul repents and confesses to the Lord Jesus Christ, then the Lord intercedes for him before the Father, by which forgiveness is given.
Now that we understand Jesus is our intercessor before the Father, now what? or what then? I mean, what does this principle teach us or make a realization for us? or what or how then should we respond? what effect is this to us? Surely, number one should be thankfulness! We will be very much thankful to God and to the Lord Jesus Christ! Much more these words will follow... Worship, Magnify, Priase, Adore, Honor and Glorify... All pertaining to the One Worthy of it.
But there is another one we should take note of... A response that the Lord Jesus Christ has been teaching as well, giving commandment to it that we ought to obey. And this response we often neglect or even always fail to fulfil. That is, on how then do we respond to others, especially to those who have wronged us, our enemies to be exact. You see more than our praise and adoration to the One worthy, what Jesus Christ did was also a call for us who believe on Him to do the same.
Do you not remember Jesus said "Love your enemies"? Do you not remember Him saying, "Do good to them that hate you. Pray for them. If one slaps you on the right, give him your left. If they throw a stone at you, give them bread."? These were His commandments and He did not only gave this commandment but set Himself as the greatest example of all. He did what He said... He lived in His life what He taught. Now the challenge is left to us. How about us? Can we not obey our Lord's commandments? Are these words nothing more but show off? I don't think so... If these words were nothing more than words, and has no meaning, a design just to make things unique in the Bible, then those words would become nothing more but LIES... and there would be no Truth in it. And if it is a lie, then the Lord Jesus Christ would be a liar. BUT NOT! He is not a liar.
Oh how often... how is it that we fall and fail in obeying this commandment. When someone have wronged us, we tend to make ALL things about that person so negative including all things connected to that person; We do not want to be acquainted. And we shut the door!... But can we not remember, that WE WERE GOD'S ENEMIES.... We wronged the Lord Jesus Christ so often, and yet HE LAID HIS LIFE FOR US, even interceded for us before the Father so that we could gain mercy in God's sight. Why indeed do we fail to do like as unto our Lord and Master Jesus Christ? We become nothing more like the one servant Jesus Christ talked about. The servant whom his master have forgiven of his debt and yet the servant wouldn't forgive the one who also is indebted to him.
Now here is another verse we ought to read and understand.
Now here is another verse we ought to read and understand.
"Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." (Matthew 5:43-45)
Take note of the last verse, it says "...That ye may be the children of your Father." You see, doing what the Lord Jesus Christ asked us to do is actually an evidence we are His children, God's children. And if we do not, what then are we?
Christ died for you, won't you die for others too?" -- r.e.c.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Missions and Giving
When it comes to missions ministry or serving in missions... it comes to my thought, not everybody understands the concept of missions, at times even professing Christians do not understand. Well, perhaps because there are those who have destroyed the image or the concept of what missions is all about. Within so called "churches" or "christian group" there are those who have defiled the true meaning of "Christianity" or "Church" or "ministry".. Just watching some documentary videos about Christianity of today can prove what I'm saying... Other reasons why Christians do not understand, is that they may have never heard nor have not even experienced what missions is all about.... Usually, if I'm not mistaken, church members are just encouraged to simply give to missions, never to understand what really is the heart of missions... Don't get me wrong... I'm not saying giving is wrong... I'm just saying, most often, we forgot something when it comes to missions.... Let me first give you these verses to remind or to study:
"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." (Matthew 28:18-20)
"But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." (Matthew 9:36-38)
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:1-2)
"[On the same principle] the Lord directed that those who publish the good news (the Gospel) should live (get their maintenance) by the Gospel." (1 Corinthians 9:14 Amplified Bible)
"Let him who receives instruction in the Word [of God] share all good things with his teacher [contributing to his support]." (Galatians 6:6, Amplified Bible)
"Other churches I have robbed by accepting [more than their share of] support for my ministry [from them in order] to serve you. And when I was with you and ran short financially, I did not burden any [of you], for what I lacked was abundantly made up by the brethren who came from Macedonia. So I kept myself from being burdensome to you in any way, and will continue to keep [myself from being so]. As the truth of Christ is in me, this my boast [of independence] shall not be debarred (silenced or checked) in the regions of Achaia (most of Greece)." (2 Corinthians 11:8-10, Amplified Bible)
"Indeed, the signs that indicate a [genuine] apostle were performed among you fully and most patiently in miracles and wonders and mighty works. For in what respect were you put to a disadvantage in comparison with the rest of the churches, unless [it was for the fact] that I myself did not burden you [with my financial support]? Pardon me [for doing you] this injustice! Now for the third time I am ready to come to [visit] you. And I will not burden you [financially], for it is not your [money] that I want but you; for children are not duty bound to lay up store for their parents, but parents for their children." (2 Corinthians 12:12-14, Amplified Bible)
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)
More verses to read & study: Luke 21:1-4, Mark 12:41-44
Well, I have placed verses and verses, practically talking about two things, or more than two things... But I hope we would see that when it comes to missions, missions pertaining to the task of sharing the gospel to them that needs to hear it... the number one thing Christ Jesus had in mind are ... what? Money? No, it is not but laborers... people who will labor for and with Him... Apostle Paul is one example who had answered that call.... and looking at the verses on 2 Corinthians 12:12-14 and 2 Corinthians 11:8-10, if I may ask, was apostle Paul mindful of his financial support or his needs? No, he was mindful of the people who needs to hear the gospel and God's Words... In fact, he didn't want to be a burdensome to the people whom he is ministering to... That's why I believe, he did also support himself with tentmaking (Acts 18:3).
But we do have to understand as well that indeed the responsibility of the church is also to really help or feed their workers, their pastors (1 Corinthians 9:14, Galatians 6:6). As pastors or God's laborers feed God's people with God's Words, so should God's people provide their pastors their needs. It is a mutual responsibility, not because I said so, or somebody said so... but because God says so! Anyway, if we are to really go to the root of this kind of responsibility, it is as simple as what God commands, love thy neighbor as thyself. And if we go further, we find the principle and God's character that GOD IS LOVE! Therefore, in its simplest understanding, if we the church do not do our responsibility in taking care of our pastors or laborers in the Word, are we not believing that God is Love and that we are simply saying or portraying that God's Love is not in us? Of course, this principle is not something that should force us to do our responsibility of giving.... God is not actually interested in that. But God is most interested IS OUR HEARTS!
Try reading Luke 21:1-4 or Mark 12:41-44. Jesus wasn't interested in how much a person gives, but how the person gives. The "how" is actually the status or state of the heart, whether the heart is fully given to God or not.. Romans 12:1-2 greatly emphasizes a life given fully to God or in other words our heart, our will, the whole of us fully given and offered to God and letting God use it for His glory and honor. Such is what God desires, though He doesn't force us to be of such. Apostle Paul, even begs, pleads that we called as "Christians" do so... because if we don't, then perhaps we ought to ask ourselves, are we truly of the Lord Jesus Christ? Are we indeed followers and believers of Christ? Do we really meant Jesus being our Lord (Master) and our Savior?
You see, I believe, when it comes to the missions or not only missions but even on the Christian realm, we so called Christians ought to be giving our life first. Letting our hearts be in accordance to the Will of God. And that is not only for pastors, laborers of the Lord or anyone special, but all those who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior! And if we give our all, our life..... then everything else follows... even with just the principle of "giving"....
Let me illustrate it in a practical life example.... supposed one professional person goes on a mission outreach and helps in that mission outreach, experiencing and seeing the needs of the people, being able to understand their physical needs and that person goes back to his home church. Then he has another professional friend, who is richer than him, of whom he shared his mission outreach experience. Then here comes the opportunity to give through their church regular offering, who would you think would give more? To whom would you think will the Lord say .. "for a truth! this man has given much more than the other"?
Simple principle of God is, "Give first your heart to Him, and He will use it mightily for His glory and honor and surely, whatever you do, it will be in accordance to the Will of the Father." (read Psalm 37:4)
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Cantata Practice for Easter 2014
Thursday, April 3, 2014
About 2000 years ago a baby was born... His Name is Jesus... a proof of Him being born is the year we are numbering.... What year is it now? Those years are counted starting from the day Jesus Christ died, buried and rose again... Why are we counting the years based on His death? because we are counting the years when might He come back as He has promised....
But the greatest news that we need to understand is WHY did He come?
Here first is the BAD NEWS:
Romans 3:23
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Romans 3:10-11
"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God."
Romans 5:12
"Wherefore, as by one man[Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:"
WHAT THEN if all have sinned?
Romans 6:23a
"For the wages of sin is death;.."
Revelation 21:8
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
John 10:10
"The thief[Satan] cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
Romans 6:23b
"BUT the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Romans 10:9-10
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
NO AMOUNT OF GOOD WORKS OR EFFORTS CAN SAVE US... it is only BY FAITH (Believe and Trust) IN JESUS CHRIST (Who He says as He is, Lord, Savior, Master, King)
Ephesians 2:8-9
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
Titus 3:5
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;"
If you have not let Jesus Christ be part of your life, Now is the time to decide....
2 Corinthians 6:2
(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
Romans 10:9-10
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
If you are a Christian, then I think this post is worth sharing...
But the greatest news that we need to understand is WHY did He come?
Here first is the BAD NEWS:
Romans 3:23
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Romans 3:10-11
"As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God."
Romans 5:12
"Wherefore, as by one man[Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:"
WHAT THEN if all have sinned?
Romans 6:23a
"For the wages of sin is death;.."
Revelation 21:8
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
John 10:10
"The thief[Satan] cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
Romans 6:23b
"BUT the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Romans 10:9-10
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
NO AMOUNT OF GOOD WORKS OR EFFORTS CAN SAVE US... it is only BY FAITH (Believe and Trust) IN JESUS CHRIST (Who He says as He is, Lord, Savior, Master, King)
Ephesians 2:8-9
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
Titus 3:5
"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;"
If you have not let Jesus Christ be part of your life, Now is the time to decide....
2 Corinthians 6:2
(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)
Romans 10:9-10
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
If you are a Christian, then I think this post is worth sharing...
Monday, March 24, 2014
The Greatest Tool for Evangelism and Discipleship
For years or even decades, the
Christian church has always been seeking great tools, methods or even materials
to use in such a way to have an effective and efficient way of evangelizing and
discipling people. Pastors and Christian laborers create books, pamphlets,
tracks, literatures, even use the power of media through radios and
televisions. Now, the computer age has come and the competition of getting
people's attention and ears to hear the gospel of Christ has become difficult. So
I ask, "what is the really best way to get people's attention and get them
to really see who the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him part of their lives? or
enter in a relationship with Him and also grow in the knowledge of Him?"
I do not wish to claim to know the answer, but I
believe God's Word has the greatest answer of all. I was struck recently of a
verse which is John 13:34-35.
Probably a very familiar verse and the verse says:
new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you,
that ye also love one another. By this shall
all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."
Jesus gave a new commandment!!! A new commandment? Is
loving one another really a new commandment? Of course not! In the Old
Testament or in Leviticus 19:18, we find the phrase "love thy neighbor as
thyself". Isn't that the same as loving one another? There are lots of
other verses from the old testament which in context really means to love one
another. But why is it new? The reason is this phrase "as I have loved you".
Our love ought to be based or compared or be like how Jesus loved His disciples
or us! And if we would look at how Jesus loved us, it's soooo compelling, soooo
amazing, soooo struck with awe of His love. Just simply understanding that He
laid down His life for us! The God, who is all powerful, all knowing, all present,
Holy and without sin, unspotted Lamb of God, One who had no guile found in Him
even when He was oppressed, ridiculed, mocked, stricken, abhorred, shamed and it
goes on; Yet, He laid His life down willingly... That is the Love of God! That
is how the Lord Jesus Christ loved us!
Now why am I talking about the Love of God instead of
the greatest tool for evanglizing and discipling? Well, I believe THAT(Love of
God) is the greatest tool for evangelism and discipleship. Of course I'm not
saying that materials we use or methods we use are of no use, but come to think
of it, without God's Love flowing and moving through you as His servant, as His
friend reaching out to others, wouldn't you think all of those methods and
tools are of no effect?
I've been with my father for almost 3-4 years in the
ministry, but he has been in the ministry longer. And I'm just amazed on how
God works through my father reaching out to people. I believe he has the gift
of evangelism. And because of this, he is a great church planter. Because of
this I tend to compare myself to my father, whether can I surpass or even be
compared to my father? Oh no, I don't think so... I don't think I have the gift
of evangelism. Discipler or teaching perhaps, but not evangelism. But throughout
this reminiscing, a young people shared something about my father. She asked to
herself, "why can this pastor continue to come even from a far away place just
to minister and teach God's Word? What kind of love does this pastor have?"
(not the exact question, but the same context). Made me thought, it was God's
Love. I'm sure. Love for the lost souls, love for them that need to be fed by
His Word.
God's Love is very important in everything we do for
the Lord. Especially when it comes to reaching out to the lost souls and
teaching and training baby Christians. But don't get me wrong, having this
(God's Love) does not mean everything will be fast paced or will be automatic,
like with just one button, people are assured of knowing and receiving Christ
and be matured in their faith. Nay, I'm just saying, God's Love is so much
valuable when it comes to evanglizing and discipling. Remove it, then both are
worthless. By the way, Jesus Himself has been already the greatest example,
that by His Love, the world was turned upside down. It didn't just reached Jerusalem,
or Israel, but of the whole world, nations and of different tongue. Yet, the
work is not yet done. There is much more work to do! So in everything we labor
for Him, may we always wear or better yet, plant God's Love in our heart that
it may flourish and bring forth much fruit, ready to harvest.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Friday, February 21, 2014
Gumatdang Christian Fellowship History
"Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved."
(Romans 10:1)
This verse paints the start of Gumatdang Christian Fellowship. It was a period of time for prayer towards the relatives and friends of Bro. Moren Macay and family who are in Gumatdang, Itogon, Benguet.
Bro. Moren Macay and his mother, Vicky Macay, started off coming and joining the fellowship of brethren in Christ at the Apalan, Loacan, Itogon, Benguet, year 2011 of February, now called "The Living Word Fundamental Baptist Church". Being part of the group and hearing God's Word and the gospel of Christ, Moren started to have a desire that the gospel of Christ be also shared amongst his family, relatives and friends.
Because of the desire, Moren gave his prayer request every Wednesday, whenever prayer meetings were held in the Apidos' Residence at Bakung, Beckel, La Trinidad. It wasn't an easy task though, for his family had to go through a process. Some of their family members are already an active and part of another Christian group, esp. for the sister of Moren, Joy Dizon, who is the one currently holding and teaching Sunday School for kids in Gumatdang under their previous Christian group. There were already previous bible studies held in Gumatdang by their Christian group, but for some reason it stopped and only the Sunday School for kids continued. With the family's desire to also join Moren and their mother, the Dizon Family also started going to Apalan-Guisset and hear God's Word on some Sundays. Surely, the Holy Spirit has been working in their hearts that they continue to long and hear God's Word.
But as the Word of God declared, the Christian life is a narrow road, a difficult and not an easy road. The Dizon family now then was placed in a situation where they must decide, which Christian group they must be with, since the other Christian group were encouraging them to be united as one family worshipping God. Therefore, they decided to continue to be part of the Apalan-Guisset group. The number of people going to Apalan-Guisset now increased and the vehicle being used is fully packed overloaded with people having a joyful heart and desiring to hear God's Word and fellowship with the believers in Apalan-Guisset.
Mid-year of 2012, the Macay & Dizon families' desire to reach the people in Gumatdang was kindled and continuous prayer was made for them every prayer meeting in Beckel. Other than the Macay family, some Dizon Family members also joined in the Beckel Prayer Meeting and started to pray for their relatives and friends. By month of July, a house was opened for bible study in Gumatdang, the house of bro. Eduard Cuilan. Bible studies were held every Friday night, and Ptr. Huberto Caroy & company have to go through a steep 30-40 minutes hike down from Happy Hallow. There were times they had to sleep for the night and hold their bible study in the morning of Saturdays.
In a few months, they transferred the bible study to the house of Mr. Ostran and Marjorie Macay, so that they could take a not-so-steep 15-minute hike but with a 30-40 minutes ride from Loakan Airport to Sitio Alumit, Gumatdang going through Tuding. As their number grew and with people interested to hear God's Word, the group then had a desire to have Sunday Services.
With prayers, Sunday Services in Gumatdang started by January of 2013 but required help from deacons and pastors from the Loakan Baptist Church and from other willing and available pastors like Ptr. Lyte Chapap, Ptr. Benjie Oriao, Ptr. Mark Ayano and Ptr. Jeff Albino for pulpit supply on cases that Ptr. Huberto Caroy is not scheduled to come for Sundays. Transportation vehicles were also needed and with much thanksgiving of the group, Bro. Daniel Raymundo, Bro. Gino Cabangdi, Bro. Julius Cawaon and others who provided transportation has been helpful.
With individuals receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, six (6) people followed the Lord Jesus Christ through water baptism last January 5, 2013 at Nangalisan River, Tuba, Benguet. And, another batch of believers, six (6) individuals, were baptized last March 2, 2013 at Asin, Tuba, Benguet. Then, officers were elected, namely Joy Dizon as Treasurer, Jonalyn Manongyao as Secretary, Marilyn Chale as Business Manager, Jovy Ingosan as Auditor and Marjorie Macay as Property Custodian; And, two (2) deacons were appointed, namely bro. Eugene Dizon and Rocky Macay last March 10, 2013.
By May 2013, a three-day VBS for kids was held and 27-28 kids were taught with the help of young people from the LBC and some from Beckel, led by Ms. Liberty Bendaen, overseen by bro. Roldan Caroy. After the VBS, the Gumatdang believers took the initiation to build a temporary worship place in a donated lot by Mrs. Nita Cosil. It was made by wood, sticks and a tent, owned by bro. Julio Palispis. With surprise, Ptr. Huberto Caroy held the next Sunday service in the newly built temporary building.
As the believers continued to grow and be taught by the Word of God, so has challenges and attack of the enemy grew. Each believer had to go through their own challenges and spiritual battles and prayer has been one of their weapon to fight these battles. With these, the believers decided to hold their prayer meetings every Wednesday even without a pastor to lead them. They even tried, house-to-house prayer meetings, after they've seen the example of the "ETC" group of LBC, visiting houses as they shared God's Word. They were also encouraged by the Ladies' Fellowship and some men of LBC who visited them on the month of September year 2013 and through joint fellowships and conferences they've been part of.
February 8, 2014 a new set of believers have followed Jesus Christ through water baptism along with new believers as well of The Living Word Fundamental Baptist Church. There were two (2) individuals who were added to the Gumatdang beleivers. And this day marks a new period of prayers and of thanksgiving; for all things that has been done and to be done; and, for all those who in one way or the other has been helpful being an instrument in building the Lord's body here in Gumatdang.
All Glory be to God!
To view pictures from the anniversary.. click here!
To view pictures from the anniversary.. click here!
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