As the storm has passed bye, it had caused so much damage. Hearing from the news, so many slides have occurred, roads have been cut-off, trees have been torn down, branches everywhere. And of course, one of which mostly annoys us, having no power or electricity. Everything seems to get boring. The fact that almost everyone are already connected with gadgets and the like. Batteries are drained, and people start to look for source of energy to charge in. People are stuck in, forcibly to stay at home to do nothing but perhaps look for something to do at home, which they often do not do. But perhaps one good thing of this situation, people can start reading their Bibles again.
But through out this storm, one thing took my attention and made me a bit excited even at the midst of the storm. Birds I have never seen personally in my life suddenly stayed at the middle of the airport, where I always walk through. They were aliens of some sort. I mean not from here, I think. If I would describe it, they were two kinds of birds. One looked like a pigeon, but not. They were a bit smaller. Their beak was a bit sharper than the pigeons and most of them were white with black dots. The other kind of bird was a bit strange for me. It had two long pinkish legs. And If I am right they were a bit grayish. The white ones liked to fly around, so low seemingly looking for food to eat, while the other long-pinkish-legs simply want to stay on the grassy area near the airport. If I’m correct they are called “gulls” and “stilts” (hehe.. kind’a researched it)
Haha! I tried to make some pictures. But before I got to get closer and get some pictures of them they flew away. And that was the last time I saw them. (Oh yeah not to mention someone “prrrrrrttt….” on me while trying to take the picture… whatever...)

It was an amazing experience though. I wonder if I could see more of them soon. Hehe! But anyway far more than that, I was reminded of an excerpt Max Lucado wrote on his book “In the eye of the storm”. Quite an interesting book! Part of it talked about person named Eddie Rickenbacker and with his crew, was saved by a bird when they we’re in the middle of the ocean. Plane-wrecked if I remember the story right! They we’re almost in the depth of their hunger, nothing to eat and suddenly after praying to God, a bird, he knew was a gull, landed on his hat. Because of it, their hunger was satisfied, with its meat and the bird’s intestines as fish bait. But before this event in his life, he had this ritual of feeding the sea gulls on a pier. And perhaps continued this, as an appreciation and thanksgiving for what has been done.
It’s indeed a reminder that we are saved by a “Sacrificial Visitor”. And it’s good to be reminded by that day when Someone sacrificed His life for us. One of which we are unworthy of, yet still He did. And hopefully we would not forget that thing that has been done.
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