For quite some time, I was given an interest on this topic. For even within the Doctrines of the Baptist denominations, especially from where I am, seem to have accepted this doctrine. Before anything goes out of hand, I wish to declare that whatever I share here is not fully the stand of the church I belong, but surety I know for a fact that there are those who also agrees.
Even from the very start, the Bible doesn’t teach that whatever the pastor or the leaders teaches, is already what we stand for or believe. It maybe for a time but until one reaches a time of spiritual maturity, the only standing ground one has is the Word of God or Jesus Christ himself. Not bound by any other person or religious sect or organization. (See Acts 17:11) It doesn’t also mean that we as Christians separate from the church, but simply we as Christian should know where do we stand and for whom? For the Bible is clear to say, there is only One God, One Father, One Christ, One Spirit, One Lord and One gospel; For by which one and only reason why the church unite as one. But certainly Christ himself declares too that soon there shall be false prophets and teachers, and also proclaim there shall be other gospels, tools of the enemy to deceive mankind, that only few might come to know the only TRUTH.
Therefore let us go back in the topic of carnal Christianity. I’ve already heard two guys having disbelief on the existence of such, a Carnal Christian. And I must say, I too do not belief that such a Christian exist and if one thinks they are, I believe they may be in a sense one who has not really been saved nor have indeed acknowledged who Christ is in his / her life. But I also understand that many seem to believe they do exist and at times make themselves as examples.
I’ve searched through Google some of commentaries or articles about the matter and I’ve read that Carnal Christian is defined as being a believer of Jesus Christ yet constantly living like the World (Based from I Corinthians 3:1-4). In addition, from the previous chapter, Apostle Paul talked about the “Spiritual man” and the “Natural man”; Spiritual, describing those that have received and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; whereas, the Natural as the one who does not believe on Jesus Christ.
Now, here comes the word “Carnal” pertaining to the church of Corinth. If I may understand, Apostle Paul was rebuking them in the sense that He is questioning “Are you not like as unto those that of the world?” or in some other sense “Is that how you live as Christian?” I believe that’s what Apostle Paul was doing. And not judging that they are so called “Carnal Christian” with which we define as Christians who constantly live in the worldly life. I much prefer these Christians as so called “Christian babies” which Apostle Paul also declared unto them, “…even as unto babes in Christ.” just after the word “carnal.”
One which I do believe is that, there is a possibility that a Christian can be still live like the world but would NOT be CONSTANTLY enjoying over what he / she is doing. Or such a scenario can’t be prolonged by God himself. For God will bring chastisement or punishment to His children if they sin against Him, in order to bring His child back to the path of righteousness (Heb. 12:6). But if one continues to do sin and enjoys it, even with the rebukes from the Word of God, may be a big question whether one as really received and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Truthfully a spoken word is one thing, but a word accompanied by their lives is a totally different thing. Action speaks louder than words as they say. Therefore it is not enough one can say they are Christians or saved yet they continue to do sin or go against the Will of God.
If one lives as such? Be mindful and be struck for it is a dangerous thing that when we face the Lord Jesus Christ and say “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?” and the Lord and Savior says “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:21-23)
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