Monday, January 28, 2013

Pray to the Lord of the Harvest...

"And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man."
(Luke 17:26)

What would you do if you were in Noah's shoes? What if, at this time you're reading this article, then, suddenly God told you, He will destroy the earth after a month? What would you personally do? Of course, I'm not saying that such experience would happen again... But just placing one's place in the shoes of Noah, how would you respond? Or, personally how will I respond?

Well, thing is... Christ Himself spoke that there will be such a time of the days of the Noah. Declaring the same or likeness of Noah's time, there will be a big event! The day of vengeance! If you are a Christian, you would know this: The Tribulation Period, The Day of Christ, The Last Day! But if you say,  you don't know anything of this or haven't heard of this, uhm? maybe you better start reading the Bible and if still you can't understand, try contacting me if you like and I'd love to share everything that I know (but of course, first of, I'm not an expert. But I have ideas!). Or you could talk to a knowledgeable bible-believing pastor on this matter.

Anyway, as for us Christians, let us go back to the questions I've asked. Try asking yourself, "What would I do?" In reality and in truth, as Christians, these questions ought to be asked by us daily. To challenge and remind us, why we Christians exist and why the Church exist. It's the main purpose or priority we should live out daily. For if we know that the time is at hand, shouldn't we think more of those unsaved love ones? Are we certain that our family members and friends have truly received Jesus Christ by faith? You see, one of the troubling Christ spoke of are those who profess that they know Him, but in reality Christ doesn't know them (Matt. 7:22-23). But more than this, if we know Christ coming is SO NEAR, wouldn't we do something about it? One probably great thing we would do, is to bring as much as possible many people to know the Lord Jesus Christ! To share the Gospel will be our priority.

Now, those maybe the things we would do? But the real question should be, "Christ spoke of the day of His coming, His return, shouldn't I do something about it?" I know we Christians also need to eat, drink, sleep and work. And I know we are concerned about many things. But thing is, if we truly say we are followers of Christ, won't we give a priority on His command towards us? I'm not saying that we just leave everything we are doing and go 24/7 sharing the gospel to people. It's just that, have we really considered our life becoming an instrument in leading someone to Christ? Have we somewhat personally made our initiation to do something in terms of leading or sharing people the gospel of Christ?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying we all are to preach the gospel of Christ (but that would be an awesome possibility, but surely it's not possible because of man's heart). What I'm saying is, have we personally witnessed and took part in sharing the gospel of Christ and not depending on the idea that we've already given our Tithes and offerings and that's enough? Although money is important in the furtherance of the gospel of Christ, but the command of Christ was actually "GO." And the "GO" command speaks of a personal physical body and person being sent to take part of preaching the gospel and His Word.

Thing is, too often, we Christians are being taught that just simply giving in terms of finances or whatever is enough to take part of His work. But don't you think such an idea is over emphasized? When Christ himself said to His disciple:

"Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest." Luke 10:2

The bottom line is, in these great and dangerous times, what the Lord is seeking are people who would take part of His work, in terms of personally and physically doing the work, esp. the harvesting of the fields or the reaping of the souls by them knowing and understanding the good news that is Christ Jesus. In short, Christians that would commit their life in the redeeming of souls that are lost. Because if we truly gave our lives, everything follows, even the heartily giving of support. Surely it sounds too much and just to unreal in these practical days. But if we would think further about this matter, it ends up with the question, "What does God want me to do and will I do it?" or perhaps another question would be "Do I really have an Almighty and Powerful God?"

In a glimpse of all the question, our problems with regards to these matters always point to our own self-doubts. And, indeed, one of the greatest enemies of our soul: the flesh.

Surely our thoughts and mind may be stirred by all the questions poured. But I pray that our minds esp. our hearts be filled by the passion and love for those that are lost. For lo, so many are they and needing the gift of Salvation. Salvation, a simple free gift God is offering but hardly one easily receives it. Why? because so few has the heart and desire to share it. 

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