Monday, August 13, 2012


Actually, it's not really new, but probably new for me. As of this moment, I am trying to start or organize a new ministry in a particular place called Beckel without me being there, but with the help of the young people of Loakan Baptist Church, specifically by the AWANA Clubs of the church; Also, with the help of fellow believers in Christ in the place of Beckel, La Trinidad, Benguet.

It’s quite a challenge, making a vision or an idea to be a reality. The idea hit me even before I was in Loakan Baptist Church helping in the AWANA Clubs ministry. The vision was about reaching and teaching children in another kind of method but with the inspiration of the AWANA Clubs Ministry. It’s like a modification of the AWANA Clubs program. Although it was just a vision or an idea, I was the only one desiring at that moment. Every after year, this was my desire for the AWANA Clubs in the Loakan Baptist Church due to difficulties the club was experiencing, esp. with regards to the financial needs and requirements. I wanted to try simplifying the program in terms of material and people required to be involved but still be able to retain the basics and principles of the AWANA Clubs Ministry. Although as I have said, it was just a simple lonely idea that no one had the heart to help in making it work yet at that time. But that was history and now being in the Mission field with my father, his desire to reach out to different places and people has truly affected me. But with too many places to go to and people to share God’s Word, my father can’t do it alone, a reason why I’ve committed myself in supporting his endeavors as well as my Father in Heaven’s mission. 

Truly in the field I’ve seen how great the labor is, and how few the Lord’s laborers are. I’ve also seen different kinds of laborers. But perhaps I wouldn’t dwell on that. As a Christian and as a church, the number one goal why we are still here is to fulfill and obey God’s Great Commission: “The spreading of the gospel of Christ and teaching and training them God’s principle and leading them to obey Him as well” (Matthew 28:18-20). I’m not saying that as Christian we all leave our homes or work and do witnessing (but that is a very good idea hehe!). But, simply as one who claims to be Christian, one must know: “God’s will and desire is that He could redeem those that are lost”. Therefore one must constantly take part, even in the smallest detail in helping to reach that goal fulfilled. The problem at times, we tend to be more focused on the world and not on the WORD, the Lord Jesus Christ. Anyway if you are a Christian, you should know and understand because the Holy Spirit should be working in and through you. The great commission is not only for full-time laborers of God but for ALL who believe. But if you do not understand, check your heart; maybe you haven’t truly received the Lord Jesus Christ in your life as your Lord (Master) and Savior.

Nevertheless, let me go back in my topic; truly our mission as Christian is to GO and PREACH the gospel and TEACH that they might know HIM more that they might be lead in truly obeying the Father’s will. And I believe that is also the AWANA’s goal. Anyway, it’s every church ministry’s goal to do the same. Going afar from these goals, makes the ministry nothing more but sounding cymbals; making sound but worth nothing but a noise. Or in terms of one word, it’s vain!

So as part of fulfilling the great commission, the idea of a modified AWANA was re-ignited. And my sister Jochebed was able to understand and given the heart as well. Having given her the ideas she was able to start making those ideas at work. Although at certain circumstance, she wasn’t able to finish it; I had to accomplish the task and to try to think through how things it would work. So then, the Bible Heroes Club came to exist, as just a simple thought of naming it. Nevertheless, we were able to at least produce the needed materials. Great thing there’s what we call Ink-Flow printers, printers that could save much compared to printing on other shops or something.

Now, we only needed people to help, therefore with Loakan Baptist Church flowing with many young people, I thought of them as being of great help. At first, it was disappointing with my expectations, but I believe God settled things well having given us the mind to make it work and the heart to truly commit and serve God.

So it happened, the leaders of the AWANA Clubs were able to schedule themselves. But as we know, the enemy won’t simply let it all go, a probable reason why suddenly in the place of Beckel, 2 groups of different denomination started a children’s ministry through feeding program. It was again a disheartening circumstance; nevertheless, we had to trust in God’s leading.

The place was settled and the invitation was given to kids, and August 12, 2012, Raquel Tecne, Mervhi Berbano, and Krystal Balagot went to the place of Beckel to start the children’s ministry or we may call it, the Bible Heroes Club. Starting with 10 kids, it may be few but most likely a great start, since it’s a doorway enabling God’s Word to be planted in the hearts of these kids. But it doesn’t end there for it’s just the beginning. Surely there will be more battles and challenges but as long as the Lord leads surely He will fight for us for the battle belongs to the Lord!

So begins a new ministry!

(below are pictures taken from the first club meeting.)

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