Monday, March 21, 2011

A Burden, A Challenge, A Blessing

Recently I have seen how God has been working in the hearts of men & women. Seeing the great fire in the hearts of those who hear His Word in the area of Apalan, the place where our family is ministering to, started by my father & mother just last year 2010. I have joined their cause this year 2011 and have seen how God was blessing the fruits of His work, having us to be His instruments in His Ministry, His harvest field. Herein I saw, indeed the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few. Much more just hearing my father stating his desire to help and share God’s Word on other places like Daclan and Cubabeng (a recent place where they visited for Bible Study last March 6, 2011).

It may be a blessing that I have been trained and edified within the church premises of Loakan, but sadly to say it is only now I have seen the great need of ministering outside the boundaries of the four walls of the chapel or the church building. People are groaning and desiring to know the Lord Jesus Christ. And sometimes we don’t even notice it and just pass by.

I know in my heart that I have not the skills or perhaps the talent to simply share the gospel in an instant to a lost soul. But I believe I could still share what I have learned in order to support and pursue sharing the gospel and God’s Word. And with me, being part of my father and my Heavenly Father’s work at the Apalan area, it is such a blessing and wondrous satisfying labor, for what we do is indeed an investment for eternity.

But far from this work of the Lord, I should have known more. I’ve never been such in a greater struggle and battle with the enemy of the Lord, when it comes to the spreading of the Gospel. At these times, our family is being tested and tried. Physical and material or even emotional problems seem to arise, such as our current problem wherein our van, which we use to travel going to the area, is now under repair and needs a great deal of money to repair it. As of now, my parents don’t have work to gain income from and as far as I know, mostly our needs are provided from what I and my brother gain from our job. Taking note in actuality, my brother has his own family as well. These matters are currently one of things we’re dealing with. And it has made me to constantly kneel before God and pray, asking God for His grace and mercy.

The recent Sunday (March 20, 2010), going to the place of Apalan, our van malfunctioned, reason why we were delayed on our scheduled gathering. I was able to handle though and continue our topic in our young people Sunday School, about the Christian enemy. Surely I was able to make one example of the enemy’s strategy. But further than this, I and my students were reminded of His great promise: “…Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (I John 4:4).”

After the service and our lunch-fellowship we had to wait for my brother, who contacted bro. Gino to take us back home. But it was a great opportunity given to me to share my knowledge and all things I’ve learned to the young people there in Apalan. They asked questions and I tried to answer it whatever I have learned. I admit, I was challenged with their questions. But probably a simple question bothered me. The question about our church (pertaining to my home church) having a program of which we follow, when it comes to house-to-house witnessing. I was speechless about the matter, for I know I wasn’t fully trained when it comes to sharing the gospel or evangelize to people out of the church premises. I only remember the month of November, when the young people go out to share gospel tracks. Other than that, I can’t remember much. I was more trained within the church boundaries; trained in the teacher-student kind of environment and not the going-out-to-reach kind of ministry. And so it struck me, “How indeed will their number grow if I myself do not know how to look for those who are lost and bring them to the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?” A very challenging work on my part and the more I need to cling to God.

Truly it’s a spiritual battle and even though it is a battle me and my family have to go through, it’s also a great avenue for God to be glorified. As again I’m reminded of a promise or a verse of assurance for whatever work we do for God. Gamaliel’s statement found in the book of Acts chapter 5 verses 38-39 - "And now I say unto you, refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God." The only thing we ought to do is trust that God is still in control and knows what He is doing. And much more for me to learn to be still and know that God is God.

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