Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 13, 2015 Sunday Events in Video Compilation

Here are compilations of videos I've taken from the Sunday, December 13, 2015.... feel free to view and enjoy and be blessed by the songs.... =)

Was able to visit Minac Baptist Church for their Church Anniversary in the morning... and had to view the Loakan Baptist Church FaithLot Concert-for-a-cause... videos are taken from these events

And sorry, wasn't able to video all songs from the LBC Concert-for-a-cause for the faithlot project....

Asking also for continuous prayer and financial support in acquiring the lot front of the church of Loakan Baptist Church... it's a big amount of money to raise...

Young people of Minac Baptist Church

The Heralds of Minac Baptist Church

Concert for a cause of LBC....

Los Musicos

Sorry though for this video clip... my memory card was not enough so it was cut off...