Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Christian Life Struggle

Truthfully, there shouldn’t be hardships in life if we are in the Lord’s side. Such as the Word of God says, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) . But thing is, we, as Christians are not in our beloved home.  And as the Word of God declares, we are but pilgrims or strangers of this world (I Peter 2:11). Our home is with the Father in Heaven and where our Lord Jesus Christ reigns (John 14:2). And what of this world? Ruled and governed by the enemy, the fallen angel, Lucifer, now known as Satan. Matthew 4:1-11 declares it as Jesus was tempted by the devil, proclaiming that the devil will give all the kingdoms of this world to Jesus, if He would bow Himself and worship the devil. And, how did Christ respond? “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” You would probably ask, how has it that Satan rules and governs the world, when the Bible declares that God created the heavens and the earth? True, that God created the heavens and the earth. But He gave the management of all His creation to man (Gen. 1:26-27). And since man fell to sin, Satan was then able to be the OIC of the earth. But of course, Satan’s power still doesn’t match over what God can do. God is still in control, but the system of this world is still as of this moment resides in the hand of the devil, as he is named to be the prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2) or the ruler of the darkness of this world as such can be found in Eph. 6:12. Therefore concludes, that we Christians are behind enemy lines, as also explained by the Apostle Paul in Eph. 6:10-18, we Christians are in the battlefield, not of flesh and blood but of the spiritual battlefield.

    So what now if we are in the spiritual battlefield? Chances are we Christians should expect then battles to face. One of the common pictures of spiritual battle would be, when we are tried and tested like the Lord Jesus Christ in the dessert. Most often, these trials and testing would include physical matters and probably the cares of this world (power, fame, possessions, etc… you name it, Satan has it). But all these physical things have its expiry date. For it all ends still, with God (Ecc. 12:14). Jesus too warns us about this dreadful matter:

Matthew 16:26 “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

Jesus, makes a point that what matters most is where the soul goes? Is it in the hands of the Father and of the Son (John 10:28-29)? Or, in a place prepared for the Devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41)? Now of course, we should know that those who are of Christ are those who have a relationship with Him… those who know, believe and understand Christ as their Lord and Savior (John 10:27-28). There are more verses that explain how to know Christ or how man can be saved from sin. But unless man would not believe nor understand nor have faith, it’s nothing more but words to them who hear it. For even Christ himself acknowledges that there are those who have ears to hear and eyes that see but does not come to understanding (Matthew 13:14-15). But if they do understand with their heart, then Christ shall heal them or save them.

    Now back to the cares of this world, these are the things which definitely make the Christian life a real struggle. The fact that physical and spiritual things are of different… say… “worlds” and most often spiritual things are not ruled by our physical senses, it easily destroys a Christian’s focus which is supposed to be Christ. I remember one phrase “Remember Lot’s wife.” from Luke 17:32. It indicates or teaches a very much practical view of the physical and spiritual struggle. Lot’s wife chose the physical things rather than the spiritual things. How sad I often observe amongst us Christians, including me, in this kind of struggle, especially now we are in a critical world or should I say, “Critical economy” (hehe!). Just a glimpse of my personal struggle would be our everyday needs. Sometimes I catch myself always worrying about providing the needs of my family, taking note as well that I’m still single (Haha!) Oh well, not sure if you could get yourself in my position or shoes but probably best if one experiences being the bread winner or provider of a family, maybe then real understanding of the situation I’m explaining will be revealed. But I think it’s easy to understand if you simply observe other people who work hard and try to provide their needs.

    Of course as a Christian, I shouldn’t worry, since I have a big God. =) … And truthfully, even with my unfaithfulness and doubts, God proves to be Faithful, Great and Good God. True, we would at times go through testing and trials, but as Christian we should always know God is always there. And the truth about this kind of struggle? Our problem is most often found in discontentment… It’s really quite an observation, how that cellphone nowadays have become more of a need, when these things weren’t a need before… life will go on even without these! Just a real big lie that feeds and consumes our own mind. TVs, gadgets and everything… all these are just but a real want and not a need.

    Sometimes I really want to picture myself having only food, shelter and clothes. I’m sure my monthly income would be far more abundant and overflowing. And, probably, help much in the ministry. But then again, here come cars, diesels and gasoline. Oh well…. Truthfully these are the things that bind us and make Christian Life a struggle. And, that’s just a part. Nevertheless, may it be that we could always Hope in God and have rest, knowing that God is with us!


Anonymous said...

I read your journal, and i agree with it. i don't care about material needs. my highest fulfillment will be the time when my son will be saved. if i don't have money, it's not my problem but if i see my son marching to hell, i want to die, i can't endure the feeling....rose marie

Naddjudge said...

Thanks for reading! =) it's a joy that even a few could read my posts... =)

iam_florence said...

Hmmmmm..i quite see myself in your shoes (being a breadwinner too)..and im amazed how God made our situations different. Like you, I worry also about provisions but i say you are blessed still. Why? You are with your family right now and everyday you can enjoy the bliss of their company :-) whilst i, must spend Christmas alone..(uhm, yes skype will at least relieve a bit of homesickness ;))

With all the material things the enemy uses to tempt us and making us feel these "economy crises", i just think they work as such if we truly believe that these are the devil's ways. And it becomes a success in ruining us if we let the world control us instead. I personally do not mind if anyone acquires finer things in this world, as long as the heart and soul of that person belongs to God, much more so his ways, thoughts and actions direct to God. :-)

It is true though that life nowadays is much more complicated. Those gadgets! I just could not believe my ears when someone told me her children first saw a live chicken in its rawest form when they were 15 years old (yup, in this techy country i'm in where electronics rule, some truths are unbelievable). And most old, traditional people would tell us, "kiddo, i survived this world without a cellphone"

I think whatever our plights in this world, God is just there to guide us. We are lucky to have our relationship with Him that whether have all these material things to confuse our lives or we are happy being "the-simple-me" guys, God is there to show us the right way to Him for us to enjoy this life. I believe God wants the best for us and we can only decipher that in our personal relationship with Him.

Naddjudge said...

Amen! =) Thanks for the post! =)